Race to Resilience

Revitalizing landscapes damaged by intensive agriculture in Brazil’s Paraná State

Race to Resilience partner Initiative 20×20 is working with MIROVA and the SLB Group in Brazil to restore degraded land caused by intensive agriculture in Paraná. This project seeks to rejuvenate 1,400 hectares previously used for intensive farming practices by implementing innovative forestry methods that promise greater biodiversity and environmental sustainability.


Salt resistant crops and the race to secure the resilience of smallholder farmers in Egypt’s Nile Delta

For Egypt’s Nile Delta, a critical area for the country’s agriculture and home to a quarter of its population the impacts of climate change are looming large, posing significant threats to farming, livelihoods and even the national economy. A rise in sea level, as a result of global warming, increases the risk of saltwater intrusion, […]

Nature & Land Use

Indigenous voices at COP28: “We implore all of humanity to unite with a single objective: to declare, “Enough is enough”

Three members of the Frontline Community Delegation (FCD), Maria Pedro de Pedro, Briseida Iglesias Lopez de Guerrero, and Maricela Fernández Fernández, shed light on the urgent realities faced by those most directly impacted by climate change. Their stories reveal not only the challenges but also the resilience and solutions found within frontline communities.

Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda

Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda reveals progress by state and non-state actors on adaptation and resilience across key systems

The SAA’s first Implementation Report, launched today at COP28, reveals positive signals of progress across key systems. Combined, they underscore a collective resolve to ramp implementation of adaptation solutions, enhance planning to mitigate climate risks, and close the adaptation finance gap.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Abogando por la naturaleza y la sabiduría indígena: la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe sienta las bases para la COP28

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe abre hoy en la Ciudad de Panamá con el objetivo de movilizar a la comunidad de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en torno a una visión común de lo que se necesita para transitar hacia un mundo de emisiones netas cero, positivo para la naturaleza y resiliente.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

LACCW Day 2: “Above all, do everything we can to protect nature. To do so means securing our own existence”

Day two of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 saw delegates dive deep into a broad range topics, from the future of our planet’s threatened marine ecosystems to the potential of green shipping, the transformation of our food systems, and the invaluable role of Indigenous communities in climate dialogues.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

10 things we learnt from Day 1 of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week

Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LAC CW) kicked off with a resounding call to action, setting the stage for a week of lively discussions and collaborative efforts to accelerate the region’s race to a net zero emissions, nature-positive and resilient future. With the Climate Champions Team on the ground for the week, here are our key takeaways.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Championing nature and Indigenous wisdom: Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week sets the stage for COP28

Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) opens in Panama City today aiming to galvanize the LAC community around a common vision of what it takes to transition to a net zero emissions, nature-positive and resilient world.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Racquel Moses: “We can do it. Having been the canary in the coalmine… we must save ourselves”

With Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Climate Week opening on 23 October, Racquel Moses, Chief Executive of the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator (CCSA) and High-Level Champions Ambassador, discusses the the region’s climate challenges, transformative investments, groundbreaking innovation, and the indomitable spirit of the region to thrive in the face of adversity.