
Porfiria’s Story: Redefining shark conservation by turning fishermen into ocean guardians in Baja California Sur

As part of the Ocean Breakthroughs initiative, Edges of Earth spoke with Porfiria Gómez, Director of the ocean conservation nonprofit Orgcas in Baja California Sur, Mexico, who is working with local fishing communities to transition from shark fishing to sustainable tourism, blending traditional knowledge with modern conservation practices to protect marine ecosystems and support coastal livelihoods.


Tara’s story: A 26-year-old’s fight to unite a community to save Belize’s vital marine ecosystems

As part of the Climate Champions’-led Ocean Breakthroughs, the Edges of Earth team spent time in Belize to learn from and spotlight the incredible efforts of local leaders, including Tara Scarborough. Through interviews dives, and deep conversations, Tara shared her commitment to uniting her community to safeguard Belize’s precious marine ecosystems.


From Cali to Baku and Belém: Why we must unite both climate and biodiversity goals

Daniel D’Elia da Costa, Finance Youth Fellow with the Climate Champions Team, shares his perspective on the critical intersection of climate finance and biodiversity as we look beyond COP29. Reflecting on recent global climate events, Daniel highlights the role of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action in mobilizing capital for nature-based solutions and building bridges between project developers and financiers. With Brazil’s upcoming role as COP30 host, Daniel envisions a future where financial stakeholders champion both climate and biodiversity goals, transforming regional challenges into global opportunities for sustainable growth.


Introducing the 2024 Climate Champions Youth Fellows

The Climate Champions Team is proud to introduce its fourth cohort of ambitious and stubbornly optimistic Youth Fellows. These seven dynamic young professionals — aged 20 to 29 and hailing from seven countries across four continents — will work within the team supporting the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP28 and COP29, H.E Razan […]

Youth & Civil Society

The Climate Champions Youth Fellowship 2024

Find out if you are eligible for our paid fellowship programme, and apply before 10pm GMT on Wednesday 10th April   Young people and future generations are environmental stewards of the future. Many are also leaders and subject matter experts today. The Climate Champions Team, in support of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, are […]

Asia-Pacific Climate Week

Young leaders take centre stage at Asia-Pacific Climate Week

The Climate Champions Team (CCT), in support of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions (HLCs) at Asia-Pacific Climate Week (APCW) are showcasing the potential of young people to drive climate action. Here we highlight the experiences of two Climate Champions’ Youth Fellows Shreya K.C, Tracking Youth Fellow and Chaeyoung Hyun, Energy Policy Youth Fellow, whose […]

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe concluye con un llamado a la acción climática inclusiva y centrada en la naturaleza

En una semana marcada por la agitación sociopolítica y los impactos del clima, la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe presentó un llamado enfático para una acción climática, inclusiva y adaptativa, que coloque a la naturaleza en el centro.