Food Systems Call to Action

The Food Systems Call to Action

The Food Systems Call to Action aims to accelerate action to transform food systems to deliver for people, nature, and climate. We are calling on all Non-State Actors and governments to take urgent action to transform food systems to deliver for people, nature, and climate by 2030.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe concluye con un llamado a la acción climática inclusiva y centrada en la naturaleza

En una semana marcada por la agitación sociopolítica y los impactos del clima, la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe presentó un llamado enfático para una acción climática, inclusiva y adaptativa, que coloque a la naturaleza en el centro.


Clean cooking to build climate resilience

Clean cooking is one of the most critical, cost-effective tools we have to reduce carbon emissions, improve public health, and protect the environment all at the same time. Yet it remains underfunded and undervalued as a nature-based climate solution among investors and policymakers.