Built Environment

Future Forward: The Future of Buildings

With the growth of urban areas and surging demand for concrete — its key ingredient, cement, is responsible for an estimated 7% of carbon emissions. This film, part of the Future Forward documentary series with The Climate Pledge, explores how CarbonCure aims to turn this concrete challenge into a climate solution.

Youth & Civil Society

Upcoming: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)

The 67th annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment, will take place this year from 6 – 17 March under the theme, “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.


UN Climate Change High-Level Champions: Contribution of the ‘All of Society’ Global Climate Action Agenda at COP27

The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions have taken stock of the contribution of non-State actors at COP27 with their closing event – COP27 Action Agenda: Progress & Priorities – wrapping-up a two week programme of over 50 events.

Carbon Dioxide Removals

Carbon removals emerges as a critical discussion point at COP27

COP27 continues for a second week in Sharm El-Sheik, with discussions now moving to loss and damage – in which carbon removals can play a critical role. This pivot has been reflected in the number of events, discussions and policy announcements supporting carbon removals in the last week.


Nature for Water Facility: Helping improve water security, support climate resilience and protect biodiversity

Around the world, there are many examples of successful watershed investment programs that are proving the multiple benefits of nature-based solutions (NbS) to improve water security, support climate resilience and protect biodiversity. The challenge is that these programs are complicated to develop, require specific expertise to execute and can take a long time to get […]


Shipping & COP27

This is the last COP before the IMO meets in Spring 2023 to decide the final GHG strategy, of which we need to set the sector on a 1.5C aligned trajectory based on the IPCC science, with ambitious 2030 and 2040 targets.


Steel & COP27

COP27 marks one year since the promise of 45 countries to make ‘Near-zero emission steel the preferred choice in global markets, with efficient use and near-zero emissions steel production established and growing in every region by 2030’.


Clean Power & COP27

If COP26 was notable for impressive financial and climate commitments from primarily countries in the Global North, COP27 is an opportunity to show the shift from commitments to action and implementation, and to highlight the voices of the Global South.