Youth & Civil Society

Sophie Howe: The world’s first Future Generations Commissioner

With a remit set out in law to be “the guardian of the interests of future generations in Wales”, Sophie Howe is the world’s only Future Generations Commissioner. At COP26 she discusses how her interventions have secured fundamental changes to land use planning policy, major transport schemes and Government policy on housing – ensuring that decisions taken today are fit for the future.


COP26 World Leaders Summit: Statement on the Breakthrough Agenda 

Today, at COP26 in Glasgow, 42 countries launched the Breakthrough Agenda  – a commitment to work together internationally this decade to accelerate the development and deployment of the clean technologies and sustainable solutions needed to meet our Paris Agreement goals, ensuring they are affordable and accessible for all.  


From 1800 to COP26: A history of key climate conversations

This year’s UN climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, marks the 26th time since 1995 that world leaders have gathered to confront global warming. But the realization that industrial activity was causing climate change, and discussions about what to do about it, began much earlier.