How ‘Avoid & Shift’ can boost transport’s race to zero emissions
Discover why a balanced strategy that includes so-called “Avoid” and “Shift” measures is needed to truly decarbonize transport.
Shipping is the backbone of the world’s logistical supply chains, responsible for around 80% of all global trade and supported by 2 million seafarers.
It accounts for 3% of global GHG emissions, a figure which could double by 2050 based on current trends. If it were a country, the global maritime sector would be the sixth largest GHG emitter in the world (larger than Germany).
Long seen as a ‘hard to abate’ sector, the last two years has seen significant momentum in the direction of travel and global shipping could be a source of climate solution. It’s proved that decarbonizing shipping is technologically possible, economically attractive, and unlocks wider social and resilience benefits. So, what significance does COP27 have for the sector?
This is the last COP before the IMO meets in Spring 2023 to decide the final GHG strategy, of which we need to set the sector on a 1.5C aligned trajectory based on the IPCC science, with ambitious 2030 and 2040 targets. This COP27 needs to give confidence to policy makers that this transformation is possible and ensure that the outcomes of COP are transferred to the IMO policy negotiations.
What’s at stake?
Global Shipping is a source of solutions, this is our chance as non-state actors to demonstrate that action is being taken to show that the transformation of shipping is happening and this unlocks wider societal and resilience benefits. Shipping is also a demand market for ramping up investment into Green Hydrogen.
Shipping is leading the way in how it is addressing the capability and green skills gap. It’s also leading the way in climate finance with the agreement at the IMO in the summer of 2022 to develop carbon pricing. This is a source of finance that not only accelerates the decarbonization of the sector but provides developing countries with access to a multilateral fund for investment into green infrastructure and resilience and adaptation.
What the sector needs to see from non state actors
Discover why a balanced strategy that includes so-called “Avoid” and “Shift” measures is needed to truly decarbonize transport.
A coalition led by the Regional Maritime University (RMU), South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI), and the Climate Champions Team has issued a call to action to ensure a just transition for African seafarers.
Multi-stakeholder initiative Resilience4Ports launches the first sectoral, action-based commitment to enhance and accelerate resilience of ports from the effects of climate change.
Global industry leaders build on momentum from previous COPs to strengthen targets and commit to increasing the uptake of zero or near-zero GHG emission shipping fuels to at least 5%, striving for 10%, by 2030.