NSAs deliver Food System CTA Statements of Action
As part of the Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate, everyone from farmers and fishers to businesses, cities, civil society, consumers and all those engaged in food systems, are invited to submit "Statements of Action" outlining their part in this transformation. Discover the statements so far submitted below.
By Climate Champions | April 25, 2024
Empowering Africa through Sustainable Solutions: 4iAfrica’s Mission
4iAfrica drives innovative solutions for Africa’s governments, businesses, and communities, focusing on clean energy, clean water, and climate action. Led by Al Karaki, the organisation spearheads projects like:
- Next-generation hydrogen power plants: Replacing fossil fuel plants with clean energy sources.
- Compressed air energy storage: Providing cost-effective backup power and clean water.
- Affordable petrol-to-hydrogen converters: Reducing fuel costs and emissions for vehicles.
- AI-powered plastic waste conversion: Transforming plastic into sustainable homes.
Unleashing the Power of Nature:
4iAfrica leads the Accelerated Global Revolution (AGR) project, the world’s largest nature-based climate solution. AGR aims to:
- Remove gigatons of CO2 through mass planting of high-carbon sequestering plants.
- Revolutionize agriculture: Secure food supply, develop sustainable practices, and train farmers.
- Establish circular economic zones: Process crops into eco-friendly products like food, medicine, building materials, and biofuels.
Sustainable Partnerships:
4iAfrica utilizes an AI-managed supply chain and eco-friendly product platform to sell these solutions globally, creating circular economies, logistical hubs, and over 25 million jobs across Africa.
4SD foundation
4SD Foundation is pleased to endorse this Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. At 4SD, we place particular emphasis on prioritising the needs of those with least agency and resources. The inclusion of their perspectives is critical to a more sustainable and equitable food systems transformation. This Call to Action recognises this and provides a further compass to guide our work going forward.
4SD Foundation seeks to maintain an independent perspective, working with all actors, at all levels (local, national, regional, global), and in all geographies. We encourage a people-centred approach.
We know that when multiple actors from different sectors and disciplines connect, explore and converge through multi-stakeholder dialogues, these can create conditions for successful collaboration. Dialogues can also help reduce siloed working and encourage synergy of efforts. 4SD commits to promoting this way of working in support of a strong movement among national and local governments, and non-state actors (civil society, farmers, businesses, indigenous peoples, youth and more), collaborating and innovating to unlock the potential of food systems as one of the main contributors to people’s sustainable development.
Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is an Institute-wide effort that fuels research, innovation, and cross-disciplinary collaborations focused on water and food systems to meet human need. J-WAFS leverages the world-class resources for which MIT is known to advance knowledge and innovation to create resilient systems that can deliver safe and adequate supplies of water and food in a changing world. Along with ongoing seed grants and other funding of MIT research, J-WAFS has issued a “Grand Challenge” call for proposals, and will award a $1.5M grant for an MIT project addressing the food/water/climate nexus.
J-WAFS also leads the Food and Climate Systems Transformation (FACT) Alliance, a global food systems convergence research network of over 20 different institutions. Through FACT, J-WAFS leverages the collective and complementary knowledge of worldwide experts.
J-WAFS and the FACT Alliance use a food systems convergence research framework for engaging non-state actors and other stakeholders to support co-designing solutions to vexing food and climate systems challenges. The FACT Alliance is developing a comprehensive index to assess countries’ food security vulnerability in the context of trade for multiple future global change scenarios. Another J-WAFS-led project supports transitions towards more resilient, sustainable, and equitable food systems in the Lake Victoria Basin in East Africa through a systems-oriented co-design process.
J-WAFS also collaborates with the Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Center within MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering to apply a needs-based co-design process that identifies opportunities where research can improve access to sufficient and safe food for people around the world––particularly in vulnerable and underserved communities. Research efforts will utilize a collaborative stakeholder-multidisciplinary team model to ensure solutions benefit those most affected by food insecurity.
To learn more about J-WAFS and the FACT Alliance, visit https://jwafs.mit.edu/.
Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)
ATNI endorses the Call to Action and shares the vision that by 2030, food systems deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature, and climate.
ATNI’s Statement of Action is transforming markets so that at least half of companies’ food & beverage sales are derived from healthy products by 2030 and contribute to healthy, sustainable diets; preventing death and illness from diet related diseases. See also our Theory of Change on our website.
ATNI develops and delivers accountability tools and strategies, and challenges key actors in the food system to accelerate access to affordable, nutritious food for all, especially for society’s most vulnerable.
We catalyze change through effective collaboration with companies, investors, policymakers, consumer representatives and civic leaders.
Concretely, ATNI will develop the Global Access To Nutrition Index in 2024, 2027 and 2030, ranking the largest global food & beverage manufacturers and retailers on their nutrition efforts. ATNI will develop country rankings, including in India, Kenya and other developing markets. ATNI will engage with companies directly and by enabling institutional investors to engage with companies on their Index results. It will furthermore increase awareness of institutional and impact investors of the materiality of investing in nutrition. ATNI will also motivate national policymakers to include nutrition in ESG reporting standards and all stakeholders to standardize the definition of healthy.
ADM Capital
ADM Capital, the Asia Pacific private credit specialist, has launched its first impact fund, Asia Climate-Smart Landscape Fund (“ACLF”) for Indonesia to help address the significant funding gap for small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in sustainable agriculture, agroforestry and aquaculture in that country.
The blended finance fund will provide medium-term senior secured lending and will set both financial and impact targets for projects. Impact targets include enhancing livelihoods and increasing employment, achieving fairer gender ratios, improving land use management, and reducing greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions. Progress toward impact targets will be verified annually by a third party and 50% of fund carry will be linked to their achievement.
Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, is increasing its emphasis on supply chain visibility and Environmental and Social (“E&S”) performance. The government is keen to see investment into agriculture to help reduce emissions and poverty.
With smallholder farms accounting for more than 85% of all cocoa, rubber and coffee production as well as 40% of all palm oil, ADM Capital believes that ACLF’s partnership model and blended financing for SMEs can contribute positively to Indonesia’s environmental and social agendas.
Africa Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
Africa Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development (Africa CSID) is NGO, registered in Kenya, working with the marginalized communities. The organization works on three areas; Peace and Conflict Transformation, Economic Empowerment, and Climate Change with governance and gender-responsive solutions as enablers and overarching actions in undertaking these three components. Africa CSID’s work is underpinned by three interlinked approaches to work namely voice, capacity and influence with all interventions focusing on amplifying the voices of the marginalized communities, actions to strengthen local capacities and effecting change through policy influence at local, national and continental levels.
We work with marginalized communities based on their geographic location and specific population contexts of marginalization, as agents of change within food systems beyond their vulnerabilities. Our commitment remains steadfast in working with these communities to foster Food Systems transformation through diverse climate actions, including sensitization and other agri-food systems initiatives. Our approach integrates engagement with both communities and policymakers to achieve sustainable, inclusive, and efficient transformations in food systems.
African Aquaponics Community Fish Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd
On behalf of African Aquaponics Commercial Fish Farmers Cooperative Society (CACANA), we are committed to driving sustainable food production and economic growth in Africa through innovative aquaculture solutions. Our flagship initiative, RAS FlocPonics, offers a promising approach to address food security challenges and empower local communities.
Inspired by the successful “Rice and Fish” model in Asia, we have adapted this concept to suit Africa’s unique needs and preferences. By integrating Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) with Biofloc Technology (BFT), our decoupled FlocPonics system enables the efficient cultivation of staple crops like yam, potatoes, and fish in a controlled environment.
Key benefits of RAS FlocPonics:
- High Yield and Quality: Our system optimizes nutrient cycling and water usage, resulting in increased yields of both fish and crops.
- Reduced Water Consumption: By recirculating water, we significantly minimize water usage, making it suitable for regions with limited water resources.
- Year-Round Production: Our controlled environment allows for year-round production, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh, nutritious food.
- Reduced Environmental Impact: FlocPonics systems generate minimal waste and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- Economic Empowerment: By providing training and technical support, we empower local communities to establish sustainable aquaculture businesses, creating jobs and generating income.
Our Commitment to the Call to Action:
- Scaling Up Production: We are actively expanding our FlocPonics operations to reach more farmers and communities across Africa.
- Knowledge Sharing: We are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise through training programs, workshops, and online resources.
- Partnerships: We are collaborating with government agencies, NGOs, and private sector partners to promote sustainable aquaculture practices.
- Policy Advocacy: We advocate for supportive policies and regulations that promote sustainable aquaculture and food security.
By embracing innovative technologies like RAS FlocPonics, we can contribute to a more sustainable and food-secure future for Africa.
Agroecology Coalition
Agroecological food systems can tackle the climate, biodiversity, land degradation and hunger crises together – because they’re based on diversity, resilience and equity. As a systemic approach that addresses the various parts of our food system, it greatly enhances agricultural biodiversity and its multiple benefits – from production to consumption, and at various scales while promoting social justice, nurturing identity and culture, and strengthening the economic viability of rural areas.
The Agroecology Coalition aims to accelerate the transformation of food systems through agroecology, guided by the 13 principles defined by the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) that are aligned with 10 elements of agroecology as adopted by the FAO Members.
We believe that agroecology is central to implementing the COP28 Presidency’s call on putting nature, people, lives and livelihoods at the heart of climate action given its holistic nature. As a coalition, we endeavor to contribute to this by encouraging and supporting implementation of country pathways for food systems transformation by facilitating co-creation and exchange of knowledge and experience on agroecology; by promoting increased investments in agroecology; and by seeking political engagement and increased commitment to agroecological transformation.
Agropecuaria La Criolla S.A.
Estamos aumentando la superficie con praderas, y el pastoreo regenerativo, Estamos bajando el uso de fertilizantes químicos, y subiendo la aplicación de enmiendas orgánicas producidas con un correcto compostaje de purines extraídos de nuestros corrales de terminación. Tenemos un sistema de canalizaciones y lagunas todas impermeabilizadas que nos permiten que haya vuelco al suelo, que nada perclore hacia las napas freáticas. Estamos bajando el Eiq utilizando menos agroquímicos y mucho menos agresivos en nuestra agricultura , 100 % en siembra directa. Hemos efectuado una línea base de biodiversidad para trabajar en la conservación de la misma en nuestro predio. Nuestro equipo se encuentra capacitado y motivado con remuneraciones acordes, nos relacionamos con la sociedad colaborando en educación y en salud,
nuestro directorio a su vez se encuentra involucrado en ONGS que ayudan en varias temáticas de relevancia para la SOCIEDAD CIVIL Tenemos certificación de Buenas Practicas de FIDA, Agricultura Certificada de Aaapresid/Iram, Huella de Carbono con Carbon Group y una baja del 35 % de nuestras emisiones en los últimos 5 años. Hemos firmado compromiso ambiental con MInisterio de Ambiente de Argentina.
AMAGRO A.G. es la primera Asociación Gremial de Mujeres del Agro en Chile y tiene como principal objetivo la representación y visibilización de las mujeres del agro, generando redes de contacto y apoyo para potenciar su desarrollo y participación en los diferentes ámbitos en que se desenvuelven.
Somos mujeres que amamos la tierra y trabajamos con pasión para aportar al desarrollo agrícola y a mejorar la calidad de vida del mundo rural. En este ámbitos, uno de nuestros principales intereses es el de potenciar una producción cada vez más sostenible, que aporte en la mitigación de GEI, la captura de carbono a través de suelos vivos y regeneración de ecosistemas, la biodiversidad a través de manejos productivos más amigables con el medio ambiente y las tecnologías que nos permitan disminuir el consumo de agua y transitar hacia una producción más circular.
Para ello, nos comprometemos a comunicar y potenciar los conocimientos de nuestras socias en éstas materias.
Animal Alliance Network
We participate in the Plant Based Treaty campaign and encourage governments to implement policies that promote sustainable, just, plant-based food systems change. So far we have obtained a resolution from Los Angeles City Council, and we are working towards getting resolutions and implementation in other cities.
Aquatic Blue Food Coalition
We, the Aquatic Blue Food Coalition, support the Non-State Actors Call To Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature and Climate at COP28 and beyond. We acknowledge that transforming our food systems requires a global multi-stakeholder effort, to safeguard food and nutrition security, human rights, gender equality, livelihoods and build resilience to climate impacts. Our mission is to ensure aquatic blue foods are recognized as a key contributor to food systems transformation and climate solutions, therefore we commit to the following actions:
- Raising the profile of aquatic foods in discussions of the future of food systems, including in international forums and in national policymaking, highlighting their relevance to the SDGs and to the priorities of government decision-makers, including health, development, finance, and prime ministers.
- Mobilizing support, including investment, technical capacity, and partnerships for countries to integrate aquatic foods into their food systems and to implement aquatic food priorities.
We believe that together, as an international community, we can lead an ambitious and shared agenda that unlocks the potential of food systems – on land and in water – to deliver the Paris Agreement and build a sustainable, equitable and resilient future for people, nature, and climate.
Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
To develop a comprehensive process to drive investors in Asia to support the transition of Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate especially for soft commodities in the region through the following:
Continue the series of capacity-building sessions through working groups, investor peer-to-peer learning, and masterclasses to build awareness on the food system transformation for investors active in Asia
Study and develop research on the food system transformation topic that is relevant for wider investors in the region
Support investors in assessing their portfolio companies to encourage actions aligned with the food system transformation agenda
Promote investment that support food system transformation
Co-operate internationally and regionally with a wide range of organizations to tackle the challenges of achieving the food system transformation
Encourage investors to actively engage their portfolio company in the food system industry to participate in the transformation of the food system
Build relationships and actively engage with relevant government stakeholders in the region to promote and support the transformation of the food system.
Asociación de Mujeres Eulalenses para el Desarrollo Integral Pixan Konob (AMEDIPK)
La conservación del Medio ambiente, rescate y conservación de las semillas nativas forestales, sistematización de conocimientos sobre el usos de plantas medicinales, sistematización de conocimientos sobre el consumo de plantas nativas como principal fuente de alimentación, implementación de huertos familiares diversificada, implementación de red de producción de aves de postura con un enfoque agroecológico, fomentar las acciones de las mujeres dentro de la agro biodiversidad.
Aves Nobles y Derivados, S.L.
Aves Nobles y Derivados, S.L. se compromete firmemente con la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios para beneficiar a las personas, la naturaleza y el clima. Nuestras acciones concretas incluyen:
- Sostenibilidad en la cadena de valor: Controlamos toda la cadena de valor de nuestros productos, garantizando prácticas sostenibles desde la producción hasta la distribución.
- Innovación para la sostenibilidad: Hemos invertido en tecnología de industria 4.0 para mejorar la eficiencia y sostenibilidad de nuestras operaciones. Además, participamos en proyectos de investigación como el desarrollo de carne cultivada con Biotech Foods, promoviendo alternativas más sostenibles.
- Energía renovable: Hemos instalado paneles fotovoltaicos para autoconsumo, reduciendo nuestra huella de carbono y alineándonos con el objetivo de 1.5°C.
- Economía circular: Adoptamos la filosofía “zero waste”, eliminando productos de un solo uso y promoviendo un consumo responsable.
- Transparencia y reportes: Publicamos anualmente nuestro Informe de Sostenibilidad bajo los estándares GRI, detallando nuestro desempeño ambiental y social.
- Colaboración multisectorial: Nos hemos unido a Forética para impulsar la sostenibilidad en el sector alimentario, fomentando el intercambio de conocimientos y mejores prácticas.
- Compromiso con los ODS: Alineamos nuestras estrategias con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, especialmente el ODS 9, desarrollando infraestructuras sostenibles y resilientes.
- Inversión en I+D: Participamos en proyectos para mejorar la innovación en alimentación, contribuyendo a sistemas alimentarios más sostenibles y nutritivos.
- Mejora continua: Nos comprometemos a la mejora continua de nuestros estándares de sostenibilidad, invirtiendo en nuevas tecnologías y prácticas.
Aldelís se compromete a seguir liderando la transformación hacia sistemas alimentarios más sostenibles, colaborando con otros actores del sector y compartiendo nuestras mejores prácticas para impulsar un cambio positivo en la industria alimentaria.
Avrora MMC
Aşağıda qeyd edilənləri icra etmək məqsədilə mühüm fəaliyyətlərə üstünlük verəcəyik:
- İqlim riskləri və digər şoklar və streslərə uyğunlaşmaq və dayanıqlılıq yaratmaq məqsədilə qabaqcıl ərzaq sistemləri nümayəndələrinə dəstək olmaq;
- Ərzaq sistemlərini 1.5°C hədəfinə uyğunlaşdıraraq mütləq istixana qazı emissiyalarını azaltmaq, ərzaq sistemlərində qalıq yanacaq istifadəsindən uzaqlaşmaq, eyni zamanda, xüsusilə inkişaf etməkdə olan ölkələrdə bərpa olunan enerjiyə çıxışı dəstəkləmək;
- Sağlam, qidalandırıcı, dayanıqlı və yerli şərtlərə uyğun qidalanmalara dəstək məqsədilə mövcudluğu, əlçatanlığı və əlverişliliyi təkmilləşdirmək üçün ərzaq idarəetmə sistemlərini dəyişmək, qlobal məqsədlər və milli şərtlərə uyğun şəkildə daha çoxşaxəli protein və enerji mənbələrinə və daha balanslı qidalanmaya keçmək;
- İnsanlar, təbiət və iqlim üçün müsbət nəticələr verən ərzaq istehsalı üzrə dayanıqlı yanaşmalara keçidi dəstəkləmək;
- Su və ərzaq sistemlərinin inteqrasiya olunmuş idarəetməsi və su ilə bağlı ekosistemlərin bərpası vasitəsilə suyun dayanıqlılığını, keyfiyyətini və əlçatanlığını artırmaq;
- O cümlədən deqradasiyaya uğramış torpaqların və otlaqların bərpasına əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə töhfə verən meşələrin və bataqlıqlar, çəmənliklər, savannalar və torfluqlar kimi digər mühüm ekosistemlərin itkisini dayandırmaq və bərpa etməklə təbiəti və biomüxtəlifliyi mühafizə etmək, qorumaq;
- O cümlədən sirkulyar iqtisadiyyat yanaşmaları vasitəsilə ərzaq itkisini və tullantılarını yarıya endirmək cəhdlərini artırmaq;
- Ərzaq sistemlərinin uyğunlaşmasını və dayanıqlılığını təşviq etmək, eləcə də azaltmaq, maliyyə boşluğunu aradan qaldırmaq üçün çoxtərəfli, özəl, xeyriyyəçilik və qarışıq maliyyə də daxil olmaqla maliyyənin istiqamətini dəyişdirmək, uyğunlaşdırmaq.
B Lab Global
B Lab is the nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. We began in 2006 with the idea that a different kind of economy was not only possible, but necessary — and that business could lead the way towards a new, stakeholder-driven model. B Lab became known for certifying B Corporations, which are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. But we do much more than that. We’re building the B Corp movement to change our economic system — and to do so, we must change the rules of the game. B Lab creates standards, policies, tools, and programs that shift the behavior, culture, and structural underpinnings of capitalism. We mobilize the B Corp community towards collective action to address society’s most critical challenges.
The global B Corps community contains a great variety of companies leading the way, and that enables our Statement of Action. B Lab can contribute through the identification of leading companies, of innovative practices, and of global examples of what change looks like. Our global database is already public and B Lab can facilitate the identification of truly leading companies and practices in Food Systems.
Baif Development Research Foundation
Soil Health Improvement and Landscape Restoration Initiatives of BAIF in INDIA.
BAIF Development Research Foundation (BAIF) aims at Sustainable Natural Resource Management through community-led region-specific approaches to minimize land degradation, improve soil health to secure rural livelihoods, resilience and an enriched environment. To combat drought and protect valuable top soil, a watershed approach is found suitable in drought-prone areas. The implementation process involves creating local institutions for systematic implementation of the programme and introducing tree-based farming (wadi) and silvipasture with a view to transform wastelands vulnerable to degradation. BAIF’s land restoration programmes in 12 states of India have reversed the degradation process on 461,245 ha, benefiting 507,300 vulnerable families.
Implementing the Pro-soil project on 10,000 ha, BAIF has integrated appropriate practices to improve soil health with interventions such as agri-horti-forestry (locally known as “wadi”) which have great potential not only to convert degraded lands into productive assets, but also to improve soil health with higher potential to sequester carbon and halt desertification.
BAIF has entered into partnerships with climate-sensitive programmes such as 4per1000, INRAE of France and Global Evergreening Alliance for research and outreach. GIZ and KFW have also provided support for implementation of projects to halt desertification and to combat drought. BAIF has also partnered with Indian organisations such as Indian Council of Agricultural Research, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development and various agricultural universities for research and to undertake sustainable livelihood in vulnerable areas of degraded landscapes. BAIF always looks forward to engage in partnerships with national and international organisations based on mutual interest in areas of livestock, crop and natural resources based initiatives for climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Banco de Alimentos Paraguay
El Banco de Alimentos Paraguay ha implementado un proyecto denominado rescate en el agro. Este proyecto se centra en la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios para beneficiar a las personas, la naturaleza y el clima, siendo su foco el rescate y redistribución de Alimentos. Estamos intensificando nuestros esfuerzos para rescatar alimentos frescos y nutritivos directamente del agro, evitando desperdicios y distribuyéndolos equitativamente entre las comunidades necesitadas.
B Lab Global
B Lab is the nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. We began in 2006 with the idea that a different kind of economy was not only possible, but necessary — and that business could lead the way towards a new, stakeholder-driven model. B Lab became known for certifying B Corporations, which are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. But we do much more than that. We’re building the B Corp movement to change our economic system — and to do so, we must change the rules of the game. B Lab creates standards, policies, tools, and programs that shift the behavior, culture, and structural underpinnings of capitalism. We mobilize the B Corp community towards collective action to address society’s most critical challenges.
The global B Corps community contains a great variety of companies leading the way, and that enables our Statement of Action. B Lab can contribute through the identification of leading companies, of innovative practices, and of global examples of what change looks like. Our global database is already public and B Lab can facilitate the identification of truly leading companies and practices in Food Systems.
At Bel, we believe that eating well is a human right: everyone should have access to healthy, nutritious food on a daily basis. Our mission “Offer healthier and responsible food for all” is a driving force to pursue 4 majors objectives:
- Fight against obesity & malnutrition by continuously improving the nutritional composition of our products toward a balanced portfolio coming from milk, fruit and plant-based, also educating children & families towards healthier eating habits and lifestyles;
- Preserve planet and natural ecosystems to contribute limiting global warming to +1,5°C; notably by partnering with producers all over the world to make regenerative agriculture a standard, and fighting against food waste from farm to fork;
- Make quality food accessible to as many people as possible, offering portioned products that are suitable for all moments, all consumption patterns, and adapted to all nutritional needs;
- As a major player in a vast international and multi-functional value chain, ranging from sourcing to production and distribution of our products, our company actively cooperates with its entire ecosystem starting with our employees through producers, suppliers, distributors, consumers to foster the sustainable food transition.
Bezos Earth Fund
The Bezos Earth Fund has committed US$1bn by 2030 to support food systems transformation to tackle the dual threats of climate change and biodiversity loss, whilst delivering healthy food to a growing population. In COP28, new grants totaling US$57m are announced which will reduce methane from livestock, tackle deforestation in the Amazon and sour greater country level ambition and action in NDCs. US$843m remain to be deployed, which we intend to assign in support of the goals of the Paris Agreement and the Global Biodiversity Framework, broadly in alignment to the Non-State Actor Call to Action. Our funding will seek that emissions are significantly reduced from the food sector, and that we produce more and better food on less land (enabling us to spare land for nature). Specifically, we will strive to significantly reduce the emissions coming from livestock, promote sustainable practices, and safeguard livelihoods for farmers.
We will strive to provide consumers with more sustainable protein options by innovating in the area of alternative protein, further reducing the stress meat production places on natural systems. We will applaud and support brave and bold action by state- and non-state actors to rebalance our food systems to deliver health to people and planet.
Bio Food Products Ltd
At Bio Food Products Ltd, we recognize food’s pivotal role in our lives and our planet’s health. As a dairy company, we embrace our responsibility to protect people, nature, and the climate through our actions. Today, our food systems face unprecedented challenges, but we firmly believe they hold immense potential for positive change.
We’re committed to transforming our dairy practices for a resilient, fair, and sustainable future. By endorsing the Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems, we join a global movement striving for impactful change by 2030.
We pledge to:
- Prioritize sustainable practices: We’ll implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, minimize waste, and conserve water resources in our dairy production.
- Support local communities: We’ll work closely with farmers and stakeholders, fostering inclusive, equitable, and prosperous economies within our supply chain.
- Innovate for the planet: We’ll invest in research and development, seeking groundbreaking solutions that minimize environmental impact while delivering high-quality dairy products.
Join us in this transformative journey towards a better, more sustainable future!
We combine agroforestry and biofortification of forest products to accelerate the organization of the non-timber forest products sector, set up real value chains and supply chains to help achieve food self-sufficiency. We have been selected by Land accelerator of the World resources institute in 2021. We have followed an incubation program at PNPE Gabon in 2022 , our solution has been published by catalyst 2030 at Cop 27 in Egypt in her report named Local solutions from global south in 24 pages with title sécurité alimentaire et agriculture.
We have been integrated by CIFAR (World alliance axed in agricultural solutions resilient against climate) and Resilient knowledge coalition.
We have been selected by usaid’s finance and investement’s accelerator for climate projects and World Bank, we have recently achieved a Local innovation program with Red de innovacion local (Argentine) , we have been integrated in Local innovators community of Ayni and we are looking catalytic funding for to deploy our solution in a large scale.
Biodiversity Television Network (BTN-TV)
From 2024 to 2030, Biodiversity Television Network (BTN-TV) plans to partner with multiple stakeholders to carry out the underlined activities in order to transform the food system for People, Nature and Climate.
Create BTN- TV Media platforms on all continents, Starting in Africa, (Mongu- Lusaka Zambia) Australia,Asia, America and Europe were all actors in each of the mentioned continents involved in the food system transformation will be hosted.
Cover all events on food system transformation Online as well as Radio and Television programs as well as produce and air on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis.
Effectively and efficiently delivering the above ambitious global agenda e.g the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, The Paris Agreement and the 17-United Nations Sustainable Development Goals need more material, human, technological and financial resources, above and beyond what BTN-TV has to offer. There is a need for Multiple Partners like National Governments, Private Sector, Civil Society and Non- Governmental organizations to partner.
Biome Makers
Biome Makers confirms its endorsement of the “Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate: a Call to Action.” As a global AgTech company dedicated to empowering farmers and restoring soil health worldwide, Biome Makers is committed to contributing to the transformation of food systems to be more resilient, fair, and sustainable for people and the planet. Our commitment to donating 2% of revenue to address soil health challenges aligns with the objectives of this call to action. We are dedicated to leveraging our BeCrop® Technology to support the goals outlined in the Call to Action and to actively participate in the collective efforts to drive positive change in food systems.
C40 Cities
C40 is pleased to join this call to action and submit our Good Food Cities Accelerator as an indication of how member cities will deliver on this call.
On behalf of mayors of some of the world’s largest cities, we recognize the power of food policy to reduce GHG emissions and deliver on the 1.5°C ambition of the Paris Agreement. We can be global leaders and develop food systems that are sustainable, inclusive and resilient accelerating our progress to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Where our city governments directly purchase food that is served in schools, hospitals and other public institutions we will ensure those meals are healthy and sustainable and ideally sourced from organic agriculture. We will support cities to influence how food is distributed, its availability, and affordability as well as to regulate outdoor food advertisements in order to promote whole foods and discourage consumption of foods that are ultra-processed and/or high in fat, sugar and salt. We will support mayors to stimulate improvements in the ways food is produced within and beyond urban boundaries and reduce food waste to minimize emissions generated by food that is not eaten.
Cafedirect PLC
Cafedirect endorses the call to action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate.
As a purpose led social enterprise, our mission and our key actions are documented in our Gold Standard, a framework for responsible business.
The Gold Standard covers our ambitious work with our smallholder growers, our wider community, Science Based Climate Targets and our advocacy for better business for resilient smallholder livelihoods.
CARE has 647 food and water systems projects across 72 countries reaching 34 million people. For CARE, gender equality and inclusion are a cornerstone of climate action and food systems transformation. Hundreds of millions of women are farming and fishing on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Together with smallholders and Indigenous Peoples, they are custodians of agrobiodiversity, producers and traders of food, providers of family nutrition. Their expertise and leadership hold keys to both food systems transformation and climate action. Our models and interventions seek gender transformative outcomes whereby discrimination is eliminated, and rights respected (for example through the scaling of a gender responsive Farmer Field and Business School curriculum).
Climate change affects genders differently and that must be reflected in policies. At COP28, we call for all actors to pursue gender-just action in their spheres of influence, domestically and internationally, and support participatory convergence of national food system transformation pathways and climate action. This means moving to the meaningful involvement of women and other marginalized groups as decision-makers in all climate and food systems actions and discussions.
Center for Global Commons at U-Tokyo
The Center for Global Commons at University of Tokyo will work with key stakeholders along the value chain of a few key commodities as well as those in critical landscapes to come up with a transition plan towards sustainable production and consumption and propose new rules and regulations of trade and investment, so that we promote sustainable farming while penalize harmful practices. We will work on natural capital accounting so that we can measure and account for value of natural capital so that our economic decision making embed the value of nature.
Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD), University of Cambridge, UK
Statement of Action:
- Delivery of programme on how to improve food system governance using complex dynamics systems thinking blended with political economics of
- Demonstrate Prof Nazia M Habib’s innovative co-creation methods to food systems stakeholders to improve collective decision making processes.3.
- Apply Common Pool Asset Structuring System (COMPASS) to combine untapped assets among the existing food subsystems to attract sustainable blended finance.
Center for Study Indonesian Food Anthropology and Social Enterprise Gastro Tourism Academy
Center for Study Indonesian Food Anthropology and Social Enterprise Gastro Tourism Academy is a multifaceted organization dedicated to catalyzing ecological regeneration in rural areas threatened by rapid infrastructure development and land degradation. It operates as both an independent research center and a social enterprise, aiming to transform food systems towards sustainability while fostering inclusive communities.
Recognizing the intricate relationship between human ecology and natural resources, the organization emphasizes the importance of biodiversity and circularity in ecosystems. To achieve its goals, it undertakes labor-intensive and capital-intensive activities such as Eco-Gastronomy and Agroforestry, including the innovative concept of gastro forestry. These initiatives empower local farmers and frontline food system actors to adapt to changing agricultural landscapes by integrating traditional knowledge with appropriate technology.
The organization’s interventions span various aspects of food systems, from climate resilience to sustainable production and regenerative ecology. Initiatives like communal composting and community-managed gardening demonstrate grassroots efforts to combat climate change while promoting environmental sustainability. Sustainable production practices prioritize the development of high-quality local foods and consumer education, aiming to create societal prestige around regenerative ecology.
Agroecology and agroforestry play pivotal roles in addressing hunger and improving soil and water management at the community level. By avoiding monoculture farming and integrating traditional and modern techniques, these practices ensure the health of ecosystems while meeting human needs.
Community-based initiatives, ranging from traditional ethnic movements to modern cooperative economies, form the backbone of sustainable agricultural development.
In essence, the organization advocates for a holistic approach to food systems transformation, rooted in ecological principles and community engagement. By fostering resilience, inclusivity, and environmental stewardship, it strives to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.
Centre Multifonctionnel de Bepanda pour les personnes socialement vulnérables (CMB)
Nous reconnaissons les défis auxquels le Cameroun est confronté en matière de sécurité alimentaire, en particulier pour les personnes socialement vulnérables, telles que les personnes handicapées et d’autres catégories de personnes défavorisées. Ainsi, nous nous engageons à mettre en place une initiative novatrice pour répondre à ces besoins et favoriser le développement global et l’insertion sociale des bénéficiiaires du Centre Multifonctionnel de Bépanda.
Nous mettons en place une unité de production alimentaire axée sur l’agriculture hors sol. Cette approche permet une utilisation efficace de l’espace limité disponible dans l’environnement urbain de Douala. Elle présente également des avantages tels que :
- réduction des besoins en eau,
- minimisation des risques de contamination des sols,
- production plus prévisible tout au long de l’année.
Notre objectif principal est d’assurer une disponibilité régulière en aliments frais, sains et nutritifs pour nos cibles, en produisant de manière durable et respectueuse de l’environnement.
Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous prévoyons de mettre en place une infrastructure adaptée à l’agriculture hors sol, incluant mini serres, systèmes d’irrigation efficaces et équipements modernes. Nous nous engageons également à fournir du personnel spécialisé qualifié et motivé pour gérer et promouvoir cette unité de production alimentaire.
En créant ce modèle d’agriculture urbaine durable, nous aspirons à être une référence pour d’autres initiatives similaires au Cameroun et au-delà. Nous mettons l’accent sur la sécurité alimentaire, le développement économique local et la protection de l’environnement, afin d’améliorer la qualité de vie des bénéficiaires, renforcer leur autonomie et favoriser leur intégration dans la société.
Nous sommes déterminés à travailler en étroite collaboration avec les acteurs non étatiques, les institutions, les organisations gouvernementales et la société civile pour atteindre nos objectifs communs. Ensemble, nous pouvons transformer les systèmes alimentaires pour le bénéfice des personnes, de la nature et du climat.
Our collective challenge in the agrifood sector is to produce healthy, sustainable, and nutritious food to ensure food security, livelihoods and resilience of small holder farmers, while keeping global temperature levels within 1.5°C to 2°C and halting further environmental degradation.
CGIAR is the world’s largest publicly-funded agricultural research network, with 10,000 staff working in over 80 countries; translating global science to local solutions. For over 50 years, CGIAR has been at the forefront of agricultural research and innovation. With science, we have and we continue to equip small-scale farmers around the world with the know-how and innovations they need to produce more and better food with fewer resources, adapt to changing and challenging environments and, at the same time, protect natural resources and biodiversity.
Investments of $4bn in the next CGIAR research portfolio will harness the power of science and innovation to tackle climate change, increase productivity and build more resilient food systems. For every $1 invested in CGIAR agricultural research and development, investors see $10 worth of benefits to smallholder farmers, vulnerable communities and ecosystems.
The world simply cannot meet the climate and development goals without transforming food systems and CGIAR is committed to leverage its scientific capabilities to help support this transformation.
Changing Markets Foundation
Working in partnership with NGOs, other foundations and research organisations, we create and support campaigns that shift market share away from unsustainable products and companies and towards environmentally and socially beneficial solutions. As part of the Food Systems Call to Action, Changing Markets commits to combating misinformation online surrounding diets, and continuing to work with partners to provide an evidence base to support a fair and sustainable food system, advocating for big food companies to reduce their emissions (including methane), become more transparent in their reporting and shift towards more plant-based products.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid works across 17 programmes in 25 countries, focusing on locally-led adaptation, disaster risk reduction, gender justice, agrometeorological services & technical support for agricultural livelihoods & inclusive access to markets. This integrated approach to resilience has informed our work through our local partners with small-scale farmers & herders for over 20 years & continues to guide our support for their transitions to agroecology as per the 13 Principles defined by the HLPE of the CFS.
Their evidence supports our collective learning and advocacy, calling for a whole food system transition to agroecology with at least the same urgency as the needed transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy if the adaptation, mitigation and loss & damage objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement are to be achieved.
This recognises the multiple benefits of agroecology to sustainable productivity improvements, reduced land degradation, enhanced food security, nutrition & health, greater resilience to climate shocks & stresses, reduced emissions & reversing biodiversity & agrobiodiversity loss. If global food security is to survive now unavoidable climate change, all relevant resources (subsidies, R&D, donor and MDB, NGO and private sector) need to be oriented to this change.
Citizens’ Climate International
Citizens’ Climate International empowers citizen volunteer policy advocates to build political will for a livable climate future. We also represent our network of stakeholders from 76 countries in the UNFCCC and other intergovernmental processes. In 2023, we launched a stakeholder-informed NDC Collaborative, aimed at strengthening national climate plans, so they are economy-wide, include all GHGs, consider the needs and priorities of stakeholders, and align with 1.5ºC or better. We then launched a Food, Finance, and Democracy project, to provide volunteer policy advocates with the tools they need to steer policy toward healthy, climate-resilient, investable food systems transformation. These efforts come together in support of a broader Capital to Communities approach to participatory decision-making on climate-related planning and investment and the ongoing reform of international financial structures. We are also tying food systems transformation into our work on the Right to Resilience and non-market multilateral climate cooperation.
Cleantech21 Foundation
We specifically work toward and advocate for a simple, fair, and effective implementation of a price on all GHG emissions, and on non-sustainable land use – as per our mission for an equitable and sustainable market economy.
In response to the COP28 UAE Declaration on Food Systems, Resilient Agriculture and Climate Action, Clim-Eat stands resolute in translating words into impactful action. Acknowledging historical skepticism surrounding initiatives, Clim-Eat pledges a proactive role in delivering tangible outcomes.
In the coming three years, Clim-Eat commits to supporting five African countries in their efforts to improve the resilience of their food systems. Embracing the call to action by non-party stakeholders, Clim-Eat will actively participate and support efforts aimed at driving positive change.
In collaboration with the Bezos Earth Fund, Clim-Eat will identify and champion game-changing technologies that can contribute to transforming food systems. The focus is on not only identifying these technologies but also mobilizing communities to scale up their implementation.
Clim-Eat embraces the responsibility entrusted to it by the global food community and emphasizes the need for candid conversations to spur collective learning. By being boldly constructive, Clim-Eat aims to help break the cycle of unfulfilled declarations, fostering a proactive commitment to meaningful change.
Climate Action Network Uganda
We stand with Global Alliance to call all national leaders and parliamentarians in their respective entities. Food Security and Food Systems is vital, with an eight billion population globally, access to food with nutritional values, is important.
There needs to be a deliberate shift towards ensuring that the system works for all the people. Most especially the vulnerable communities that are facing climate change immensely. Let COP28, be the measure for real tangible results for farmers, with inclusiveness in climate finance distribution and Loss and Damage addressed. We must all take individual responsibility, however the Global North needs to walk the talk. Enough with Declarations; action is needed right now!
Listen to the voices of hungry children, mothers looking for water and food hours to feed their children due to crop failure and climate change crisis; yet billions of dollars are spent in a day in endless wars that grossly affect families. Why is it more important for war machinery to mobilise billions of dollars in one bit; but the same governments fail to mobilise adequately to address Climate Change?
CAN U works with policy makers and grassroot communities to push for legal reforms to address food security in Uganda.
Climate Bonds Initiative
Climate Bonds Initiative (Climate Bonds) is dedicated to driving global capital towards impactful climate action. Our approach is threefold: developing and implementing the Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme, engaging in policy advocacy, and delivering comprehensive market intelligence.
Central to our strategy is the Agri-Food Transition Programme, a vital component of our flagship Transition Programme. This initiative focuses on redirecting financial resources to transform key economic sectors, ensuring their alignment with a net-zero, resilient, and sustainable future. Specifically, we target deforestation and conversion-free agri-food production.
Climate Bonds key actions include:
- Agri-Food Criteria Development: Since 2021, we have been formulating criteria for the agri-food sector, encompassing crop and livestock production, deforestation and conversion-free (DCF) practices, and sustainable food supply chains.
- Standard and Certification Scheme Expansion: Our scheme offers a robust, science-backed labelling process for diverse sustainability-linked financial instruments. These include entities, assets, bonds, loans, and more, ensuring they align with the Paris Climate Agreement’s 1.5-degree goal.
- Global Utilisation and Influence: The scheme is leveraged globally by bond issuers, governments, investors, and financial markets. It prioritises investments that address broader sustainability issues like land use, biodiversity, water management, food waste, circular economy practices, and equitable transition.
Climate Group
In our Climate Group Food System, we’re working with powerful coalitions of corporates and governments to target a range of issues within the global food supply chains, particularly in shifting demand and diets.
Climate-KIC endorses in full this call to action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate.
Climate KIC is engaged in systemic transformations that aim to bring our planet back to a less than 1.5 deg path. These transformations include food systems at country scale and at bio-regional scale in partnership with governments, local communities, farmers, businesses, financial institutions, investors, research and policy makers.
Our work is focused on building on large scale and inclusive mobilisation of stakeholders to generate place-based and value-chain based portfolios of interconnected innovation actions which altogether address many barriers and levers of food and land use systems. We try in particular to reconnect producers and consumers to ensure we address the needs of both in a harmonised way. We act on the belief that demonstrating the possibility and benefits of transformation will raise awareness, build confidence and mobilise wider action.
In the near future, we intend to complete our on-going work by financing and implementing the identified portfolios of action, deepening learning, knowledge building practices, skills and capabilities and, based on lessons learnt, use our approach to accelerate transformation of other agri-food systems. We will use our systems change approach to support countries, cities and regions to scale innovations needed to deliver the commitments made at COP28.
Aligning with the Race to Resilience objectives, we will also further deploy tools that contribute to the resilience of smallholder farmers that have been piloted in a few African countries. These tools help smallholders access credit from their local banks and help them implement climate-proof farming practices that increase their resilience. They have been implemented in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Uganda. Other countries will follow.
Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)
The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) shares the vision that by 2030, food systems deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature, and climate. To implement the Call to Action, CA4SH:
- Advocates for soil health as the very foundation of our food
- Highlights the fundamental role of soil health in addressing food and nutrition security, improving productivity, rural livelihoods, and water resilience, safeguarding biodiversity and nature, and contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
- Generates evidence to scale soil health globally and combat desertification, climate change, and nature and biodiversity loss.
- Advocates for accessible and inclusive multi-stakeholder action to build an enabling environment at multiple levels for supporting, financing, scaling and monitoring healthy soil ecosystems.
- Brings in the voice of youth and women for increased
- Inspires actors and identifies actionable recommendations to include soil health evidence in negotiations and policies.
- Develops policy analyses and presents opportunities for integrating soil health into Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) goals.
- Highlights examples for on-the-ground scaling of healthy soil
- Mobilises stakeholders to champion soil-centric approaches, policies, and collective action
Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura
A Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura é uma rede com mais de 370 representantes dos setores privado, financeiro, academia e sociedade civil, que articula ações em prol do uso harmônico, sustentável e inclusivo da terra no país, conciliando produção agropecuária e conservação ambiental. Por considerarmos que os sistemas alimentares são uma parte vital para a equação do desenvolvimento sustentável, endossamos o Call to Action dos Atores Não Estatais da COP 28: “Transformando os sistemas alimentares para as pessoas, a natureza e o clima”.
Nossa rede considera que a segurança alimentar e o combate à fome são essenciais para promover a prosperidade do Brasil, país entre os mais biodiversos e maiores produtores de alimentos do mundo. A Coalizão dedica esforços à promoção da agricultura sustentável, o aprimoramento de critérios socioambientais para a concessão de crédito rural, a criação de um plano de ação em prol da alimentação saudável e a transferência de tecnologias para descarbonização dos sistemas produtivos de pequenos produtores, entre outros.
A Coalizão teve um papel-chave na elaboração da NDC brasileira em 2015. Defendemos o aumento da ambição climática – que, no Brasil, em boa parte se dará através do combate ao desmatamento e da descarbonização dos sistemas alimentares.
Commonland, is working globally together with local and institutional partners, to realise the Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate by providing stakeholders with the 4 Returns framework: a holistic approach to integrated landscape management and restoration. The framework creates clarity, and enables stakeholders with a clear language, tools, monitoring and learning to long term work on realizing sustainable landscapes that provide food, fibers, goods and services that generate inspirational, social, natural and financial returns for decades to come, in such a way that it can be replicated and monitored.
Compassion in World Farming
Compassion in World Farming is committed to transforming our agrifood systems to deliver a healthier, sustainable, and higher welfare existence for humans, animals, and the planet. Compassion recognizes that food-producing animals play a critical role in ensuring the livelihoods and food and nutrition security for many around the world, especially those most vulnerable. They can also be part of the solution to the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises we are faced with. As the world’s population grows, we commit to facilitating transformations which respond to context-specific needs and remain within planetary health boundaries.
We know that agroecological practices which optimize animal health and welfare combined with right-sizing our animal source food consumption can deliver this transformation change. To achieve this, Compassion commits to continuing its engagements with stakeholders across the UN system to overcome barriers, build common ground, amplify ambition, and accelerate action towards sustainable, humane and equitable livestock production systems. Operating squarely at the science-policy interface, we aim to enable changemakers to break down silos and build up coalitions pursuing transformative actions grounded in evidence.
We commit to the tenets of the Non-State Actor Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate and we are proud to join over 200 other non-state actors delivering the change we need and the change our planet deserves.
Consumers International
Consumers International – together with our network of more than 200 consumer organisations in over 100 countries worldwide – will continue to bring the voice of the consumer into food systems governance at every level, from local to global.
We will hold governments and businesses accountable to their commitments and responsibilities, while collaborating constructively to build ambition and share solutions. In line with our Action Agenda for Future Food Systems, we will champion efforts to unlock demand-side transformation of food systems; to guarantee the universal right to safe, healthy, and sustainable food; and to break down siloes between food, climate, and nature.
We will empower consumers and communities to be active and influential agents of change. This does not simply mean changing how we consume food, but also acting collectively to claim our right to adequate food, to a healthy planet, to a fair society; and building grassroots food systems solutions from the ground up. This will again involve building bridges – especially with farmers and other frontline food systems actors – to establish local food systems that advance agroecology and food sovereignty, to meet the needs of people and the planet.
COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes
As leading businesses, we continue to advocate for accelerated action to achieve healthy, regenerative, and equitable food systems; a vision we share with ambitious governments and other non-state actors such as landscape initiatives and financiers. As companies, we commit to adopting regenerative agriculture as a solution to transition large agricultural landscapes to regenerative landscapes, and call on our industry peers, governments and all food systems actors to work with us to scale our efforts.
Within our work on the COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes, we commit to share data, at an aggregate level, on our efforts to date and on our future plans to transition towards regenerative landscapes, with the intention to create the transparency and awareness necessary to achieve transformation at scale. We also commit to report against key impact areas relevant for regenerative agriculture and landscapes, including but not limited to soil health, GHG emissions, biodiversity, water, and farmer livelihoods.
Through this multistakeholder, collaborative Action Agenda, we will aggregate, accelerate and amplify existing efforts and new commitments to transition large agricultural landscapes to regenerative landscapes by 2030, putting farmers at the center of the transformation and encouraging a holistic perspective on land management.
La Agricultura Familiar Campesina e Indígena (AFCI) está presente en la vida económica, política, social y ambiental de los países MERCOSUR, contribuyendo en distribución geográfica de la población, produciendo y ofertando alimentos para la seguridad alimentaria, manteniendo la cultura y los saberes tradicionales en los territorios. Esto es clave, para bajar los daños ambientales, recuperando y conservando la biodiversidad, y aumentando la florestación indispensable para frenar el calentamiento global.
La AFCI es el sector más frágil del sistema alimentario. Esta dispersa en biomas o zonas productivas más frágiles y no dispone de políticas consistentes para adaptarse y mitigar los impactos de los cambios del clima.
COPROFAM busca fortalecer su incidencia en lo diálogo político de la agenda 2030 de los ODSs, de la convención Cuadro del Clima (COP) y de la construcción de Sistemas Alimentarios Sustentables, justos e inclusivos, donde la AFCI pueda acceder a políticas públicas para hacer la transición para la agroecología, adaptarse a los cambios climáticos, proteger y restaurar la naturaleza, la biodiversidad y producir alimentos sanos y nutritivos en sus territorios.
COPROFAM y sus afiliadas se suman a la iniciativa de llamado a la Acción de los Sistemas Alimentarios, por considerar clave, urgente y necesario cambiar el sistema actual por ser injusto, excluyente, concentrador de tierra y renta e insostenible (social, económico y ambiental). El presente al llamado de hacer ganar fuerza y poder para presionar a los gobernantes a rever las metas de la agenda 2030 de los ODS, aumentar las metas y compromisos con las NDCs, y poner en marcha la transición hacia una agricultura sostenible con foco en la agroecología, fomentando la construcción de un nuevo sistema alimentario, donde se prima la soberanía y la seguridad alimentaria de las poblaciones con alimentos sanos y nutritivos.
For Danone, food systems transformation is essential if we are to deliver on our mission to bring health through food to as many people as possible. We pledge to support this transformation across our value chain. Our commitments include:
- Transforming our business in line with 5°C, with 2030 targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, including for FLAG.
- Reducing methane emissions from fresh milk 30% by 2030, in line with the Global Methane Pledge.
- Sourcing 30% of key ingredients from farms that started the transition to regenerative agriculture by 2025
We strongly believe in the need for greater collaboration across sectors and stakeholder groups. This is why, at COP28, we have joined the Regenerative Landscapes initiative, the Global Methane Hub Enteric Accelerator, and the Dairy Methane Action Alliance.
We believe transparency and accountability is essential for all stakeholders, and will report on our progress.
Degas Ghana Limited
Degas is steadfast in its mission to revolutionize global food systems through measurable, transformative change. Our commitment to regenerative agriculture is testament to our dedication to ecological resilience, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. Through innovative business models in RA and farmer financing, we empower smallholder farmers, contributing significantly to climate action.
To date, Degas has financed 46,000 smallholder farmers, managed 20,000 hectares, and committed 3% of our 2023 portfolio to RA lands. In response to the Non-State Actors Call to Action, we pledge to intensify our efforts aiming to support 10,000,000 RA farmers and sequestering 11,000,000 CO2MT by 2027. In our commitment to supporting smallholder farmers and climate action, we are seeking to exponentially scale operations to supporting 30.3 million smallholder farmers by 2030.
Degas aspires to be a driving force, ensuring positive and measurable impacts on people and climate by 2030. Our dual focus on human capital and technological innovation enables unparalleled end-to-end traceability. Each bag of produce is tagged with a QR code, tracked through our Degas app, providing a transparent overview of our supply chain. We have tracked 2.5 million data points collected by our farmers via our proprietary application, allowing us to accurately gauge on-ground impact.
Driftwood Collaborative
Driftwood Collaborative provides scientific research, facilitation, capacity development training, and strategic planning for community-based initiatives working to build sustainable, climate-resilient coastal food systems. Through strategic planning, inclusive leadership, and participatory approaches, we foster partnerships and serve communities to drive impactful and equitable environmental solutions.
Dulcet Association
We at Dulcet-Association organize agricultural training in our community to reach out to youths and women because they are the future. We do training on the production of compost manure as it’s less harmful to the environment as compared to fertilizer. We depend on crops and these crops depend on the soil. What they eat we eat. We create a platform where different experts interact and share ideas.
Earth Analytics Group
We will continue to work with our customers in the Agriculture and Food sector to help them transition to regenerative agriculture practices including use of organic fertility treatments, cover crops, soil amendments such as biochar and rock dust, diversified crop rotations, integration of holistically managed livestock into crop rotations and incorporating nitrogen fixing legumes to improve soil health, increase water holding capacity, sequester carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere into soils through photosynthesis while producing more nutrient dense food.
We have 14 years of experience doing this work in 50 countries.
EAT Foundation is taking decisive action to drive progress in global food systems. Our commitment begins with convening leading academic experts to establish science-based targets for sustainable food systems. These targets will address the challenge of nourishing a growing population of 10 billion people with healthy diets while respecting our planetary boundaries. Spearheaded by the EAT Lancet Commission, this initiative will update the reference Planetary Health Diet and define food system allocations within these boundaries. Furthermore, it will identify key drivers and levers of change, outlining transformative actions.
Recognizing the need for adaptation and evolution, the Commission will incorporate significant revisions informed by the latest advancements in healthy and sustainable diets research over the past five years. A crucial focus of this endeavor is addressing the gaps identified in EAT-Lancet 1.0 regarding equitable food systems. The resulting targets and comprehensive report will be unveiled by June 2025.
In addition to this foundational work, EAT is committed to fostering collaboration and action through the EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2025 (ESFF25). This gathering will serve as a catalyst for urgent and meaningful progress in the realm of food systems. Our aim is to cultivate an inclusive environment where all stakeholders can contribute to co-creating solutions. ESFF25 marks a pivotal moment for collective action on food systems, safeguarding both people and the planet.
As we approach COP30, ESFF25 will play a crucial role in aligning messaging and actions within the food systems space, building upon commitments made at COP28 by signatories of the Food and Agriculture, and Climate and Health Declarations. Moreover, this forum will serve as a critical stocktaking session to assess progress towards the conclusion of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025 and pave the way for the high-level meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Ecosistema Jaguar
Promovemos la superación de la pobreza en las zonas rurales de América Latina y el Caribe por medio del acompañamiento directo, basado en agricultura digital, a comunidades productoras para que aumenten su productividad, calidad y la frecuencia de compra-venta y que esto se traduzca en un incremento de al menos 1,6 veces el salario mínimo legal vigente. Además, promovemos la transición acelerada a sistemas basados en agricultura y ganadería regenerativa y el fomento a la integración generacional para reducir las migraciones a las ciudades, contribuyendo a aterrizar oportunidades de empleo con salarios justos y con nuevas habilidades que atraen a mujeres y jóvenes.
At Edama, we understand that food systems lie at the core of global sustainability challenges and opportunities. Our commitment to transforming organic waste management is driven by the vision of turning potential environmental liabilities into valuable resources that support resilient, equitable, and sustainable food systems.
Each year, vast amounts of organic waste end up in landfills, where they decompose and release harmful greenhouse gases. Edama is actively changing this narrative by diverting organic waste from landfills and unlocking the valuable resources contained within. Organic waste is rich in organic matter and nutrients, which can be reintegrated into our food systems to create a closed-loop process that benefits both the environment and society. By converting this waste into products that improve soil health, reduce water requirements for irrigation, and increase crop yields, we empower farmers to cultivate more sustainably.
These products, including nutrient-rich compost and biochar, are especially vital in enhancing plant growth in the challenging desert environments of Saudi Arabia. In arid regions, where water conservation and soil rehabilitation are critical, Edama’s solutions are not just beneficial—they are essential for the future of agriculture.
By supplying locally produced, high-quality soil improvers, Edama also supports the ambitious goals of the Saudi Green Initiative, which aims to plant 10 billion trees and restore over 40 million hectares of degraded land.
In partnership with the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Edama is scaling its impact. Our projects are set to divert over a million tons of organic waste annually by 2030, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to Saudi Arabia’s environmental goals.
Edama is more than just a waste management company; we are pioneers in the circular economy, dedicated to protecting people, nature, and the climate. Our work transforms organic waste, once viewed as a burden, into a cornerstone of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. We are proud to contribute to a future where food systems are resilient, sustainable, and beneficial for all.
Eja-Ice Limited
Eja-Ice Limited is a solar powered refrigeration and cold chain service company. This business was set up based on our founder’s experience with fish waste in Nigeria, the impact on our shared biodiversity, the greenhouse gas methane emissions, the impact on food security and household poverty were all areas of impact and we understood that if we turned this around we will be addressing a multidimensional problem in a very unique way.
Cold-Chain – Eja-Ice having developed the world’s first solar powered cooling tricycle, Eja-Ice is uniquely placed to support urban last mile distribution of food to retailers/ consumers. This coupled with our solar powered cold room at fish landing sites/ farm gates supports fish aggregation and our solar powered freezers enabling sales at the retail point.
Refrigerant – As we intend to deepen market penetration we want to do that without harming our shared biodiversity hence Eja-Ice commits to the use of R600 and R290 refrigerants in all our products.
Food Safety – As we foster our role as market enablers, we want to ensure food safety is a top priority to all the businesses and communities we support.
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
The Environmental Change Institute conducts research, engagement and teaching with the goal of building the resilience and sustainability of the food system in the face of growing demand and 21st century crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Bringing together experts in various fields, including biophysical modeling, transport and infrastructure, complex systems analysis, development, risk analysis, disaster preparedness, and economics, we aim to generate open data and evidence and develop practical solutions and ensure food system resilience is integrated into global policy, humanitarian, development and financial architectures.
Environmental Defense Fund
Climate change is disrupting food production across the globe, putting nutritional security and rural livelihoods at risk. As the planet warms, farmers and fishers are working harder to produce food, and the environmental impacts of food production are increasing. That’s why EDF supports the Call to Action and is working to empower frontline producers in a global food system transformation by:
- Accelerating solutions for livestock methane that benefit people’s health, livelihoods, and the planet. We’re expanding the use of existing
methane-reducing methods such as better manure management while also pursuing novel solutions.
- Driving science and policy advancements that support climate adaptation. This includes providing financial and technical support needed to transition to more climate-resilient crops and livestock species and supporting
low-carbon aquatic food production from sustainable aquaculture and climate-resilient wild fisheries.
- Harnessing data to sustainably manage resources. We are building data platforms, management frameworks and policy pathways to help farmers and fishers proactively manage critical resources.
- Making food systems a priority. Food systems have largely been excluded from UN climate negotiations and climate financing— only 4% of which currently flows to food We are ensuring that food finally has a seat at the table and funding is accessible, especially for small-scale producers.
European Carbon Farmers
As part of the European Carbon Farmers’ endorsement of the “Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate: a Call to Action”, we submit the following three-fold statement of action. Firstly, we commit to building a farmer-centric bridge between climate and agricultural policies, starting with the EU and the Republic of Poland in particular, specifically through actions towards changing the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU (CAP) from action- to result-based payments as part of the efforts to create the Climate Change Committee.
Secondly, we commit to promoting soil health as the starting point and ultimate goal of any systemic policy-making efforts, especially through supporting the implementation of the EU Soil Mission starting with the creation of the EU Soil Mission Mirror Board and signing the EU Soil Mission Manifesto by the President and Prime Minister of Poland. Third, but not least, we commit to always building bridges, especially within the farming community, by proposing and promoting “carbon farming” – understood as each farmer of the world being a Carbon Farmer – as a tool in order to achieve this.
Farmers’ Seed Network (China)
Farmers’ Seed Network (China) , as a multi-stakeholder group, we hereby declares that we will prioritize the following key actions:
- Support front line food systems actors to adapt and build resilience to climate risks, and other shocks and stresses;
- Protect, conserve, and restore nature and biodiversity, especially in cooperation with rural communities to restore agricultural
- Support a transition to and scaling up of sustainable approaches to food production that deliver positive outcomes for people, nature, and climate (including agroecology, organic, regenerative and nature-positive approaches and sustainable aquaculture) and climate resilient management of capture fisheries, pursuing co-benefits with animal welfare, air quality and public health;
- Centre our efforts on front line food systems actors, with a particular focus on women and youth, to ensure they have voice and agency in decision-making, and to support, acknowledge, and reward their efforts in feeding the world while respecting planetary boundaries and managing ecosystems;
- Respect the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, including their rights to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, land, and self-determination, recognizing the leading role they play in the production of sustainable food systems;
- Promote multi stakeholder collaboration and opportunities for learning, exchange and coordination between Non-State Actors and with Governments at all levels.
Food Future Foundation
The Food Future Foundation and the Coalition for Food System Transforma(c)tion in India (CoFTI) that the Foundation leads are committed to reshaping India’s food systems to benefit people, the environment, and the climate. Our dedication is firmly rooted in ensuring that everyone has access to healthy and affordable food, thereby eliminating hunger, enhancing health, conserving biodiversity, fostering climate resilience, and securing livelihoods. We pledge to drive this transformation through thoughtful leadership, grounded in comprehensive research, innovative strategies, and the dissemination of knowledge, all aimed at influencing policy decisions for a sustainable food future.
Through the Coalition, we would work with multiple stakeholders of the food system in India and globally to effect significant and lasting change in the food systems. We embrace a holistic approach that harmonizes the varied interests of stakeholders, ensuring that our actions are inclusive, just, and forward-thinking. Through our Seven Action Labs, which address crucial elements of the food system ranging from food literacy to agroecology, and from sustainable business practices to policy reform, we are forging pathways for impactful collaboration.
We invite fellow visionaries, innovators, and leaders to join us in this endeavor. Together, we commit to building a food system that is not only sustainable but also equitable and resilient, paving the way for a better future for all.
Food Justice Network
The Food Justice Network asserts that the fundamental connection between people and the planet presents an opportunity to transform food systems. The transformation of food systems is key in the attainment of climate, social, economic and environmental justice. Supporting smallholder farmers rights is critical to alleviate poverty, reduce hunger, fight inequality and promote food sovereignty. This must be done through increasing climate adaptation financing to transition from industrial agriculture which is fossil fuel dependent to sustainable models. Agroecology is a transformative tool to support sustainable agri-food systems and must be implemented both in policy and practice.
It is against this background that the Food Justice Network will:
- Use the agroecology principles to holistically address the inequalities in food systems from farmer to consumer.
- Support farmers rights to food sovereignty through advocacy for policy reform.
- Create a continental movement for seed sovereignty.
- Campaign for sustainable financing for a just energy transition.
- Capacitate farmers on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
Food Security Foundation India, India FoodBanking Network
India FoodBanking Network strongly supports the Call to Action on Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate with our continued efforts through a nation-wide network of foodbanks. Our mission is to achieve food security, improve nutrition and reduce food loss & food waste in India through a multi-stakeholder alliance of civil society, corporate, government and a national network of FoodBanks.
In partnership with the food industry, the India Food Banking Network timely recovers and redistributes surplus packaged food to those in need thereby reducing food waste and GHG emissions and contributes to achieving ambitions on climate action creating a more sustainable future for everyone and a healthier planet.
Our hunger alleviation and nutrition programs provide dry rations, fresh produce to families in vulnerable communities and through other non-profit institutional feeding programs. Other impactful programs such as those for serving daily School Meals and development of School Kitchen Gardens target malnutrition among school children.
India has emphasized the urgent need for heightened ambitions on Climate Action. We will continue to expand FoodBanking in India and stand firmly in our commitment towards contributing to India’s achievement of the SDGs on Zero Hunger, Sustainable Consumption and Climate Action.
Through our programs, we will prioritize critical actions that support the Call to Action and commit to expanding our network, forming alliances with corporate partners, agri-producers & agri-businesses, government and non-profit organizations. We will expand Food Recovery and distribution programs to recover and redistribute surplus packaged food, grains and fresh produce and track the reduction in carbon emissions through our interventions. We will thus aim to tackle interconnected issues of food security, malnutrition, food waste, and climate change and be a driving force in the transformation of food systems.
Food System Innovations
We promote advances in alternative proteins to provide consumers with the choice of less expensive, more nutrition, and culturally relevant food experiences not dependent on GHG intensive animal agriculture.
Food Systems for the Future
Food Systems for the Future (FSF) proudly endorses the Food Systems Call to Action, reinforcing our mission to establish resilient, equitable food systems that prioritize nutritious food access for underserved communities. Through innovative, solution-driven partnerships, we address critical food security challenges and drive systemic change for lasting impact.
Our commitment manifests through transformative programs like the Access for All initiative, which collaborates with local grocers and key stakeholders to bring affordable, nutritious food to every U.S. neighborhood. By developing nutrition metrics and launching advisory initiatives, FSF aims to build sustainable, community-centered grocery models in areas with limited access.
In Rwanda, our Black Soldier Fly Larvae project illustrates our dedication to environmentally sustainable agriculture. This initiative converts organic waste into insect-based livestock feed and bio-fertilizers, promoting regenerative farming that improves soil health and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately supporting a circular food system that benefits both people and the planet.
FSF is also committed to advancing food system transformation through financing and measurement innovations. We advocate for scalable Measurement, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV) systems, aiming to drive sustainable agriculture investment that reaches farmers of all sizes. This MMRV framework eases operational demands, enhances transparency, and unlocks essential funding to expand impactful food solutions.
Through these and other initiatives, FSF is dedicated to translating the Food Systems Call to Action into measurable, inclusive progress, empowering communities, reducing environmental impact, and ensuring lasting access to healthy food for all.
Food Tank
Food Tank is the world’s fastest growing global non-profit community working towards positive transformation in how we produce and consume food. As one of the food and agriculture movement’s most dynamic conveners and most impactful research and advocacy organizations, we educate, advocate, and collaborate with local partners to amplify on the ground solutions.
Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
In the next three years, FFCC’s intention is to accelerate food systems change by aligning the strategic leadership in business, finance and governments, and by involving citizens in setting out their ambitions and priorities for fair and sustainable food and farming. Our approach integrates cross-cutting activity (influencing policy change, aligning leadership and amplifying citizen voices) with thematic programmes focusing on food, farming and countryside matters. Now, we are directing our resources towards aligning collective leadership and amplifying citizen voices to accelerate structural change in the food system. Our goal is to shift unhelpful narratives undermining action for change and to demonstrate how citizens want and expect radical and practical action that tackles climate, nature, health and equity crises.
We will demonstrate evidence of citizens’ appetite for a new version of the future where healthy food is everybody’s business. We will continue to build consensus around broad, inclusive pathways towards agroecology. We will curate and help communicate the evidence that supports the agroecological transition. We will continue to move forward proposals for better decisions about land and initiatives promoting prosperous rural communities. Across all of our work, we will examine how money flows to where it is most needed.
Forética, a leading Spanish association with over 25 years of experience in guiding companies towards sustainability, proudly endorses the Call to Action to Transform our Food Systems. Recognizing the urgent need for ambitious action, we commit to working on seven key areas through our Sustainable Food Systems initiative:
- Promoting practices that protect and restore nature and biodiversity
- Aligning food systems with the 1.5°C climate goal
- Improving access to healthy, nutritious,and sustainable food
- Facilitating knowledge exchange to support the transition
- Sharing best practices for water resilience, soil health, and nature protection
- Fostering multi-stakeholder collaboration for a just and green transition
- Encouraging urgent action to create resilient food systems
We believe this Call to Action represents a crucial opportunity for global leaders and stakeholders to unite in transforming our food systems. By committing to concrete actions and fostering collaboration, we can create resilient food systems that address current challenges and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. The time for transformation is now, and Forética stands ready to contribute to this vital global effort.
Fundación Nueva Generación Argentina
La Fundación Nueva Generación Argentina es promotora y signataria de la Alianza para la Acción Climática Argentina, una red de alianzas multisectoriales con presencia en todo el mundo. Dentro de ella, la FNGA forma parte del Nodo Agroalimentario, en el cual se trabaja junto a organizaciones de productores para dar impulso a la sustentabilidad en los procesos productivos agropecuarios.
Asimismo, dentro de la misma Alianza coordina el Nodo de Políticas Climáticas, el cual tiene como objetivo generar concientización en los distintos sectores políticos del país, e impulsar legislación ambiental justa e inclusiva.
Por otro lado, la Fundación publica mensualmente un suplemento sobre Acción Climática dentro del Diario La Capital, el medio más importante del interior del país. Allí, destina regularmente espacios para la publicación de artículos de expertos en sostenibilidad en los sistemas alimentarios y la producción de alimentos.
En este marco, la FNGA se compromete a seguir con dichas acciones y promover nuevas, con el objetivo de concientizar a los distintos sectores de la sociedad sobre el cambio urgente que ameritan las formas de producción de alimentos usadas comúnmente en la actualidad.
Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina
As an NGO our commitment is to advocate for the endorsement of Argentina to the COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action. We will continue to advocate that Argentina includes food system approaches when it updates its Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans, as well as the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, framed under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
Galletas Gullón S.A.
Desde Galletas Gullón nos sumamos a la llamada a la acción sobre sistemas alimentarios de la COP 28.
Y es que enfrentamos un momento crítico para dar un paso adelante en la agenda de desarrollo sostenible, aumentando la ambición, acelerando la acción y potenciando las alianzas que impulsen una profunda transformación de los sistemas en el actual contexto de emergencia climática.
Desde Gullón trabajaremos para alinear el sistema alimentario mundial con el Acuerdo de París sobre el Cambio Climático, el Marco Global de Biodiversidad de Kunming-Montreal, la Agenda de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030, la Agenda de Adaptación de Sharm El Sheikh y la Breakthrough Agenda.
Como actores no estatales, según proceda, traducimos estos objetivos en nuestras estrategias y planes, establecemos y cumpliremos objetivos basados en ciencia para el clima, la naturaleza y los sistemas alimentarios, y divulgamos e informamos de forma transparente sobre los progresos realizados, basándonos en las mejores prácticas pertinentes.
Seguiremos trabajando en proteger, conservar y restaurar la naturaleza y la biodiversidad, incluyendo detener y revertir la pérdida de bosques y otros ecosistemas importantes, como ya hacemos implementando y desarrollando alianzas como la que tenemos con el Geoparque Mundial Unesco Las Loras.
De igual modo, queremos intensificar los esfuerzos para reducir a la mitad la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos, trabajando para ello con diversas entidades como el Banco de Alimento y Cruz Roja, impulsando proyectos sociales que permitan atajar la urgencia social.
GAWA Capital
GAWA Capital pledges to undertake transformative actions in food systems by launching a dedicated 300-million-euro fund: Kuali. We focus on enhancing smallholder farmers’ resilience, fostering financial institutions’ climate readiness, and supporting scaling up of climate tech solutions.
Our strategic approach includes:
Mobilizing over 200 million euros in private capital with Public Sector Catalysis by the end of 2024. We will leverage public sector investment to attract private funding. This infusion of resources will directly support small farmers in adapting to climate change, promoting sustainable practices and technologies.
Building resilience for 500,000 Smallholder Farmers in LATAM, Caribbean and India by 2034. Empowering these farmers through capacity-building, access to climate-smart agricultural practices, and community-driven solutions.
Supporting Climate Readiness for 25 Financial Institutions by 2034. These institutions will be equipped with knowledge and tools to finance assets that enhance farmers’ resilience.
Scaling Up 10 Climate Tech Companies by 2034, playing a pivotal role in providing technological advancements, helping farmers become more resilient to climate change.
In pursuing these ambitious goals, we emphasize transparency, accountability, and collaboration. We actively monitor and report on our progress, ensuring our efforts contribute significantly to the overarching goal of a just and sustainable food systems transition.
Georgian Farmers’ Association
The Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) is dedicated to transforming Georgia’s food system for a sustainable future, aligning with global goals for people, nature, and climate by 2030. This commitment focuses on agriculture, food security, land rights, food safety, environmental protection, and climate change.
GFA promotes sustainable agricultural practices, including agroecology, organic farming, regenerative agriculture, and climate-resilient fisheries’ management. Training programs for farmers on sustainable techniques, soil health, and water conservation are provided to enhance productivity and sustainability. GFA ensures high food safety standards throughout the production and distribution chain and increases consumer awareness about food safety and the benefits of locally produced food. More effort will be made to address hunger and ensure access to nutritious, affordable food for vulnerable communities.
Advocacy for equitable land and resource tenure for marginalized groups, including women, youth, and indigenous peoples is prioritized. Larger initiatives to prevent land degradation, promote restoration, and enhance soil health are planned to be implemented.
We are supporting farmers, farmworkers, and other food system actors in adapting to climate risks and ensuring resilience. We are engaged in the protection, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems, promoting agricultural practices that enhance biodiversity and environmental health. Efforts will be made to align food systems with the 1.5°C goal by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning from fossil fuels, and promoting renewable energy.
Collaboration with government bodies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and the private sector is fostered to achieve holistic food system transformation. Increased resources and finance will be mobilized to support the adaptation and resilience of food systems, especially for low-income and vulnerable communities.
GFA is committed to creating a resilient, equitable, and sustainable food system. We will monitor and report on our progress annually, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
GAIN’s vision is to achieve healthier diets for all, especially the most vulnerable. Through our new Strategy, we seek to achieve this at a greater scale, while also strengthening action on climate and environmental protection, paying more attention to resilience, and enhancing gender equity. We will continue our efforts across supply, demand, enabling environments, policy and finance to improve the availability, affordability, desirability, and sustainability of nutritious and safe foods for all, while reducing the consumption of unhealthy and unsafe foods.
Global Alliance for the Future of Food
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food is committed to promoting and supporting the implementation of seven calls to action. Elevated time and again by our members, partners, allies, and those we have collaborated with over the past decade, each of the calls to action address the critical underlying structures that hold back much-needed systems transformation. These statements crystalize all of our dialogue and research into seven practical pathways designed to stimulate local and global action, and accelerate much-needed and deep structural change:
- Ensure inclusive, participatory approaches to governance as a way to address the structural inequities in food systems.
- Increase research for the public good that emphasizes indivisible ecological, health, social, and economic goals.
- Account for the environmental, social, and health impacts of food systems policies and practices in order to inform better decision-making.
- Direct public sector investment toward ecologically-beneficial forms of farming, healthy food, and resilient livelihoods and communities.
- Unlock investment opportunities in sustainable food systems and align private, philanthropic, and multilateral funders with national food systems
- Create enabling environments where agroecology and regenerative approaches flourish.
- Promote nutritious, sustainable, whole-food diets adapted to local ecosystems and socio-cultural contexts.
Global Methane Hub
The GMH will implement a research agenda to lower the costs of mitigation methane in the livestock sector, which will deliver $200M of aligned and direct funding. This research focuses on expanding mitigation options, including feed additives, rumen microbiology, breeding, and vaccines. The expected outcome is to improve efficiency in reducing emissions, expand applicability in more production systems, and lower the costs of mitigation.
The GMH will work with research institutions, government extension programs, and local movements to increase productivity to improve income for farmers, while reducing emissions intensity in developing countries, with the added benefit of lowering land use demand.
The GMH will work with development agencies, ministries of agriculture, and research institutions to work on reducing methane from rice production, while reducing water consumption, and improve productivity and resilience.
The GMH will deploy small field building grants in Africa and Asia to address methane from food production and food waste.
The GMH will work to expand food banking networks globally, promoting regulations that prevent food destruction and donations, to reduce emissions and provide nutritious foods to reduce food vulnerability.
Good Food Finance Network
The Good Food Finance Network is taking bold action to reorient and scale-up finance flows towards sustainable food systems, as called for in the Shared Call to Action. We are establishing the Good Food Finance Facility, a groundbreaking coordination and financing mechanism designed to mainstream and accelerate deployment of catalytic “good food” finance. Through blended finance tools, aggregated investment pipelines, improved data systems, and technical assistance, we aim to unlock and align billions towards protecting nature, supporting livelihoods, building resilience to shocks, improving nutrition security, reducing waste and emissions, and achieving sustainable development priorities.
Crucially, the Facility will address ticket-size mismatch challenges to connect institutional capital with smallholder producers, MSMEs, community enterprises and others on the frontlines of food systems transformation. Through cooperation amongst public, private and philanthropic actors, we intend to build the underlying conditions and sustained funding flows essential to managing a just transition of the world’s food and land use systems this decisive decade.
Goumbook- MENAT Regenerative Agriculture
Goumbook’s MENAT Regenerative Agriculture Programme aims to initiate a regionally-relevant regenerative agriculture movement, positioning regenerative agriculture as a critical response to both climate resilience and the unique agricultural challenges faced in this arid, saline, desert, and water-scarce region.
The programme aims to empower and upskill researchers and innovators who are addressing fundamental agricultural challenges in the Middle East North Africa & Turkey region by focusing on innovative solutions related to food security, soil health, climate change mitigation and adaptation, carbon sequestration, salinity, water scarcity, desertification, biodiversity loss, and rural social welfare. These solutions , both process & technological based innovations, must be accessible to small and medium farmholders and provide net beneficial economic, environmental, and social impacts to ensure long-term sustainability.
Key objectives include:
- Creating a regenerative agriculture movement in the MENAT region.
- Defining regenerative agriculture and its nuances for the MENAT region.
- Facilitating knowledge exchange in research, science, and data-backed solutions.
- Building capacity for academia and researchers in entrepreneurship and business skills, bridging the gap between academia, research, and the private sector.
- Transforming research solutions into long-term, accessible, scalable, and sustainable impact solutions.
- Developing a cross-sectoral network of change-makers and advocating for positive change through regenerative agriculture.
We commit to transforming food systems for people, nature, and climate through the work that we do at Greenspoon.
- As a B Corp, we commit to improving our score of 5 over the coming 2 years before our reassessment.
- We commit to measuring and reporting transparently on our successes and failures, and seeking collaboration from our stakeholders for
- We commit to training our team on incorporating our Statement of Action into every part of our business.
- We commit to reducing our waste as much as possible, and where we still have waste, tracking and measuring the end point.
- We commit to working with suppliers and producers who are “”doing the right thing”” by farming regeneratively, sourcing consciously, and measuring their impact.
- We commit to exploring alternative business infrastructure to ensure any negative impact on the planet is decreasing – eg solar power, electric
- We commit to continuously educating and informing our customer base on the power of their decisions around grocery shopping.
We commit to being a positive force in changing food systems to benefit nature, the climate and human life.
Greenworks Inc
Greenworks Inc. is committed to driving the transformative changes outlined in the Non-State Actor Call to Action for transforming food systems. Our initiatives span multiple areas, focusing on meaningful impact and sustainable solutions:
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. We are dedicated to developing and implementing low-carbon action plans for the food and agriculture sectors. Our key initiatives include: Supporting clients in achieving Scope 3 GHG reduction targets aligned with the 1.5°C pathway; Promoting renewable energy and energy-efficient practices in food production and processing facilities.
- Advancing Sustainable and Nutritious Diets. Greenworks Inc. collaborates with universities, research institutions, and food producers to promote plant-forward diets and sustainable food systems. Our efforts involve: Conducting workshops and training sessions on the benefits of plant-based diets; Raising consumer awareness about sustainable food choices through educational campaigns.
- Supporting Regenerative Agriculture. We partner with farmers and agricultural organizations to enhance soil health, biodiversity, and resilience to climate change through regenerative practices. Our activities include: Providing technical assistance for transitioning to regenerative agricultural methods; Facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity-building programs for farmers.
- Building Consensus and Coalitions. Our expertise in consensus and coalition building unites diverse stakeholders to tackle climate challenges collaboratively. This includes: Organizing roundtables, forums, and conferences to develop unified approaches; Advocating for policy changes that support sustainable food systems and climate action.
- Strategic Growth and Partnerships: We craft strategic growth plans and forge partnerships to scale sustainable solutions. Our work includes: Developing partnerships with key players in the food and agriculture sectors to enhance sustainability efforts; Supporting the development of green businesses and technologies.
At Greenworks Inc., we mobilize knowledge, foster innovation, and drive impactful actions to align with global targets and transition pathways. Our commitment ensures that food systems contribute positively to people, nature, and climate.
Griffith Foods
Griffith Foods pledges support for the Call to Action on Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate vision that by 2030, food systems deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature, and climate. Griffith Foods is on a journey of blending care and creativity to nourish the world. By 2030, we intend to make the future better by creating and scaling impact with a transformational approach and a regenerative mindset. Our 2030 Aspirations, an action plan to nourish the world, include three focus areas across the food value chain:
- Partnering to create sustainable food system networks to restore nature by scaling regenerative farming practices to 1 million acres, advancing towards Net Zero by 2040, and improving the livelihoods of 25,000 small scale farmers and families.
- Creating a positive impact on our people and the planet with our products, by developing a nutritious and sustainable portfolio with 80% sustainably sourced ingredients, improving 60% of products to globally accepted nutritious guidelines and 10% of our products providing taste, texture, and nutrition for alternative proteins.
- Creating new markets and serving the economically and nutritiously underserved by developing nutritious, affordable, and accessible products for consumers in need.”
Growing to Give
Growing to Give joins the global effort to transform food systems for the benefit of people, nature, and climate. As advocates for sustainable agriculture and food security, we endorse the Non-State Actors Call to Action, committed to empowering communities through gardening and sustainable agriculture. Our work supports resilient food systems that nourish people and the planet.
Our Statement of Action includes:
- Community Empowerment: Expanding efforts in climate-vulnerable and low-income areas, providing tools and knowledge for sustainable food
- Education and Awareness: Intensifying educational initiatives, with training programs and webinars to inspire sustainable food production.
- Advocacy: Actively advocating for sustainable agriculture, food security, and environmental preservation policies.
- Collaboration: Collaborating with stakeholders like local governments, businesses, civil society, and communities to support food system
- Data and Impact Monitoring: Enhancing data collection and monitoring to track and share the impact of our initiatives.
- We reaffirm our commitment to equitable, regenerative, climate-resilient food systems and invite Non-State Actors to join us in this pressing
Holmbeck EcoConsult
- Advising and building capacity among frontline organisations driving change in policy, markets and in the fields, towards organic and agroecology.
- Advising organisations and governments on advocacy, policy creation and development of National Strategies for Organic and Agroecology.
- Sharing best practices in policy and market development for organics and agroecology.
- Work on global agenda setting and debate, positioning organics and agroecology, as member of World Board of IFOAM – Organics International.
HowGood is an independent research company and SaaS data platform powering the decarbonization of the food industry. Leveraging the world’s largest database for food product sustainability with 90,000 on-farm emissions factors, HowGood’s sustainability intelligence platform, Latis, is the first end-to-end tool to not only provide granular carbon footprinting of a company’s product portfolio, but also identify and prioritize the highest potential areas for impact reduction across climate, nature, and people.
Over the past 17 years, HowGood has partnered with leaders across the food industry, including ingredient suppliers, brands, retailers, and food service providers, to provide a gold-standard methodology and actionable insights for measuring, improving, and communicating the environmental and social impact of the food industry. Our unique approach to measuring impact in a holistic manner, including metrics such as greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, labor risk and biodiversity impact, has fundamentally changed the lens through which the food industry approaches their sustainability strategy. With the land sector responsible for 22% of global emissions, but holding the potential to deliver up to 30% of climate mitigation, impact-driven product innovation made possible by HowGood’s platform is a critical tool being used in the race to net-zero.
Humane Society International
We recognize that there is a need for a more holistic approach to transforming our food systems, addressing not only production practices, but also shifting to more sustainable food consumption patterns. We work directly with food service professionals and institutions around the world to replace a modest amount of animal-sourced meals with plant-based offerings—one of the most effective strategies to mitigate the environmental footprint of the food industry supply chain. This demand-side engagement has been successful in key regions, and to maximize and scale impact, we will work in tandem with supply-side measures, urging policymakers in global, regional and national bodies to recognize the importance of supply-side policies that support and incentivize healthier, more sustainable production and consumption practices.
ICLEI CityFood
The 2030 vision for an ICLEI CityFood city is based on a ‘triple H’ impact approach: Healthy People (ensuring access to healthy and nutritious food), Healthy Landscape (strengthening urban-rural linkages and resilience) and Healthy Climate (designing circular food systems and promoting low-carbon food chains).
ICLEI CityFood’s impact has been supported by various project successes and initiatives across Europe, Africa and Latin America (SchoolFood4Change, AfriFOODLinks, FoodPATHS and FoodCLIC).
In order to assess its impact in cities, CityFood identified 3 indicators along the triple H approach being 1) Cities supported by ICLEI in implementing sustainable public food procurement, in particular healthy meals and food education for every child in every school 2) Cities supported by ICLEI in shifting towards circular and planet-friendly food systems and 3) Number of cities involved in ICLEI projects aiming at building fairer and more resilient food supply chains.
ID Capital
ID Capital endorses the call to action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. We are committed to investing capital and other resources and promoting transformative innovation to develop more sustainable food systems, focusing on the full complexity of the Asia-Pacific region.
Our actions are focused on:
- Investing in science- and technology-driven startups across the agrifood value chain, with a specific emphasis on biotechnology applications, waste upcycling, and protein transition.
- Assisting partner investors and corporate organizations in strategizing their agrifoodtech investment approaches, leveraging unique assets and capabilities to drive large-scale transformation.
- Promoting multistakeholder, non-dogmatic discussions between private and public sector players on critical challenges in our current food systems through our annual Future Food Asia conference and invitation-only roundtables, progressing toward inclusive solutions and necessary trade-offs.
In the near future, we will deepen cross-pollination between Asia-Pacific and Europe to accelerate this transition.
IKEA Foundation
The IKEA Foundation aims to improve the lives of vulnerable children by enabling their families to create sustainable livelihoods, and fight and cope with climate change. Since the start of our agricultural livelihoods portfolio in 2018, we have awarded over 220M euro to help people living off agriculture afford a better life while protecting the planet. Currently, the IKEA Foundation agricultural livelihoods portfolio has active grants with over 32 partners with a total value of 154M euro.
We partner with local and international organisations that work directly with farmers and other stakeholders like SMEs, local governments and public sector to create regenerative, fair and circular economies that value farmers and work with nature, not against it. Together with our partners, we are working on prototyping and building evidence on the ground to transition to resilient and equitable food systems. At the same time, we are supporting initiatives to develop an enabling environment for regenerative and agroecological practices and are also funding research to advance and learn from the transformation process. In the remaining years of our five-year strategy (2024-2025), we are committed to continuing our work through longstanding agreements with our partners.
Indigo Ag
Indigo Ag is the sustainable agriculture partner helping farmers and agribusinesses optimize today’s yields and profitability, while nourishing the soil for better tomorrows and helping corporations reach their sustainability goals.
Through its sustainable crop program, Indigo works with major global food & ag value chain brands and has, or is scheduled to, deliver 23M+ bushels of sustainably grown grains through the end of 2024. Indigo has already reduced emissions by more than 20,000 metric tons, saving nearly 7.5 billion gallons of water – securing premiums of up to 10% for farmers who’ve received $2M+ for their sustainably grown crops so far.
Indigo has removed 133,614 metric tons of carbon from the atmosphere and is the only company to complete two carbon harvests. A third is scheduled for early 2024. Indigo’s Carbon program, underpinned by high quality, peer reviewed, science which ensures the robustness of its Measurement, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification capability, has paid nearly $5M to farmers through the sale of credits for each metric ton of carbon stored in their soil. Companies looking to offset their unavoidable emissions and reach net zero commitments have sold out Indigo’s inventory of verified (by the Climate Action Reserve) registry-issued agricultural carbon credits.
Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado and Chaco (IFACC)
The Innovative Finance for the Amazon, Cerrado, and Chaco (IFACC) initiative aims to accelerate lending and investment in sustainable business models for soy, beef and bioeconomy that expand production without the need for further land conversion. Launched at COP26, IFACC mobilises financial institutions, agribusinesses, and investors to drive sustainable land-use practices across key biomes in South America.
IFACC facilitates the development of financial mechanisms that provide producers with long-term, concessional capital. These solutions not only address key challenges such as credit risk and limited access to finance but also enable nature-positive projects that are contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Since its launch in 2021, IFACC has made significant progress toward a nature-positive future by bringing together 22 signatories and mobilizing USD 240 million to support deforestation- and conversion-free soy, cattle, agroforestry, and non-timber forest product production. In 2023, IFACC signatories have collectively protected 116,156 hectares of natural ecosystems, restored 739 hectares, and intensified sustainable production on over 173,809 hectares of soy and cattle land. These efforts have resulted in substantial environmental benefits, including reduced deforestation and enhanced biodiversity protection, with the goal of disbursing USD 1 billion by 2025 and USD 10 billion by 2030.
Institute for Climate and Peace
Food justice addresses our intimate and reciprocal relationship with ‘āina (n. Land, earth) and to the natural cycles of water and air that benefit and sustain all living things in Oceania. As climate change progresses, we see a profound change in the integrity of land and water systems. These impacts threaten the balance of ecosystems, access to natural resources, access to cultural sites, and connection to place, in turn impacting the wellbeing of communities.
The Institute for Climate and Peace is based in the Hawaiian Islands, an occupied state with the closest port of call 2,345 miles away in Oakland, California, USA. ICP has seen just how prone our food systems have been to one of the latest system shocks: the COVID-19 pandemic. Food injustices stem from a history fraught with racial inequity and colonialism, pushing specific communities into food deserts on the frontlines of climate change where food security is more vital than ever to resilience from climate-induced disasters.
At the Institute for Climate and Peace, we commit to the following actions in the next six months:
- Collaborations and partnerships to equip decision-makers at all levels with the tools needed to respond to the climate crisis through locally-based and culturally-appropriate responses.
- Embrace positionality in the food security space to respond to food insecurity and elevate food justice.
- Uplift multigenerational groups who have been historically left out of the conversation and decision-making spaces.
- Center Indigenous food sovereignty, creative storytelling, and youth action across the Pacific-Asia region.
- Promote dialogue and innovative connections to nourish practical, grounded solutions to food insecurity and the climate crisis.
Instituto Clima e Sociedade
O Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) é um regranter brasileiro que tem como um de seus eixos estratégicos o apoio ao campo diverso de organizações da sociedade civil, think-tanks, centros de pesquisa, grupos de agricultures de diferentes portes, e governo, para a transição inclusiva dos sistemas agroalimentares.
Instituto Comida do Amanhã
- Qualificação de políticas públicas: Laboratório Urbano de Políticas Públicas – LUPPA (rede com mais de 40 municípios brasileiros, distribuídas por 18 estados das 5 regiões brasileiras, e contabilizando mais de 14 milhões de habitantes. Uma plataforma colaborativa para facilitar a construção de políticas alimentares municipais integradas, participativas e com abordagem sistêmica.); Implementação da estratégia “Alimenta Cidades” do MDS.
- Produção, articulação, sistematização e disseminação de conhecimento: policy briefs, artigos, estudos (Estudo governança Inclusiva – FAO, Estudo PNAE – Rockefeller foundation; Sistemas Alimentares Urbanos Circulares – Embrapa/Uniao Européia).
- Vocalização da agenda em espaços estratégicos nacionais/internacionais: Promoção de diálogos, participação em diversos fóruns como C20/G20.
- Articulação e atuação em rede de parceiros: Café com o Comida, COP30FOODINITIATIVE (coalizão para colocar comida da sociobio/agroecologia local na mesa da COP30 de Belém e o legado para a região).
Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia
The Amazon Environmental Research Institute leads cutting-edge on tropical regenerative agriculture with a geographical focus in the Amazon-Cerrado region, and a thematic focus:
- On water quality and availability;
- Soil quality;
- Terrestrial carbon sequestration;
- Biodiversity protection;
- Promote technology transfer and technical assistance to
Between 2023 and 2028, IPAM is committing to advance the science on those themes and sharing results with the society, with a focus on four stakeholders:
- Governments;
- Indigenous people;
- Large industrial farms;
- Smallholders.
Applying our landscape-scale approach, we aim to design climate-resilient landscapes to enhance food production while maintaining ecosystem integrity.
Instituto Regenera
Abrimos caminho para a produção agroecológica nas cidades, para consumo por meio de compras públicas e compra direta. Nosso objetivo é que este tipo de consumo passe a ser a regra e não a exceção.
Inter IKEA Group
The IKEA business is committed to addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and human rights by taking a holistic approach. This includes contributing to scaling up sustainable food systems and regenerative agriculture. As a major food retailer and food service provider, IKEA focuses on reducing emissions through sustainable agricultural practices, by sourcing responsibly, minimizing food waste and encouraging the shift towards healthier and more sustainable diets.
Aligned to the 1.5 degree pathway, we have committed to halving greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our entire value chain in absolute terms by FY30 and reaching net-zero emissions by FY50. This includes a 50% absolute reduction in GHG emissions from food ingredients by 2030. We are part of the Coolfood Pledge and have a goal that 50% of the main meals on the IKEA restaurant menu are plant-based by 2025. All goals are compared to a FY16 baseline.
IKEA collaborates with supply chain partners to promote sustainable agricultural practices. We are actively involved in developing regenerative agriculture and responsible sourcing standards through IWAY, and establishing metrics with other businesses and organizations, while engaging communities and rights holders.
For more information, please read the IKEA FY23 Sustainability and Climate reports.
International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)
ICBA is a not-for-profit international agricultural research center based in the UAE. The center is delivering the commitments set out in the call to action by:
- Conducting applied science and research for development on crop diversification, novel production systems, sustainable natural resource management, and climate change modeling.
- Empowering Youth and Women: The launch of the Women Alliance for Climate Action in Agriculture (WACAA) at COP28 recognizes that climate change is not gender neutral and aims to enhance women’s resilience in agriculture. Additionally, ICBA’s program “AWLA” is designed to empower Arab women to take leadership roles in agriculture-related fields across the MENA region. The center hosted LCOY UAE 2023, bringing together 200 young individuals at the forefront of climate action and resulted in the development of the UAE Youth Statement.
- Promoting Traditional Farming Practices: ICBA authored the book “Agricultural Practices in the UAE: Science and Heritage” to promote sustainable farming practices and their connections to science.
- Capacity Development across the value chain to equip farmers and stakeholders with essential skills to adopt biosaline agriculture approaches for climate change adaptation and These efforts extend to over 40 countries across the MENA region, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Central Asia.
International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN is composed of State and non-State actors. We support the COP28 call to action and will contribute to foster the transformation towards nature positive and climate friendly, resilient, nutritious and inclusive food systems. More specifically IUCN commits to contribute to:
- Protect, conserve, and restore nature and biodiversity, including by halting and reversing loss of forests and other important ecosystems;
- Recognise the contribution of agroecological and regenerative agriculture and food production system to ecosystem services provision, biodiversity conservation and ecological connectivity in production landscapes, including their role to ensure that by 2030 at least 30 percent of terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine ecosystems areas are effectively conserved and managed;
- Take stock, incentivize and facilitate production and access to knowledge, including traditional knowledge with prior and informed consent, and ensure its dissemination, including through appropriate knowledge products and tools;
- Support to mobilise the conservation community and IPLCs, including women, youth and marginal groups, and accelerate engagement with the agriculture and food sector, through the scaling-up of local, national, regional and global Common Ground Dialogues.
- Use all opportunities to engage decision makers from both the public and the private sector, to increase investments in nature-based solutions, as solutions to support the transition to agroecological and regenerative food systems, and ensure continuous monitoring of impacts on land health.
IRO Organization for Community Development
The IRO Organization envisions a society where vulnerable groups participate in decision-making and access critical resources like climate change and rights. Our work focuses on awareness, advocacy, networking, partnerships, consumer rights, and climate justice. We collaborate internationally and locally to address climate change’s impact on food and foster partnerships among government, private sector, civil society, and NGOs. We advocate for updated consumer rights laws in Iraq and promote sustainable natural resource management. Through these efforts, we contribute to the global Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate.
iyris is committed to development and enabling of sustainable farming through the commercialisation of solutions that save water energy and improve yield for the faming community, in particular in countries suffering from high heat due to climate change. Our SecondSky near infrared heat blocking roofing empowers farmers to cultivate in harsh conditions by reducing the impact of hear infrared heat radiation on the crops. This cn reduce the use of fresh water for irrigation by up to 30% against standard protective agriculture environments. By providing solutions for low to mid tech farmers, this impacts 70% of the world’s farmaing community.
JVE International
We are disseminating the call among non state actors across Africa.
We are translating it into the local language.
We are sharing it with several governments.
We will be supporting an agroecology transition program at territorial levels in various countries.
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Since its inception, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has prioritized food as a key research pillar. This legacy is embodied in our late Center for Desert Agriculture, which made significant contributions to sustainable agriculture in arid environments. Building on this foundation, we recently launched the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Food Security to advance the delivery of research, technology, and innovation for resilient food systems. The Center aligns with the global call for urgent food system transformation, as articulated in the Food Systems Call to Action. We are committed to supporting frontline food system actors, enhancing resource efficiency, and developing sustainable agricultural practices. These efforts are complemented by our interdisciplinary research, which integrates digital, nano-, and biotechnologies to drive significant changes in food systems. Our research themes focus on increasing resource use efficiency, developing crops for the future, and enhancing sustainable biosystems.
KAUST also fosters a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship, with startups pioneering advancements in various areas such as sustainable agriculture, greenhouse farming, food waste reduction, and soil health improvement. Combined, our research and innovation approach will serve as a knowledge hub in the region, connecting expertise and catalyzing collaborations to address critical challenges in agri-food systems in desert environments.
Our focus on science-based targets, transparency, and collaboration ensures that we can scale impactful solutions. Together with our partners, we strive to create a sustainable, equitable, and resilient food system for the future.
By harnessing the power of emerging technologies and fostering a collaborative approach, KAUST is poised to lead in transforming food systems to deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature, and climate. We are committed to monitoring and reporting annually on our efforts, ensuring continuous improvement and alignment with the highest standards of sustainability and resilience.
We use Community-based land management approach by involving the local communities especially the small holder farmers in land management decisions and training like water retention measures in their farm-land (e.g- use of drip irrigation), making of contour ditches as the water harvesting techniques to rehydrate their lands during dry seasons. We also promote individual and institutional agroforestry by supporting individual farmers and farmers’ cooperatives with fruit trees to stabilize the soil, increase underground water levels, prevent soil erosion and improve soil fertility. These foster sustainable land practices and ensure that conservation efforts align with the local needs,knowledge and collective actions.
We partner with local farmers cooperatives to promote sustainable farming practices that enhance soil health through training programs on regenerative agriculture and incentivizing practices like cover crops and reduced tillage. We also collaborate with academic institutions like the University at Buffalo to advance knowledge on soil science and sustainable land management practices.We work closely with government agencies like Local government and office of the minister department of Refugees (OPM-DOR) to promote subsidies or incentives for sustainable land management practices,implement regulations and integrate soil health considerations into broader environmental policies. We also Partner with environmental NGOs that focus on sustainable development and Joint initiatives that include community-based soil conservation projects, educational campaigns on soil health, and advocacy for land stewardship practices. Lastly, we collaborate with international organizations such as the CA4SH, and UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, to access global expertise, funding opportunities, and technical support for large-scale soil restoration and conservation projects.
Collaboration among the stakeholders allows to pool resources, knowledge, and expertise from diverse sectors, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of soil health interventions and conservation efforts which address multiple facets, such as water management, land use planning, and ecosystem restoration in an integrated manner which achieve larger-scale impact, reaching more communities and landscapes affected by desertification and drought. These Scaling up initiatives ensure that sustainable practices and solutions are adopted more widely that build resilience against environmental challenges. Also, the collaborative efforts ensure that interventions are sustained over the long term, fostering adaptive capacity and preparedness in vulnerable regions.
McKnight Foundation
The McKnight Foundation’s Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems cultivates resilient food systems globally by bridging farmer-centered agroecological research, action, and influence. We focus our support in three communities of practice in 10 countries located in the high Andes and Africa, which serve as living learning labs for testing, scaling, and spreading solutions.
Our farmer research networks give smallholder farmers and farm communities a voice in our collective future. We leverage the relationships, networks, and evidence that have been created to advance deep transformations in local, regional, and global food systems by influencing funding flows, policy, and research norms and agendas.
McKnight Foundation’s Midwest Climate & Energy program partners with the stewards of working lands to advance solutions that cut emissions, sequester carbon, and build soil resiliency in the face of increasing climate disruptions, while centering the leadership of farmers. We do this by promoting the leadership of farmers and farmer-led organizations to advance climate solutions; building partnerships with public and private sectors; and supporting organizing and advocacy infrastructure in the Midwest for an inclusive farming system with strong workers’ rights that honors Indigenous farming knowledge and has equitable opportunities for low-income, communities of color, and emerging farmers.
Mercy For Animals
Mercy For Animals is an international organization dedicated to ending industrial animal agriculture and constructing a just and sustainable food system.
We believe that engagement at all stages of the food system, with due consideration for all stakeholders, is important for food systems transformation. Our programs and initiatives translate this belief into actionable positive outcomes. Our Transformation Program helps farmers transition from industrial animal agriculture to plant-based production, fostering a just food system from the ground up. We also actively engage with companies to improve animal welfare standards in production and ensure greater availability of plant-based options. Shaping healthy and sustainable public food environments is another priority. This is reflected by our Food Policy Program in Brazil, under which three cities committed to delivering 5 million vegan meals a year, and our campaigns for sustainable public procurement policies in the United States. Our investigations, which reveal conditions in industrial animal agriculture facilities, and public outreach campaigns help spread awareness of issues plaguing the food system and leverage people power to affect meaningful change. We also recognize the importance of multilateral processes and work to ensure that the need for sustainable food systems, especially plant-based food, is recognized at these forums.
Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust
Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a development organization established in the year 2002. We support sustainable economic growth and development of small holder farmers and Agri MSMEs to increase productivity, income and enhance competitiveness for job creation especially for youth and women. MESPT is committed to prioritize the following:
- Scale up sustainable agricultural production practices across all the target value chains and ensure farmers adopt climate smart agricultural
- Support the transition of small farmers from conventional agriculture to regenerative agriculture.
- Promote activities that eliminate food waste across all the target value chains through practices that promote circular economy.
- Improve soil health through use of organic manure, soil and water conservation, crop rotation, cover crops and minimum or no tillage and reverse land degradation.
- Conserve degraded areas like hilltops, watershed areas and promote tree planting and contribute towards increasing the vegetation cover.
- Continue to support financial service providers to embrace ESG and establish mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on ESG.
- Continue to promote multi stakeholder collaboration at county level and enhance a coordinated approach to addressing challenges of climate change specific to each context.
- Respect people, plants, and the planet.
Mission East
As the climate crisis intensifies, communities across the globe confront escalating poverty, increased vulnerability, loss of biodiversity, and the breakdown of livelihoods. Compounding these issues is the impact of climate change on food production, posing a severe threat to food security and the sustainability of livelihoods.
Mission East adopts a comprehensive, rights-based strategy to combat food insecurity in the communities we serve, leveraging our extensive knowledge at both the local and international levels to tackle this pressing issue.
The collaboration with small-scale farmers is essential to our efforts and success. Together with our partners, we work alongside vulnerable and marginalised groups to enhance their food security, cultivate crops resilient to climate change, improve their chances for better livelihoods, and bolster their ability to withstand climate-induced shocks. Natural resource management and water-related programming incorporates climate forecasting, emphasising adaptation and environmental protection.
Through a rights-based approach, we address underlying structural and social injustices, aiming to elevate the quality of life for individuals, their families, and communities by reducing economic inequalities and fostering sustainable means of income.
With 30+ years of experience, Mission East has successfully delivered a diverse array of food security programs, ranging from immediate emergency aid to longer-term initiatives that bolster food production at the household level, such as kitchen gardens, clean cooking, greenhouses, and animal husbandry, as well as supporting smallholder agriculture.
Understanding the complexity of food security, Mission East acknowledges its interrelation with other critical sectors, including WASH, livelihoods, DRR, health and wellbeing, and more. Consequently, we emphasise community involvement, local capacity building, and resilience-building, ensuring that the multifaceted nature of food security remains a core consideration in our programming.
Mulloon Institute
All life needs water, landuse changes and clearing have left our landscapes desiccated and fragile, unable to withstand climate extremes. The Mulloon
Institute works with rural communities, First Nations people and government to rehydrate and restore landscapes across Australia.
Our work is recognised by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network as a demonstrator of sustainable, productive and profitable farming.
Landscape Rehydration Infrastructure includes contours, earth banks and leaky weirs, made with natural materials and accompanied by revegetation and regenerative agricultural management. It restores broken water cycles, reconnects streams and rivers with floodplains, to hold water in the landscape rebuilding productive, spongy wet floodplains full of biodiversity, greening up and cooling down landscapes across Australia.
We will continue to seek funding to: partner with communities to use LRI to rebuild demonstration sites of landscapes resilient to climate extremes across Australia, develop a methodology to measure the success of LRI and enable farmers to connect to natural capital markets, continue the role out of our national education and capacity building program, and our call for regulatory reform to support landscape repair, role out our spatial CREST model to guide scaling of this approach across Australia.
Municipality of Funchal
The Municipality of Funchal is working to improve its food system, raising awareness regarding the impact of food in our planet.
As a partner of the Food Trails project, Funchal has developed a food strategy which was launched in October 2023, with a set of proposed measures for the next 4 years. The strategic pillars of the food strategy are education, sustainability, inclusion, supporting local production and networking.
Funchal has also been developing food literacy activities and food-related events, such as Funchal Food Week, Pulses Week, Healthy showcookings, etc.
Natural Capitalism Solutions
We are working with organizations globally to encourage a shift to regenerative agriculture, local production, support for small-holder farmers and use of renewable energy in the agriculture sector. Agriculture is now a major contributor to global warming. Regenerative agriculture has shift agriculture to being half the solution to the climate crisis.
At Nestlé we believe in unlocking the power of food to enhance quality of life now and for generations to come. We know that farming differently and changing the way we eat are critical to achieving the goals of the Paris agreement. That’s why we support the Non-State Actors Call to Action to transform food systems for people, nature, and climate.
We will do so by implementing high-ambition commitments that contribute to food systems transformation. These goals, outlined in our Net Zero Roadmap, include reducing our absolute emissions by 50% this decade, even as our company grows and reducing and eliminating the risk of deforestation in key supply chains. It also covers sourcing 50% of key ingredients through regenerative agriculture methods by 2030.
We are already working on hundreds of projects around the world, including collaborations with suppliers, project implementers and local communities. Key to success is our work with farmers – whether small holders or large landowners – striving for a just transition, placing producers at its heart. Our actions are guided by our Human Rights Framework.
We hope the Non-State Actor Call to Action helps scale up our impact and ensures others match this level of ambition and investment.
NeverEndingFood Permaculture
NeverEndingFood is our home and community-based permaculture demonstration in Chitedze, Malawi where we use and showcase many low-input, high impact ecological technologies for organic agriculture, water, sanitation, food and seed multiplication, processing, storing and sharing, sustainable energy, and much more. We have reached thousands of visitors in surrounding villages and a wide variety of organizations locally and internationally, we support an internship programme for out community to certify interested people in Permaculture, and we partner with universities to host student attachments and conduct online sessions. We are involved in several organizations related to these topics to spread solutions that address root causes of problems.
In addition to continuing these activities to reach as many people as we are able, we commit to:
- Work with the Permaculture Network in Malawi to make indigenous resources (mostly seed) available and accessible.
- Work with the Lilongwe City Green Guardians on Urban Sustainable Food Systems
Exact actions towards these will depend on what the stakeholders in this groups are willing and able to do. We are happy to share progress towards this goals with the Race To Zero / Resilience stakeholders.
As a leading food quality and safety software provider to the food and beverage industry, Novolyze remains committed to playing our part in transforming food systems for people, nature, and climate, sharing in the Call to Action through the following actions:
- Support frontline food systems actors to build resilience to climate risks and other stresses. We do this through our software platform enabling frontline food systems actors to implement environmental monitoring programs that improve process efficiency to reduce food loss and waste, improve food quality and safety, and adapt to climate change.
- Align food systems with the 1.5°C goal, reducing absolute GHG emissions from food systems. We do this through software modules that help food systems actors identify and take corrective action on inefficient processes to positively impact GHG emissions.
- Intensify efforts to reduce food loss and waste, including through circular economy We will do this by developing software enabling food systems actors to track and reduce food loss and waste.
Novolyze remains committed to working with other stakeholders to transform food systems for people, nature, and climate. We believe that together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable food system for all.
NYC Mayor’s Office of Food Policy
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Food Policy is committed to a food system that supports people, nature, and the climate. To achieve this goal, we will continue to advance our 10-year Food Forward policy plan. One key pillar is using our city agencies’ food purchases to decrease chronic disease, support New York State and Minority and Women-owned businesses and reduce our food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 33% by 2030. Our goal is to provide vulnerable New Yorkers (in homeless shelters, older adult centers, schools, detention facilities, hospitals, and more) with nutritious, sustainable, culturally relevant meals and to train the city’s culinary workers to prepare delicious, plant-based meals. We will also equip our youngest with knowledge about the connections between food, health, and the environment by implementing the Food Education Roadmap. In addition, we will investigate the impact of our city as a consumer of food and a generator of food waste, which just started to be included in our emissions evaluations. Finally, we will share our progress via the Food Forward NYC policy plan reports. This statement is non-binding.
OCP Group
As the leading global plant nutrition company, OCP recognises the urgent need to drive a global transition towards sustainable agriculture, while simultaneously investing across its own supply chain to ensure that it is carbon neutral (All Scope) by 2040. OCP recognises the need to radically change the way we farm, helping farmers to adopt more sustainable practices to achieve zero hunger while combatting climate change and improving local communities’ livelihoods.
With increasing pressure on the world’s available arable land from climate change and population growth, rebalancing our soils is essential. By keeping soils healthy, including through customised fertilisers that are tailored to each crop, soil and local climate, and by ensuring that these are being applied at the right time, in the right place and at the right rate, farmers can play a decisive role not only to decarbonise agriculture, but also to sequester carbon, while improving both crop yields and the nutritional value of food.
OCP is developing the science, technology and products to improve soil health and accelerate a just transition to climate positive agriculture and make food systems more resilient, fair and sustainable globally; moving from the indiscriminate application of macro-nutrients to precision solutions.
As the continent with the fastest growing population, the greatest crop yield potential, and a large proportion of the world’s unused arable land, Africa has to kickstart, drive and champion the agricultural transition.
One Earth
Since 2017 One Earth has developed and funded scientific research to advance solutions to the climate crisis across three pillars of action — renewable energy transition, nature conservation/restoration, and regenerative agriculture. We have worked to advance regenerative agriculture solutions through our project marketplace that indexes and channels funds to 45+ nonprofit projects around the world supporting regenerative food and fibre production. We’ve released online media and editorial to explain the benefits of regenerative agriculture, and we are funding a geospatial modeling initiative housed at University of Minnesota, which utilizes high resolution data to design an optimized regenerative food system to feed 10 billion people by mid-century without the need for further land conversion. The new One Earth climate model to be released Spring 2024 will provide the basis for a global taxonomy of climate solutions across the three pillars of action, indexing 30 regenerative agriculture solutions pathways — from strategies to increase carbon storage on croplands and sustainable rangeland solutions to food waste/loss reduction and circular fibers sheds. A curriculum will be developed to explain each pathway in depth, and provide case studies for each solution in diverse geographies, along with social media video and other educational assets.
Paulig Group
Paulig is a family-owned, international food and drink company. Placed right in the middle of the food value chain we are influencing both directions within to drive sustainable food systems transformation – one that is good for both people and the planet at the same time.
Paulig has already taken bold actions to deliver our ambitious science-based climate targets through innovation collaboration across value chains. Examples of the key transformational actions and progress include:
- 70% of Paulig’s net sales to come from products and services which enable the health and well-being of people and the planet by 2030.
- 5C aligned, SBTi validated GHG reduction targets: -80% from own operations and
- 50% from our value chain by Work currently ongoing to define specific, science based targets for Nature
- 100% of raw materials from high-risk areas to come from sustainable sources verified by external parties by 2030 – increasing transparency and supportive actions to improve the farmer livelihoods
Paulig has also launched a unique climate fund to accelerate emission reductions in our value chain to collaborate in long-term transformation approaches with our partners and suppliers to reduce GHG emissions and improve biodiversity.
Examples of actions include supporting sustainable cultivation methods, regenerative farming practices and circular economy. Current projects focus on wheat, coffee and logistics value chains with expansion projects planned in corn value chains.
Pegasus Capital Advisors
Pegasus is pleased to commit to pioneering investments totaling over US$350M that will scale sustainable agricultural systems and ocean health, driving food security, restoring sustainable water management and fisheries, and transitioning global supply chains to create sophisticated models for food and water systems that empower and open markets for regenerative, small holder and bio-diverse systems. As part of the Subnational Climate Fund (SCF) and Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), we have a portfolio of projects under consideration that look to invest infrastructure which has the potential to impact over a million vulnerable small farmers, including empowering over 250,000 women in West Africa, building critical infrastructure capability such as cold storage in North and West Africa, potable water distribution systems in Cambodia, agroforestry in Jamaica, seaweed processing in Mexico and the Caribbean, as well as restoring critical commodity production into sustainable and efficient agricultural systems in South and Central America, and the Caribbean. The dedicated technical assistance facilities of SCF and GFCR as well as the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) Food Security Accelerator will support investment readiness, capacity building, environmental and social impact management and measurement of these projects through the partnerships with UNCDF, UNDP, IUCN, IICA, Catalytic Finance Foundation, among others. All these projects will have direct impact on Sustainable Development targets, especially reduction of potential of upwards of 30M in carbon emissions, as they simultaneously look to restore economic activities and food & water security in the Global South.
Philanthropic Collaboration for Renegerative and Agroecological Transitions
Twenty-four leading philanthropies call for a tenfold increase in funding for regenerative and agroecological transitions to address urgent global agricultural and environmental challenges. Together these philanthropies urge that to align food systems with the 1.5ºC goal of the Paris Agreement there is a need to phase out fossil fuel use, especially fossil fuel–based agrochemicals in industrial agriculture, and transition toward agroecology and regenerative approaches.
Assessing what is required for a systems transformation to agroecology and regenerative approaches globally, they determined the financing required, defined barriers to change, and identified pathways, systemic drivers, and investment strategies to accelerate the transformation. In the six months following COP28, this initiative will co-design implementation plans for the priority acceleration levers to unlock financing and accelerate transition pathways with landscape advisors in key geographies. Investment at the scale proposed would mean half of all food produced could be regenerative and agroecological by 2040, and all would be transitioning to more sustainable approaches by 2050. The return on investment would be high and exponential. This commitment leverages philanthropic leadership to create enabling environments for agroecology, regenerative approaches, and Indigenous foodways to flourish.
Plan Based Treaty
Plant Based Treaty is advocating for a safe and just plant-based transition along with rewilding in order to stay within our planetary boundaries. We provide support and resources for institutions to help them transform menus with plant-based options and defaults.
Plataforma Regional LEDS LAC
Como organización adherente al Llamado a la Acción de actores no estatales para la Transformación de los Sistemas Alimentarios, la Plataforma Regional LEDS LAC se propone impulsar y facilitar la implementación los principios y acciones del Llamado en la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, aportando su experiencia en fortalecimiento de capacidades, intercambio de conocimientos y articulación entre diversos actores.
Durante los próximos años, a través de nuestras iniciativas y alianzas regionales, nos proponemos:
- Difundir y socializar el Llamado a la Acción en los diferentes espacios de trabajo y de diálogo, particularmente en el próximo Taller Regional LEDS LAC 2024, así como en nuestros canales de comunicación y difusión.
- Apoyar a los países de la región en el proceso de actualización de sus NDCs hacia la COP30, mediante el fortalecimiento de capacidades para integrar mejor los sistemas alimentarios en las NDCs.
- Apoyar y promover la ambición y la acción de actores no estatales involucrados en las diferentes eslabones de los sistemas alimentarios, así como su participación responsable en los procesos de políticas y planes nacionales.
- Brindar guías para el sector privado, en el marco de las comunidades de práctica de LEDS LAC, a través de productos de conocimiento, fortalecimiento de capacidades e intercambio de experiencias y aprendizajes entre pares.
- Identificar, sistematizar y difundir buenas prácticas y casos de éxito en la región LAC.
- Evaluar y sistematizar el grado de avance, los desafíos y oportunidades de la región en acciones que generen un progreso para las personas, la naturaleza y el clima, como parte del Reporte LEDSenLAC 2025.
- Canalizar asistencias técnicas para implementar los principios y acciones del Llamado y para replicar casos de éxito en actores no estatales, alineadas con las necesidades y prioridades de los países de la región.
Pollination is focused on unlocking climate, development, philanthropic, and private sector finance to accelerate scaling of regenerative food systems, particularly in developing economies, where the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, rural prosperity, and food security are most threatened by climate change and nature loss. Regenerative and agroecological food systems hold the key to sustainably feeding a growing population within planetary boundaries. Our focus and commitment is to unlock finance at scale to accelerate transformation, so that by 2030, regenerative systems are the norm.
Practical Action
Regenerative agriculture focuses on increasing soil health and food security. By linking farmers with local markets and developing their skills, access to finance and the right technology we can build thriving rural economies with good jobs for young people and reduce the impact of food and agriculture on the planet.
Our partnerships in Africa, Asia and Latin America show pathways to deliver these outcomes.
In Kenya we are transforming rural economies and young peoples’ job opportunities in the area around Lake Victoria. Here, we are demonstrating how regenerative agriculture and links to local markets can deliver good livelihoods and employment for young people.
Also in Kenya, we have teamed up with the Mastercard Foundation to work with 100,000 young women and men over the next five years to create a resilient agricultural system for young people.
In Nepal, we are working with farmers, via donations from the UK Public, to improve their regenerative skills, their access to markets and renewable energy so they can grow food more sustainably, reliably, and sell it at a fair price.
And in Bolivia and Peru, we have worked over a decade with growers and suppliers of cacao and coffee to help them protect cloud forests and create thriving, sustainable markets for their products.
What’s more, once we prove our examples work, we showcase these real-life alternatives to current food production systems to decision makers at regional, national and international levels, so they can take good practice to scale.
Proforest is committed to supporting governments, companies and communities in a just transition to the responsible production and sourcing of agricultural commodities. Our work across Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, South and North America, is driven by our mission to create positive impacts for people, nature and climate.
As a mission-driven non-profit we are aligned with the Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. The way we work within and beyond supply chains, with a strong belief in collaboration, capacity building and local ownership, is reflected in many of the critical actions.
In particular, our work will continue to focus on smallholders, to ensure inclusion in a global food system, improved resilience to climate risks and improved livelihoods. This includes building capacity in regenerative agriculture and sustainable land management. We commit to work with stakeholders so that communities can produce food for themselves as well as commercial commodities, without harming biodiversity and natural resources including forests.
Respect for people, through gender and social inclusion, as well as Free, Prior and Informed Consent for Indigenous Peoples, will continue to be embodied in our work with companies, governments, and multi-stakeholder platforms we support, such as the Africa Sustainable Commodities Initiative and Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition.
ProVeg International
ProVeg International is a food-awareness organisation leading global advocacy and implementation efforts for the Call to Action’s priority on “transitioning to more diversified sources of protein and energy and more balanced diets in line with global goals and national circumstances”.
ProVeg is working to replace 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040. We host the ProVeg Incubator, the world’s leading incubator supporting plant-based, fermentation, and cultivated food start-ups and innovators to grow and thrive.
Additionally, ProVeg leads a Global Grants Program for protein diversification, including intervention accelerators to strategically plan campaigns, and a nonprofit management accelerator to help professionalise organisations. This program is providing an average of 80 grants to 50 countries, including many from the South, each year.
ProVeg is taking action to develop novel proteins through the EU-funded Smart Protein Project. This includes proteins from plants, including fava beans, lentils, chickpeas, and quinoa. It also includes novel proteins from upcycling byproducts of pasta, bread, and beer production that reduces food waste!
Finally, we are taking action with thousands of school meals, by delivering evidence-based research and communications, and through our UN Policy engagement, particularly with UNFCCC, UNEA, FAO and UN Food Systems.
Rainforest Alliance
The Rainforest Alliance promotes locally-led and nature-based solutions to significantly reduce GHG emissions in agriculture and forestry supply chains, and to help producers and rural communities build resilience and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Rainforest Alliance is undertaking action in three areas to achieve this: (1) building the resilience of producers and rural communities to climate change while simultaneously reducing emissions; (2) Supporting companies to significantly reduce GHG emissions and build the resilience of agricultural and forestry supply chains and (3) Advancing policies, programs, and investments that support locally-led and nature-based climate action.
Key partnerships, tools, and frameworks to support this work include:
- The Rainforest Alliance 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standard, including a climate risk assessment tool for farmers currently being developed based on ongoing work
- Integrated Community Forest Management
- Forest Allies
- Community Listening Program
- Accountability Framework Initiative
- LandScale
- Regenerative Agricultural Scorecard
- Climate adaptation web platform (to be launched at the end of 2023), in partnership with the Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT
- Business Case for Collective Landscape Action, in partnership with Conservation International, CDP, and Clarmondial AG
- Landscape-scale partnerships around the world, including in the Ghana, Selva Maya in Guatemala, Mexico and Belize, Kenya, Indonesia, and
Rare works with communities and their local governments, using a behavioral and social science-based approach, to safeguard livelihoods, ensure reliable food sources, conserve biodiversity, and mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. We believe in the cumulative power of individual actions, working with fishers and farmers to local governments and businesses to adopt sustainable practices by investing in people and nature as solutions to food insecurity and climate risks.
Through our Fish Forever program, we empower coastal communities to co-manage their fisheries and establish networks of protected and sustainable use areas to sustain their fishing grounds and secure the food supply and livelihoods for hundreds of thousands of fishing households.
Through Lands for Life, we implement behavior-centered strategies to promote agricultural landscapes restoration through regenerative agriculture, with the goal to improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods, sustain productivity through improving soil health, and restore landscapes to their natural functionality. We equip and empower smallholder farmers and local leaders with the information, skills, training, and tools needed to transition toward sustainable practices.
Finally, our Center for Behavior & the Environment trains environmental practitioners around the world in Behavior-Centered Design to maximize the impact of their work. Rare has partnered with MSMEs, universities, philanthropists, and certified B Corp businesses to reduce food waste – an often-overlooked but major contributor to both food insecurity and greenhouse gas emissions around the world.
Red de Bancos de Alimentos de México
La Red BAMX es una organización de la sociedad civil conformada por 57 bancos de alimentos que tienen presencia en 30 estados del país en México, cuyo propósito es reducir el el desperdicio de alimentos en México, contribuyendo a mitigar su impacto negativo en el medio ambiente y A reducir la inseguridad alimentaria de los grupos vulnerables a través de un modelo eficiente y sostenible de rescate y retribución de alimentos que actualmente mitiga cada año más de 150,000 tons de CO2. Actualmente en la Red de Banco De Alimentos, en México, recupera 150 millones de kilos de alimentos de toda la cadena de suministro alimentaria, mejorando las condiciones alimentarias de 1.8 millones de personas en inseguridad alimentaria . Nuestro compromiso es incrementar el rescate de alimentos en un 50% al 2030 a fin de mejorar las condiciones alimentarias de más de 5 millones de personas en México.
RegensHope Initiative
We wholeheartedly endorse the Call to Action and are committed to its realization through concrete steps. Our approach includes targeted awareness campaigns, integrating Call to Action principles into organizational policies, fostering collaborations, transparent progress reporting, and internal capacity building. By actively engaging in these actions, we strive not only to support the initiative but also to contribute substantively to its success. Through our dedication to these measures, we aim to create a meaningful impact and drive positive change in alignment with the Call to Action’s objectives.
Réseau des Organisations des Jeunes Engagés dans le Changement Climatique, Conservation de la Biodiversité, Zones Humides et Forêts (ROJECF)
Le réseau des organisations des jeunes engagés dans le changement climatique, conservation de la biodiversité, zones humides et forêts en RDC s’engage à sensibiliser et à conscientiser les membres de la communauté locale et peuples autochtones à la mise en œuvre des activités en vue de contribuer à la réussite du projet de la transformation du systèmes alimentaires, la conservation de la nature et la lutte contre le changement climatique.
Robert Bosch Stiftung
We support the Non-State Actors Call for Action because the challenges and solutions in the context of climate change and land use are inherently intertwined with food systems. This means for our pathways: We support key actors in Europe and Africa, advocating for sustainable land use practices such as agroecology and sustainable landscapes management and for the recognition of legitimate tenure rights. Recognizing the role of financing for a Just Transition we support the development of new and more inclusive financing mechanisms to enable local solutions for a sustainable land management. In addition, we actively strengthen the capacities of groups with lived experiences such as small scale producers, women, young people as well as key civil society actors to represent their interests, to engage in inclusive decision making processes, and to contribute to international climate and food related policy processes. We foster the work of think tanks advocating for new policies in agriculture and food systems especially at EU level and also address Europe’s extraterritorial responsibility in land use change. With a collaborative approach, we create spaces for discourse and alliances within the ecological, social and political spectrum, and support the transnational networking of key civil society actors in Europe and Africa.
We are on a mission to regenerate Latin America’s grasslands and agricultural lands. Through our network we are already supporting +400 farmers that manage more than 1,2 million hectares In Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil. Nobody can do this alone. ‘We have all the money we need, what we cannot buy is time ‘ A. Savory
Savoir Consulting: ESG, Sustainability, Food & Agribusiness
Savoir Consulting: ESG, Sustainability, Food & Agribusiness supports the Race to Zero Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature and Climate. We work for climate resilient, nature positive food systems transformation by investing in systemic capacity building with farming, fishing and agrifood supply chain clients. We support the implementation of the UN Global Compact, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and progress of the IFRS towards one global sustainability baseline. Operating mostly in ASEAN and Indian Ocean time zone, export-oriented food supply chains, through collaborations, pilots and use cases we raise ambition and impact to protect and restore the natural capital underpinning Australia’s food systems.
SDG2 Advocacy Hub
The SDG2 Advocacy Hub commits to leveraging the Beans is How campaign as well as the organisation’s respective roles and responsibilities to deliver the Non-State Actors Food Systems Call to Action.
Seawards is fully committed to the crucial call for action on making water accessible, recognizing access to clean water not just as a necessity but as a fundamental right for all. In today’s world, where water scarcity increasingly threatens both communities and ecosystems, our mission is more vital than ever. Water is the lifeblood of food production, a resource that underpins agricultural sustainability and food security. As climate change continues to disrupt weather patterns and water availability, Seawards is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to ensure continuous and equitable water access.
Our engagement in this call to action stems from a deep understanding of water’s pivotal role in sustaining life and promoting resilience in the face of environmental challenges. By adopting and promoting technologies and practices that enhance water efficiency and conservation, we aim to empower communities, particularly in water-stressed regions, to manage this precious resource sustainably. We believe that safeguarding water resources is not just an environmental imperative but a critical step towards a more equitable and sustainable world.
Through this declaration, Seawards pledges to be at the forefront of advocating for policies and initiatives that reinforce the right to water, support sustainable water management, and contribute to the global fight against climate change.
SEKEM was founded with the idea of sustainable development and giving back to the community. Sustainable development towards a future where every human being can unfold his or her individual potential; where mankind is living together in social forms reflecting human dignity; and where all economic activity is conducted in accordance with ecological and ethical principles.
SEKEM promotes a holistic approach to sustainable development, giving back to the community in which they operate various companies in the field of organic and biodynamic food and beverages, textiles and pharmaceuticals. Its ‘Economy of Love’ (EoL) scheme is a certification standard promoting sustainable, ethical, and transparent products while promoting responsible communities. EoL aims to support 40,000 small-holder farmers in Egypt by 2025, to transition to organic and biodynamic farming, earning carbon credits that support ecosystem services as well as increasing the livelihoods of local communities.
EoL implements biodynamic agricultural practices that are focused on nourishing soil, protecting the environment, and producing nutrient-rich food while prioritizing animal welfare. EoL aims to advance socially responsible, economically viable, and environmentally conscious farming. SEKEM’s EoL will increase the number of organic farmers, therefore helping to improve the quality sourcing of organic crops and their availability in more sufficient amounts.
Shenzhen GoalBlue Low Carbon Development Promoting Center
“我们的愿景: 我们渴望实现一个粮食系统,它充分考虑资源利用、减少浪费、提高食品质量,鼓励支持可持续性的消费行为,并激发公众对粮食系统影响的认识。
我们的行动: 为了达成我们的目标和愿景,我们将采取以下行动:
- 宣传教育: 通过多种传播途径,向公众传达可持续粮食消费的理念和重要性,增强他们对粮食系统影响的认识,促使他们意识到自己的购买决策和食品消费行为对系统的影响。
- 提供信息资源: 提供准确、可靠的信息资源,包括有关可持续性农业、粮食生产方式、食品质量标准和食品浪费等方面的知识,以帮助消费者做出更明智的选择。
- 引导可持续消费行为: 鼓励并引导消费者采取支持粮食系统转型的行动,例如选择当季、本地和有机食品、减少食品浪费、支持可持续生产和采购模式等。
- 合作共建: 与政府、企业、社会组织和其他利益相关者合作,共同致力于推动粮食系统的可持续发展,建立共识和合作机制。
Desde nuestra propuesta educativa facilitaremos contenidos y reflexiones alineados a los compromisos requeridos a nivel individual y empresarial en relación a múltiples aspectos entre ellos la transición a la dieta “climatatian”.
We believe youth play and important role in resilience making by safeguarding food security and fostering climate resilient development opportunities in their community. We outline the action being taken to implement the project
- Understanding what are the overarching changes youth are trying to implement with their projects and advovacy.
- Advancing joint efforts of measuring collection impact of youth-led community based food system projects in different regions.
- Fostering collaboration in a network of food systems projects across regions
- We have incorporated both quantitative and qualitative We have calorie surveys sent to projects, interviews and focus groups.
- The literature compiles existing literacy surrounding project impact measurement for small scale or community based projects and describes the current youth international financial architecture.
- The quantitative research involved a robust analysis of the foundational database, exploring commonalities and differences in the indicators Learning’s.
- To ensure the success of the project, a robust Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) have been incorporated. This involves activities such as workshop and reflection sessions to explore challenges, learn from the market, and improve research components in the learning phase.
Societe Sommac
Devant la gravité de la malnutrition, tant en ce qui concerne la moralité que les séquelles à longue échéance, et également les grandes difficultés que rencontre le traitement curatif des malnutritions avérées, il est primordial de tourner vers la prévention. Il ne s’agit pas, en effet, seulement de diminuer la mortalité infantile, mais aussi et surtout de promouvoir la santé et les potentialités des enfants qui y vivent.
Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
The Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions welcomes and supports the Non-State Actors “Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature and Climate: A Share Call to Action” at COP28 and beyond. Transforming our food systems is critical to meet the Paris Agreement, safeguard food and nutrition security, and build a sustainable, climate-resilient, and equitable future for people and the planet. Over 300 million people around the world depend on the oceans for their livelihoods, and over three billion people rely on oceans for food security. But ocean and freshwater ecosystems face challenges – from climate change impacts, to overfishing and pollution – that compromise their health and contribution to our food systems. The Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions contributes to and supports the shared 2030 vision by catalyzing research, innovation, and action to improve blue food system health. We commit to this global multi-stakeholder effort by working in partnership across sectors to deliver the latest science to inform evidence-based decision-making. We conduct action-oriented research and fill gaps in our understanding of the ocean-climate-food system nexus. We will continue to work in partnership with research institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and governments to enable a just food systems transformation.
Stronger Foundations for Nutrition
Stronger Foundations for Nutrition, the global philanthropic community fighting to end malnutrition, commits to engage our philanthropic members in coordinated advocacy and action towards sustainable and nutritious food systems, and towards more resilient health and social protection systems for vulnerable populations. We will work in partnership with others in philanthropy and beyond to ensure nutrition priorities are central in – and in support of – broader goals of people, nature and climate.
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment
Adverse effects of climate change are already apparent in some regions and the eventual effect in all regions is likely to be very negative. Increasing resilience of food systems must be done at every level, from the field to landscape and markets. It generally involves a comprehensive set of actions which have to be coordinated. Farmers and food producers alone cannot adapt successfully to climate change. They need support from the government and from the private sector, and there is also an important role for civil society organizations.
Climate-change adaptation will certainly require new practices and changes in the livelihood strategies of most if not all food producers as well as other actors throughout the food chain, involving farmers, retailers and intermediaries in the food chain, agri-business and the financial sector.
Adaptation measures have to be specific to local circumstances. Climate change adaptation must consider socially disadvantaged groups, gender differences and in particular the role of women as decision makers in food systems. In this regard, Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) is undertaking specific actions in alignment with the Call to Action’s objectives. The organization’s strategy is to promote community-led initiatives that support farmers and frontline food systems actors to enhance their absorptive, adaptive and resilient capacities to climate risks and other shocks and stresses. The organization will carry out demand-driven research to generate and share relevant and accurate information about climate change, and documenting traditional knowledge on responses to climate risks. SWAGEN will be hands-on in conserving forests as watersheds, and promoting agroecology as the sustainable model of agriculture that delivers not only food security but food sovereignty. The organization will call for seed banks at community level and storage of food reserves in silos as insurance against hunger.
Sustainability Impact Network Africa
We, the Sustainability Impact Network Africa, commit to the Call to Action to launch a Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. We will specifically seek to work with farmers in Africa on climate-smart agriculture initiatives, specifically those geared towards farming oil crops for sustainability. We will continue to increase the number of farmers participating in the system of farmer field schools that we run across the continent and the promotion of growing drought-resistant food and tree crops.
Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
We work with smallholder farmers in developing countries. The role of smallholder farmers in mitigating climate change is crucial; however, their primary need lies in receiving support for climate adaptation. Smallholders suffer more than almost anyone else from weather extremes and degradation of ecosystem health caused by climate change. So far, the global community has invested very little climate funding in this area. This must change. At COP28 and beyond, our Foundation will be doing all it can to forge new action coalitions.
These will focus on enabling smallholders to adapt better to climate change. That will help them to continue growing the crops that they, their communities and the wider world all need for food security and rural prosperity. Want to know more about the Foundation? www.syngentafoundation.org. Like to join us in improving smallholders’ livelihoods and resilience? syngenta.foundation@syngenta.com
Syngenta Group
At the Syngenta Group, our 59,000 people across more than 100 countries strive every day to transform agriculture through tailor-made solutions for the benefit of farmers, society and our planet – making us the world’s most local agricultural technology and innovation partner. We believe our technologies and innovation can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the food and agriculture sector to help us meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. But reaching this goal will be challenging, and can only be done through partnerships. We aim to be the most collaborative and trusted team in agriculture, creating long-term, sustainable value for customers, employees and people around the world.
SynTao Co., Ltd.
As a leading sustainability consulting firm in China, SynTao is committed to promoting sustainability among its partners and clients. SynTao believes it can leverage its expertise to contribute to a better world.
Through multi-stakeholder engagement projects and research programs, SynTao could identify and promote business best practices on sustainable, regenerative, agroecological production, improving soil health and water management by working with its business networks. These have encompassed a range of interventions and initiatives such as supporting food systems supply chain improvement to adapt and build resilience to climate risks and other stresses, and building business capacity to improve their actions on community engagement to address food insecurity.
Some of the previous activities are:
- Support RSPO to launch a national strategy research project to help sustainable palm oil business growth in China, and enlarge its branding influential power through multi-stakeholder engagement At least five Chinese companies have joined RSPO by adopting RSPO certification and shaping their supply chain more sustainably.
- Support CDP to launch a “forest sustainability” campaign website as a key platform to provide global forest-related information, latest research papers, and newly updated research programs to meet the needs of multi-stakeholder engagement purposes.
Some of the current activities are:
- Support a well-known international NGO in introducing the regenerative agriculture concept to Chinese businesses to improve soil health, water management, farmers’ sustainable development, climate risk adaptation, and livestock health improvement.
- Support a well-known infrastructure association in China to provide capacity-building and community engagement projects to its members who have infrastructure projects/business overseas, to solve the issue of food insecurity in the local communities.
- Support a well-known FMCG business brand to shape its regenerative agriculture strategy by working with its nine Tier-one supply chain partners in China. Improve its supply chain management skills and knowledge.
Tapp Coalition
We will encourage high income countries and the EU commission to implement carbon pricing in agri food systems to reduce GHG emissions.
Tetra Pak
Food processing technologies and packaging solutions are essential to the transformation of food systems. Tetra Pak is committed to being a positive influence on our future food systems and in response to the urgent need for action we have identified four key pathways and linked targets to drive change.
- Pathway 1: Enable the transition to more sustainable dairy by addressing the environmental impact of dairy processing, while also supporting smallholder farmers’ productivity, profitability, and livelihoods.
- Target 1: Reduce GHG emissions in our ambient dairy processing equipment by 50% by 2030.
- Target 2: Reaching 100,000 smallholder farmers in our Dairy Hub customer projects by 2030.
- Pathway 2: Innovate for new food sources by working in collaboration to advance the development of alternative protein sources and enable the scale up of new food production technologies.
- Target 3: Triple sales in plant based and new food processing equipment and technologies by 2030.
- Pathway 3: Reduce food loss and waste by developing food processing technologies that help reduce food loss during production, including new solutions to turn side-streams into value-added products; offering aseptic packaging solutions that reduce food waste by keeping perishable products safe for longer.
- Target 4: Achieve a 50% reduction of product loss in best practice processing lines by 2030.
- Pathway 4: Scale access to safe nutrition through sustainable food packaging by developing and promoting sustainable food packaging solutions that minimize environmental impact, preserve food quality, and enhance the circulatory of resources.
- Target 5: Increase global access to safe nutritious foods through our ambient packaging solutions by 2 billion litres by 2030.
Thai Union Group PCL
Thai Union, under its SeaChange 2030 strategy, have set the following commitments:
- Implement Science Based Targets aligned with the 1.5C pathway that reduces GHGs by -42% across Scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2030, compared to a 2021 baseline, and Net Zero by 2050.
- By 2030, 100% of shrimp and 100% of Tuna, alongside 6 other key wild-caught species sourced by Thai Union, will be responsibly sourced and support positive outcomes for people, nature and planet, including adapting and building resilience to climate risks.
- By 2030, 100% of Thai Union ambient branded products meet Nutritional Guidelines, and 100% of new ambient branded products to drive positive
- By 2030, 100% of soy and palm oil will be certified, ensuring zero deforestation and conversion across our entire supply chain.
- By 2030, elimination of food waste, waste to landfill and water discharge from our five largest processing facilities.
- By 2030, invest THB 250 million for the protection and restoration of critical
- By 2025, increase sustainability-linked blue finance to 75 percent of long-term financing – financing that has sustainability targets to benefit the oceans.
The Advanced Plant Growth Centre
As a proud endorser of the Call to Action for transforming food systems, the Advanced Plant Growth Centre (APGC) at the James Hutton Institute is actively implementing strategies aligned with our commitment to food security and sustainable agriculture. Our innovative facilities, part of the £62 million Tay Cities Region Deal investment, bridge the gap between research and industry, focusing on controlled environments, precision agriculture, and phenotyping.
We offer next-generation controlled-environment facilities including growth cabinets, rooms, a speed-breeding facility, polytunnels, and glasshouses with advanced lighting and climate controls to simulate future environments. Our high-throughput phenotyping platform grows crops in controlled settings and characterizes them using cutting-edge imaging technologies. This allows for detailed analysis of plant structure and development, crucial in crop variety development.
Our post-harvest storage facility focuses on creating crops with improved storage and supply chain resilience, and our vertical growth tower enables high-density, year-round crop production in fully controlled environments. The newly established Hutton Molecular Phenotyping Centre equips researchers with the latest tools to study plant responses at a molecular level under varied environmental conditions.
At APGC, we’re committed to partnering with agritech, and crop science organisations, offering local solutions and leading scientific innovations for a sustainable agricultural future.
The Egyptian Bio-Dynamic Association – EBDA
The Egyptian biodynamic association (EBDA) is the largest organic and biodynamic farmers association in Egypt as it supports farmers in Egypt to shift from conventional practices to organic, and biodynamic agriculture. It owns and develops the EoL standard, which includes governance, certification criteria, and an online platform for tracing and carbon registration. The EoL Management System follows ISO 17067 guidelines. Through EBDA, farmers were able register a great additional income through the implementation of EoL carbon. Economy of Love (EoL) scheme is a promising solution for climate change challenges.
Agriculture could be a part of the solution. EBDA started an initiative for upscaling organic farming in Egypt by supporting 40,000 farmers in transition to organic and biodynamic farming, earning carbon credits from their ecosystem service as well as increasing the livelihoods of local communities. The initiative consists of 4 phases. 2 are completed and currently, Phase 3, aims to enroll 40,000 small-holder farmers in the EoL CC scheme by 2025. This involves planting 11.3 m trees, produce 2 m tons compost, cultivate 250K acres, install 250 MWp of solar panels to cut irrigation emissions. Phase 4 plans to enroll 250,000 farmers by 2028.
The Farm of Francesco
As part of the Farm of Francesco’s endorsement of the “Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate: a Call to Action”, we submit our two-fold Statement of Action: 1. To listen and co-create side by side with farmers from Global South and Global North alike transformational real-life experiences combining regenerative agriculture, business and spirituality and 2. From this and responding to the call of Pope Francis in Laudato Si, Fratelli Tutti and Laudate Deum, develop specific opportunities for impactful participation of the farmers in global processes, specifically in the UNFCCC COP, but also in the UN FSS and the CFS. We do this to support farmers responding to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor. Thus turning climate policy into an integral policy of social action.
The Food Foundation
Our mission is changing food policy and business practice to ensure everyone, across the UK nations, can afford and access a healthy and sustainable diet. We are policy entrepreneurs and use surprising and inventive ideas to catalyse and deliver fundamental change in the food system by building and synthesising strong evidence, shaping powerful coalitions, harnessing citizens’ voices and driving progress with impactful communications.
Our work is centred around the following main pillars:
- Improving children’s diets: we work to ensure all children can access a healthy diet.
- Increasing vegetable consumption: we work with over 100 businesses and cities to change the environment so that veg is more available, affordable and accessible.
- Influencing food policy: we support leaders to transform food
- Inspiring change in food businesses and investments: we help make the food industry more transparent so that investors and policymakers can spot the leaders and the laggards.
Through our work we will prioritize critical actions that support the Call to Action on Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate, and commit to monitor and report annually on our efforts to progress the food systems transformation priorities contained in the Call to Action.
The Food System Resiliency Table
The Table is a place where community leaders work together to: Learn lessons from the pandemic and resist the attempt to return to business as usual; Continue with building and supporting a food system transformation that builds resilience at all levels; Ensure that diverse groups of people are leading from their lived experience and active in building a resilient food system for all; and to Support the transition to a circular food economy that is designed with equity, prosperity and sustainability at the core.
The Global FoodBanking Network
The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) provides food to people in need, while reducing food loss and waste and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. By collecting and redistributing surplus food from food producers and retailers, GFN and its global network, operating in 50 countries, are actively contributing to reduce food loss and waste. In 2022, GFN and its member food banks served over 32 million people—more than 4 times the reach from the pre-COVID era. Through these efforts, we helped avoid 1.5 billion kilograms of CO2e.
Working with our partners around the world, GFN is the only global organization that currently recovers and redistributes surplus food at scale. These activities bring multiple benefits to people and communities, including improving food security, nutrition, resilience, and the environment.
In the coming years, we will continue to scale our impact in order to meet the interconnected goals of expanding food access and reducing emissions that cause climate change. GFN has a “north star” goal of providing food access to 50 million people by 2030.
The Good Food Fund
The Good Food Fund is pleased to endorse this Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate.
Recognizing the significant impact of our diets on human health, animal health and planetary health, the Good Food Fund focuses on promoting the shift to healthy and sustainable diets to drive food systems transformation. Of the ten prioritized actions in the Call to Action, while supporting the others, the Good Food Fund will centre its work in changing food environments to improve availability, accessibility, and affordability in support of healthy, nutritious, sustainable, and locally appropriate diets, transitioning to more diversified sources of protein and energy and more balanced diets in line with global goals and national (and REGIONAL and LOCAL) circumstances.
Therefore, the Good Food Fund commit to the following actions:
- Youth leadership: to cultivate young leaders in the food space through various programs including youth talent development programs and study tours.
- Food literacy: to raise public awareness on food issues with multifold communication strategies.
- Corporate engagement: to tap into local ingredients and recipes, empower restaurants and food brands, and promote sustainable and healthy diets in communities, schools and enterprises through a series of programs including Biodiversity Ingredients, Mama’s Kitchen and Eco-Chef.
- Public policy: Focusing on city-level multi-stakeholder engagement, to provide advice on urban food policy and food governance, and help build a model city for promoting the Oriental Healthy Diet and low-carbon transition of the food system.
- International communication: to exchange best practices with international counterparts through organizing the annual Good Food Summit and participating in major international conferences.
The Good Food Institute
The Good Food Institute (GFI) is implementing the CtA by acting as a field catalyst for the alternative protein (AP) ecosystem. Developing AP sources that are nutritious, affordable, and tasty is critical to ensuring a transition to more diversified sources of protein (action #4). This work is needed to align food systems with 1.5°C (action #2) and to halt and reverse loss of important ecosystems (action #8).
One way GFI acts as a field catalyst is by fostering a strong open-access AP research and training ecosystem. In 2024, GFI aims to grow the size of the scientific workforce, as measured by 50 institutions (including 5+ within LMICs) establishing a new mechanism for guiding talent into the field.
GFI influences the public sector to support APs, with 2024 goals of $450M in public funding awarded globally to AP research and 20 governments making R&D investment commitments via multilateral framework agreements (e.g., Aim4Climate).
Finally, GFI influences the private sector to support APs by working with manufacturers, retailers, and foodservice companies to adopt protein diversification commitments, as highlighted in the Protein Transition Call to Action.
GFI publicly shares information on AP science, policy, and industry, and publicizes our organizational progress through our Year-in-Review.
The Inga Foundation USA
The Inga Foundation pioneers the revolutionary agricultural system of Inga Alley Cropping to address environmental and food insecurity problems. Since 2012, the Inga Foundation’s simple, regenerative agroforestry system of Inga Alley Cropping in Honduras has transformed the lives and livelihoods of 450 subsistence farming families—empowering them and trained and assisted by an all-Honduran team of foresters, agronomists and field and nursery staff—planting over 4 million trees.
The ability of the resilient Inga tree to anchor, enrich, and regenerate depleted soil provides 100% food security. Climate-resilient Inga tree alleys provide the basic grains (corn/beans), organic cash crops as well as significantly reduce global carbon emissions, protect wildlife and marine habitats, preserve water sources and yield a year’s worth of renewable firewood.
All crops are grown without herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or heavy equipment. The Inga alleys survive months of drought, stop erosion and mudslides, and save animals and watersheds. This low-input, debt-free, and bottom-up program gives families the means to achieve “land for life.” The Inga Tree model fulfills 11 of the 17 SDGs with NO negative impact whatsoever.
The Just Rural Transition Secretariat
The JRT initiative was launched at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in 2019 to create a global community of practice on the evidence, perspectives and approaches that can help drive a just transition to sustainable agriculture and food systems. JRT works with partners to advance inclusive policy action and build support for approaches towards food systems transformation that centre farmers and are based on Just Food System Transition Principles. JRT provides a knowledge hub of policy briefs, case studies, and toolkits that will help decision makers access information that makes the case for action, informs design policy approaches and supports implementation. In addition, JRT brings together key stakeholders including farmers, pastoralists, fishers and other food producers to share experiences and identify opportunities to scale up sustainable agriculture and food systems including through repurposing policy and public support. JRT’s dialogues support an inclusive engagement process, helping to build support with key constituencies and enabling governments to move forward with policy reform.
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is proud to support 11 landscapes initiatives that showcase the diversity of partnerships between food systems, nature and climate around the world. By developing this portfolio representing the diversity of geographic and food production archetypes, The Nature Conservancy is creating a set of living laboratories that can be replicated and scaled for collective global impact.
TNC aims to support beneficial transitions in these landscapes from business-as-usual food production to regenerative systems that meet climate, biodiversity and human welfare goals. By 2030, we expect over 90 million hectares to begin this transition process – an area twice the size of California – supporting 2.1 million producers.
The initiatives will impact some of the world’s most critical landscapes for people and nature, such as the Orinoquia region in Colombia, the Mississippi River Basin in US, the Central Highlands of Kenya, the Northwest region in India, among others. By working with local communities and through a systems-level and science-based approach, TNC aims to catalyze a regenerative transition in this portfolio of landscape initiatives.
At the global level, The Nature Conservancy wants to influence success by building coalitions and continuously learning, adapting and replicating what works —while balancing pace and scale with equity and inclusion of local communities
The Power of Nutrition
The Power of Nutrition is a global not-for-profit organisation that builds partnerships with businesses, governments and civil society to create sustainable nutrition-centred programmes that support mothers and children in Africa and Asia. Undernutrition is an underlying factor in 45 percent of deaths in children under the age of five. Climate change will only make this number rise. Through our wide-ranging partnerships and in line with the Call To Action, we will strengthen our commitment to ensure that all our programmes can adapt, and be resilient to, changes in the climate. We will promote local leadership to help increase food availability that meets the nutritional needs of communities, continuing to recognise the role of women in helping to make healthy food both accessible and affordable.
The Rockefeller Foundation
Reversing the climate crisis is The Rockefeller Foundation’s primary focus. As the Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate notes, the world needs a global transformation that ensures the system produces food that is good for people and the planet.
The Rockefeller Foundation has committed over USD$30 million since 2022 to accelerate the transition to regenerative and agroecological production via investments in research and networks, innovative financial mechanisms, market development, and policy. Additionally, we’ve committed to invest over USD $100 million to enhance evidence on Food is Medicine interventions, which show great potential for alleviating diet-related diseases, and support their incorporation into health systems. Finally, we have supported countries to adopt climate-friendly school meal programs with nearly USD$30 million in investments.
The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP)
WRAP will prioritize critical actions to:
- Continue working on public-private partnerships around the world like Courtauld Commitment, GRASP 2030 and others, to share knowledge and good practices amongst countries on collaborative actions, and measurement and reporting across food chains to reduce food waste, water stress and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Continue working closely with UNEP, Champions 12.3, the EU platform on food losses and food waste and other partners on the achievement of SDG 12.3 and promoting the circularisation of food systems.
- Continue working with countries such as the UK, Mexico, Indonesia and South Africa on preventing FLW at source, working with retailers, manufacturers, hospitality, redistribution organisations and public sector to remove barriers to surplus food redistribution, investing in redistribution capacity and measuring and reporting changes.
- Continue and expand our international work on citizens behaviour change, with campaigns such as ‘Love Food, Hate Waste’ that can be adapted to the different countries to influence the reduction of FW and the adoption of healthy eating and low carbon diets.
- Continue and expand our work on water stewardship around the world through collective action projects such as in the UK, Spain, South Africa, Kenya, and Peru working with local experts developing catchment-specific plans to tackle key water risks in high volume sourcing areas for the UK’s food and drink supply.
- Continue supporting countries and partners around the world to access funds and resources to implement food systems transformation
True Value of Food Initiative
The main objective of this initiative is to unlock the potential of the True Value of Food for governments, businesses, investors, and consumers by providing them with a new economic basis for decision-making. The hidden environmental, health, and economic costs in current food systems exact a significant detrimental impact on the planet and society. True Cost Accounting, and interventions developed in response to TCA findings, can enhance the value of food systems and their ability to address climate change and other global crises.
The True Value of Food Initiative leverages key milestone events and networks to
- raise awareness of food systems’ hidden costs;
- amplify TCA frameworks, tools, research, and case studies, as well as successful business and policy interventions to maximize the True Value of Food; and
- connect interested governments with appropriate implementation “
Unilever’s future food ambition is aligned with statement of action and aims to:
- Net zero emissions across our value chain by 2039
- Invest in implementation of regenerative agriculture principles via >100 projects in all sourcing regions on key crops
- Halve food waste in our operation by 2025
- 5 billion in sales per annum by 2025 in plant-based products
- Double number of products that contain positive nutrients by 2025
- 85% of portfolio to meet Unilever’s science based nutrition targets by 2028
Unovis Asset Management BV
Through targeted investments in the strategic ingredient sector, we aim to transition the food system toward a more nutritious and environmentally sound future. Ingredients, particularly their production and sourcing, account for a substantial portion of the food system’s environmental impact. By improving the sustainability of ingredient sourcing and production, we can significantly reduce the overall ecological footprint of food systems worldwide. We aim to deliver measurable impact by reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, focusing on Scope 3 emissions, and by decreasing land and water use intensities across the food system. Through investment in a high-conviction portfolio of catalytic companies, we seek to accelerate sustainable transformation in the industry.
Vaidic Srijan LLP
As a research and technology based company in climate action, and as a member of CA4SH, we focus on resurrection of native ecology in Soil, Water and Air, which is the key for building a clean, chemical & antibiotics free food system with high nutrition values and completely balanced natural ingredients. We support Food Systems Call to Action (CtA) to restore the Nature-based farming methodology, like the one we’ve developed Symbiotic integrated farming methods in which the yield gets multiplied, input cost is reduced and the farms go diseases, pests and weather resilient.
VegTech Invest
VegTech Invest is committed to impact investing through its public markets ETF in sustainable food systems transformation through protein diversification and innovation. It does this for people, nature and climate, as well as investors.
Vietnam National Plant Genebank, Plant Resources Center (PRC)
PGRFA is a basic fundamental of agro-ecology and the food system, and provides almost all of the demands of food to the people, animals. We could track transformations and transition of agro-ecology and food systems from change of PGRFA due to various times. We are so happy to cooperate in supporting pilots, measure and track the transformation and transition of agro-ecology and food system in Vietnam.
Walton Family Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation aims to shift food production systems to ensure there is sufficient healthy, available water for people and nature to thrive in the face of climate change. Our funding will support solutions in three geographies: the Colorado River Basin, the Mississippi River Basin and our Oceans.
Women Advancing Nutrition Dietetics and Agriculture (WANDA)
At Women Advancing Nutrition, Dietetics, and Agriculture (WANDA), we are deeply committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and nature-positive food systems that empower women, girls, and communities across the African diaspora. We believe that sustainable food systems begin with the frontline actors—farmers, nutritionists, chefs, health professionals, and community advocates—who are directly connected to the land and the health of their communities.
In alignment with the UN Food Systems Call to Action, WANDA is focused on the following priority actions:
- Empowering Black Women Food Entrepreneurs: Through educational resources, advocacy, and direct support, we are helping Black women to lead in agriculture, nutrition, and food policy. Our programs provide training in sustainable, climate-smart practices and support entrepreneurial efforts that enrich communities while protecting the environment.
- Advancing Food as Medicine: Recognizing food as a vital component of health and well-being, WANDA promotes culturally relevant and nutritious diets through community health initiatives and public policy advocacy. By bridging food, health, and culture, we support food systems that nourish communities and address health disparities, particularly those impacting Black women and vulnerable populations.
- Education and Youth Engagement: WANDA is investing in the next generation by equipping young people with the skills and knowledge to advance sustainable food systems. Our outreach and educational programs emphasize food sovereignty, climate resilience, and nutrition literacy, fostering a new generation committed to sustainable and just food practices.
As part of this commitment, WANDA will continue to work with stakeholders, both local and global, to drive actions that promote resilience, equity, and health within food systems. We look forward to collaborating with other Non-State Actors to transform food systems for people, nature, and climate, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
World Animal Protection
World Animal Protection (WAP), alongside allies and representatives from impacted and frontline communities, has crafted a white paper titled “The Just Transition from Industrial Animal Production to Equitable, Humane, and Sustainable Food Systems.” Developed through extensive consultations with feedback from over 120 individuals from 72 organizations representing youth, women, farmer, and worker constituencies across 35 countries, this paper ensures their voices are reflected and support their narrative.
The white paper brings together diverse civil society organizations around a shared vision of an equitable, humane, and sustainable food system. It outlines pathways to transform the food system, aiming to build a global movement to phase out industrial animal agriculture in favor of agroecology and humane food systems.
The paper advocates for a transition targeting industrialized production and agribusinesses, while acknowledging the importance of culturally-appropriate meat consumption and traditional livestock systems in various communities. It highlights the essential role of smallholder farmers, pastoralists, small-scale fishers, women, Indigenous peoples, and peasants in providing nutritious food. The transition seeks to improve their conditions and livelihoods by adopting agroecology, high welfare standards, and recognizing traditional land rights, especially for marginalized groups such as women, people of color, and Indigenous communities.
It outlines a roadmap to accelerate the just transition to a climate-resilient food system that is locally and democratically governed, mitigates greenhouse gas emissions, promotes biodiversity, protects animal welfare, empowers workers, and advances food sovereignty to ensure food security.
This global framework is designed to be adaptable to local contexts, considering current legislation, cultural sensitivities, community-based solutions, levels of animal-sourced food consumption and production, and the extent of industrial animal agriculture in different regions. The goal is to support governments in accelerating food systems transformation to address the climate crisis urgently.
WAP and its allies will advocate for this transition at the national level across various regions worldwide.
World Benchmarking Alliance
The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) is committed to transforming food systems by assessing the progress of the private sector on its food systems commitments and actions. WBA assesses and ranks 350 of the world’s most influential food and agriculture companies on their social, environmental, and nutrition performance.
WBA has published two iterations of its Food and Agriculture Benchmark in 2021 and 2023, consecutively and will continue publishing benchmarks leading up to the 2030 agenda. WBA calls for corporate accountability referring to the findings of its benchmark and works with its alliance to drive responsible corporate behavior. WBA’s alliance consisting of over 400 organizations comprised of civil society, investors, multilateral organizations, and other stakeholders is a key component of WBA’s mission. Everyone has a role to play in driving corporate accountability.
WBA commits to providing its methodology, ranking, findings, and dataset freely and accessible to the public.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
As leading businesses, we continue to advocate for accelerated action to achieve sustainable food systems; a vision we share with ambitious governments and other non-state actors. While progress to date is welcome, it is insufficient. To deliver the step change in ambition needed, the following strategies must underpin our collective efforts. As companies, we commit to adopting these across our operations and value chains, and call on our industry peers, governments and non-state actors to work with us to drive their wide scale adoption.
Leverage the food sector’s unique capabilities, including mitigating climate change through both emissions reductions and removals, while building resilience. With land-based emissions dominating the sector’s greenhouse gas footprint, as businesses we must set scope 3 targets and urgently scale in-value chain interventions in line with the 1.5 degree pathway.
Take a systemic approach, given the sector’s position at the nexus of multiple interrelated imperatives including food and nutrition security, livelihoods, biodiversity and climate change. As part of their sustainability transition businesses must address inequality across all stages of the value chain, co-creating solutions with farmers and other stakeholders, to strengthen food and nutrition security, and build nature-positive supply chains.
Integrate food system sustainability across decision-making. Our core business functions such as finance, risk and procurement should specifically target sustainability outcomes.
Strengthen accountability, improving corporate performance and building trust. Businesses must disclose sustainability performance through established channels, building the data systems required and contributing knowledge to ongoing efforts to harmonize methodologies, standards and reporting requirements, including in complex areas such as scope 3, living incomes and nutrition, needed to incentivize food system investments.
Utilize the power of multistakeholder collaboration, to address interdependencies and deliver our shared vision. To build alignment at all levels as businesses we must adopt best practice in stakeholder consultation and responsible policy engagement principles, while contributing to multistakeholder action.
World Farmers Organisation
Farmers are at the heart of Food Systems. Farmers are ready to partner with the other actors in the value chain, as well as with other private and public stakeholders to run together an effective path towards sustainability. The partnership-based approach promoted in the NSA CTA will allow the actors in the Food Systems to invest together in win win solutions where Farmers are no longer the target but co-creators and co-developers of policies and programs at national level, through their national Farmers Organisations. Also, Farmers organisations are keen to partner with governments for the design and implementation of the Food Systems National pathways, the NDCs and the NAPs.
WWF is actively working on food systems transformation in countries, landscapes, seascapes and riverscapes around the world, and is ready to help translate ambitious global climate commitments into national-level action.
Our place-based approach is simple. First, using our Solving the Great Food Puzzle methodology and typology, identify the highest impact actions and pair them with policies (including ambitious NDCs) that will work in countries and the world’s most biologically diverse landscapes and ecosystems, based on local environmental, social, political and economic conditions. Second, pair these actions with the right innovation, for the right impact in the right place, using our innovation framework. Third, leveraging our presence in more than 100 countries, work with local stakeholders and communities to build a robust ecosystem of support that can scale implementation on the ground and in the water, especially places with the most vulnerable socio-economic and environmental contexts.
This approach connects food-based climate action with the protection and restoration of nature, and ensuring that everyone has enough healthy and nutritious food. We believe the solutions that will deliver most impact in the shortest time are integrated across the issues of nature, climate, and food and nutrition security, delivering multiple benefits to multiple stakeholders.
Yielder endorses the CtA programme and is actively involved in developing outreach and training for farmers in East Africa to inform them about climate smart farming including the sustainability of soil and planet-friendly soul management.
Young Emerging Farmers Initiative (YEFI)
YEFI will focus on empowering frontline food systems actors, with a particular emphasis on women and youth. Our actions will include providing them with decision-making agency, acknowledging and rewarding their contributions to sustainable food production, and ensuring they operate within planetary boundaries. YEFI commits to promoting a just transition, advancing equitable livelihoods, engaging stakeholders and rights-holders meaningfully, and addressing land and resource tenure for marginalized groups. We recognize and respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, including their rights to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, land, and self-determination. YEFI will actively participate in multi-stakeholder collaboration, fostering learning, exchange, and coordination with other Non-State Actors and Governments.
Furthermore, YEFI acknowledges the vital role of National Governments in food systems transformation and commits to supporting the implementation of the Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action. We call on Governments to strengthen their NDCs, reorient agricultural policies, and create the enabling conditions necessary for the achievement of our shared vision. YEFI commits to annually monitor and report on our efforts to progress food systems transformation priorities until 2030. We are ready to collaborate with Governments and other Non-State Actors to lead this ambitious agenda, unlocking the potential of food systems as a solution for people, nature, and climate.
Youth in Agroecology and Restoration Network
The Youth in Agroecology and Restoration Network shares the vision of the call to action. YARN is a network of youth-led civil society groups, farmers, scientists, and activists from the Global South. Our collective focus is on harnessing the principles of agroecology and regenerative practices to champion the right to healthy food, restore soil health, and align agrifood systems with the landscape restoration, conservation and adaptation agenda, and the global sustainable development goals. As we approach COP30 in Brazil in 2025, bridging the gap between countries’ current climate commitments and the transformative actions required is paramount.
We believe that the key to mitigating climate change lies at the farm gate. Our work therefore centers on mainstreaming food and farming systems rooted in agroecology, regenerative practices, and indigenous foodways into the next round of NDCs and NAPs ahead of COP. This is vital to ensuring that world leaders and country negotiators arrive at COP29 and COP30 with pathways that can repair people-nature relationships.
Our interventions engage with diverse stakeholders to bring the marginalized voices of smallholders to the fore, to empower co-creation of inclusive, just, fair, and climate-resilient solutions for food systems and concrete roadmap for adaptation and resilience in international climate policies. We aim not only to influence international climate decisions but also to build a social movement for locally-led, radical change shaped by the collective voices of “the marginalized”. We also aim to bring authentic narrative of food-climate-nature nexus and farmers’ voices to the forefront of the climate debate, to prevent maladaptation and maximize beneficial outcomes – for people, nature, and the planet.
Zero Foodprint
We accelerate regeneration of working lands by mobilizing the food economy to directly finance the transition. We lead public private collaborations with state agencies and regional governments to leverage ongoing commitments from 80+ businesses. We are also pushing for local policies/programs to create ongoing funding (e.g. $1 per trash bill or 1% at businesses for healthy soil instead of $1 per energy bill to improve the grid).
المكتب العربي للشباب والبيئة
تلعب النظم الغذائية دوراً حيوياً في الحفاظ على استدامة الحياة على كوكب الأرض؛ فالغذاء حق أساسي للإنسان وركيزة أساسية لتعزيز الروابط الاجتماعية والثقافية والاقتصادية بين الشعوب. نظراً للتحديات الهائلة التي تواجهها نظم الغذاء في الوقت الحالي، مثل تغير المناخ وتدهور الأراضي وفقدان التنوع البيولوجي والصراعات، فإنه من الضروري اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة وفاعلة لتحقيق أهداف مبادرة “النظم الغذائية: دعوة للعمل” في منطقة العالم العربي.
تتأثر نظم الغذاء في مصر بشدة بسبب التغيرات المناخية، بسبب الجفاف وارتفاع درجات الحرارة، بسبب تأثيرها على الإنتاج الزراعي والأمن الغذائي. لذا يجب تعزيز قدرة نظم الغذاء على التكيف من خلال تبني ممارسات زراعية مستدامة وتحسين إدارة الموارد الطبيعية، كما يُعَد استقرار المياه قضية حاسمة في منطقة العالم العربي، حيث تستخدم الزراعة نحو 70% من المياه العذبة. لذا، من الضروري تعزيز إدارة الموارد المائية بشكل متكامل ومستدام لتحسين جودة وتوفير المياه بشكل كافٍ للزراعة والأغراض الأخرى. يُسهم الاستثمار في تقنيات الري الحديثة والحفاظ على الأنظمة البيئية المرتبطة بالمياه في تحقيق استقرار المياه. علاوة على ذلك، من المهم تعزيز التعاون الإقليمي والدولي لتبادل المعرفة وأفضل الممارسات في إدارة الموارد المائية.
يشكل الاستخدام المفرط للمواد الكيميائية في الزراعة تهديداً كبيراً لصحة الإنسان والبيئة. لذلك، من الضروري تعزيز الممارسات الزراعية المستدامة التي تقلل من الاعتماد على الكيماويات، مثل الزراعة العضوية والزراعة المستدامة التي تحافظ على صحة التربة وتزيد من قدرتها على تخزين الكربون. هذه الممارسات تسهم في تحسين جودة المنتجات الزراعية، والحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي، وتقليل الانبعاثات الغازية المسببة للاحتباس الحراري.
تحديات نظم الغذاء في مصر تتطلب استثمارات كبيرة لتطوير البنية التحتية الزراعية وتحسين التقنيات المستخدمة، وتوجيه التمويل نحو مشروعات تعزز استدامة نظم الغذاء وتتكيف مع التغيرات المناخية. والتزام المنطقة العربية بمبادرة “النظم الغذائية: دعوة إلى العمل” لتحقيق تغيير جذري في طريقة إنتاج واستهلاك الغذاء، مع التركيز على الاستدامة البيئية والعدالة الاجتماعية.
هذا ويؤكد المكتب العربي للشباب والبيئة دعمه لهذه المبادرة الهامة.
جمعية ليبيا الجديدة للبيئة والموارد الطبيعية
تسعى جمعية ليبيا الجديدة جاهدة لتحقيق مستقبل أكثر استدامة من خلال
- البحث والتطوير: تبني أحدث التقنيات الصديقة للبيئة وإجراء التجارب الميدانية.
- التوعية والتثقيف: تنظيم حملات توعية، وإعداد برامج تعليمية بيئية في المدارس.
- الدعوة والمناصرة: الضغط على صناع القرار لتبني سياسات بيئية فعالة.
- الشراكات: بناء شبكة علاقات واسعة مع المنظمات المحلية والدولية.
نؤمن بأن الاستثمار في البيئة هو استثمار في مستقبل أجيالنا القادمة، ونؤكد التزامنا بدعم مبادرة النظام الغذائي المستدام.”
مؤسسة المنتدى المصري للتنمية المستدامة
نشر نماذج الزراعات الغذائية المستدامة – حشد الجهود لمناصر قضية الغذاء المستدام – التعرف على التجارب المستدامة الناجحه – تنفيذ حملات المناصرة والدعوة باستخدام وسائل التواصل المختلفة
- 认知目标/知识与技能:人类生存所不可或缺的核心知识和基本技能
体验目标/情感态度与价值观:学习兴趣、学习态度、人生态度以及个人价值与社会价值的统 一。能够对可持续发展产生兴趣、明白粮食、节约粮食的重要性、如何更好的节约粮食,能够通