Race to Resilience

The Pacific Institute: We must mainstream biodiversity planning and upscale this across every landscape, watershed, country, and ocean

The Pacific Institute is on a mission to create and advance solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges with a long-term strategic goal to catalyse the transformation to water resilience in the face of climate change by 2030. Here, its lead architects, explain why a robust — and implemented — agreement on nature at COP15, will catalyse their work.


UN Climate Change High-Level Champions: Contribution of the ‘All of Society’ Global Climate Action Agenda at COP27

The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions have taken stock of the contribution of non-State actors at COP27 with their closing event – COP27 Action Agenda: Progress & Priorities – wrapping-up a two week programme of over 50 events.

Nature & Land Use

COP27: Day 9

Looking ahead to next month’s UN Biodiversity Conference, the message on Biodiversity Day is clear – we must do more to recognise nature’s fundamental role as part of the climate solution and catalyze concrete measures to protect and restore it. 


What is Blue Carbon?

We are made of carbon, we eat carbon, and our economies, homes, and means of transport are all built on carbon. We need carbon. But there’s one type of carbon that’s a little more special than the others…

Nature & Land Use

Dr. Agnes Kalibata: To reverse runaway climate change and build resilient societies we need to transform food systems

Climate Champions’ Global Ambassador, Dr. Agnes Kalibata is President of AGRA, an African led and Africa based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the centre of the continent’s growing economy. In this interview, Dr Kalibata discusses why urgently transforming our food systems is not only critical for our environment and the climate, but for the economy – creating opportunities for urgent growth in a time of compounded crises.