
Women shaping the future of maritime: Jaeda Sutherland

To celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime 2024, the Climate Champions with Lloyd Register Foundation interviewed women steering maritime onto a cleaner and fairer future. In this interview, Jaeda Simone Sutherland, Project Officer at the Belize Port Authority explains why she’s committed to shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for generations to come.


Women shaping the future of maritime: Aideé Saucedo Dávila

To celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime 2024, the Climate Champions with Lloyd Register Foundation interviewed women steering maritime onto a cleaner and fairer future. In this interview, Aideé Saucedo Dávila, Technical Officer at the UN International Maritime Organization discusses her work in reducing emissions from international shipping and examining their potential impacts on States.


Salt resistant crops and the race to secure the resilience of smallholder farmers in Egypt’s Nile Delta

For Egypt’s Nile Delta, a critical area for the country’s agriculture and home to a quarter of its population the impacts of climate change are looming large, posing significant threats to farming, livelihoods and even the national economy. A rise in sea level, as a result of global warming, increases the risk of saltwater intrusion, […]

Race to Resilience

INTERVIEW: Sheela Patel on transforming the urban poor from invisible and informal to recognized and resilient

Climate Champions’ Global Ambassador Sheela Patel outlines her vision for the Roof Over Our Heads campaign designed to help women leaders from informal settlements to advance resilient, low carbon and affordable homes and solutions for their urban communities thereby advancing the overall climate resilience of their cities.

Nature-Based Solutions

Celebrating women’s leadership in climate action on International Women’s Day

Stephanie Holthaus, lead of The Nature Conservancy’s Women in Climate (WIC) initiative, discusses the indispensable role women play in climate action. How do you see women’s unique perspectives and skills contributing to more effective climate action and conservation efforts?  Women challenge existing power structures and traditional notions of what climate action entails. Crucially, women take […]

Nature & Land Use

Voces indígenas en la COP28: “Imploramos a toda la humanidad que se una con un objetivo único: declarar, ‘Ya es suficiente'”

Tres miembros de la Delegación de la Comunidad de Primera Línea (FCD), María Pedro de Pedro, Briseida Iglesias López de Guerrero y Maricela Fernández Fernández, arrojan luz sobre las realidades urgentes enfrentadas por quienes están más directamente afectados por el cambio climático. Sus historias revelan no sólo los desafíos, sino también la resiliencia y las soluciones encontradas dentro de las comunidades de primera línea.

Nature & Land Use

Indigenous voices at COP28: “We implore all of humanity to unite with a single objective: to declare, “Enough is enough”

Three members of the Frontline Community Delegation (FCD), Maria Pedro de Pedro, Briseida Iglesias Lopez de Guerrero, and Maricela Fernández Fernández, shed light on the urgent realities faced by those most directly impacted by climate change. Their stories reveal not only the challenges but also the resilience and solutions found within frontline communities.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe concluye con un llamado a la acción climática inclusiva y centrada en la naturaleza

En una semana marcada por la agitación sociopolítica y los impactos del clima, la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe presentó un llamado enfático para una acción climática, inclusiva y adaptativa, que coloque a la naturaleza en el centro.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

LACCW Day 3: “If we do not take action, Latin America could lose up to a quarter of its GDP due to the climate crisis”

From high-level ministerial dialogues emphasizing the importance of financial equity to discussions on sustainable cooling and just energy transitions, day three of the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 once again dissected the challenges and opportunities for the region.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

LACCW Day 2: “Above all, do everything we can to protect nature. To do so means securing our own existence”

Day two of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 saw delegates dive deep into a broad range topics, from the future of our planet’s threatened marine ecosystems to the potential of green shipping, the transformation of our food systems, and the invaluable role of Indigenous communities in climate dialogues.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Chilean youth activist Julieta Martinez: The great opportunity that Latin America and the Caribbean has is to mobilize nature-based solutions

As Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week gets underway, youth activist and UN Women National Gender Youth Advocate, Julieta Martinez discusses today’s most challenging issues and the region’s role in global climate action.