List of signatories of the Food Systems to Call to Action

The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions (HLCs) have collaborated with Non-State Actors – from farmers and fishers to businesses, cities, civil society, consumers and all those engaged in food systems – to develop a Non-State Actors Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate. The Call to Action mobilizes collective efforts around a shared vision of food systems that deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature, and climate by 2030. Through this shared agenda, we aim to scale action, raise ambition, and unlock the potential of food systems as one of the main solutions for people, nature, and climate. Below are a list of endorsers of the CTA. By Climate Champions | December 1, 2023
  1. 4iAfrica
  2. 4SD foundation
  3. Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  4. Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)
  5. ADM Capital
  6. Africa Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
  7. African Climate Foundation
  8. Agroecology Coalition
  9. Agroecology Fund
  10. Agropecuaria La Criolla S.A.
  11. Aleph Farms
  12. AMAGRO A.G.
  13. Aquatic Blue Food Coalition
  14. Asia Investor Group on Climate Change
  15. B Lab Global
  16. Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome na Guiné-Bissau 
  17. Banco de Alimentos Paraguay
  18. BEL
  19. Bezos Earth Fund
  20. Bio Food Products Ltd
  21. BIO Natura GABON
  22. Biodiversity Television Network (BTN-TV)
  23. Biome Makers
  24. Bioversity International UK/USA
  25. C40 Cities
  26. Cafedirect PLC
  27. CARE
  28. Cellular Agriculture Europe
  29. Center for Global Commons at U-Tokyo
  30. Center for Study Indonesian Food Anthropology and Social Enterprise Gastro Tourism Academy
  31. Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD), University of Cambridge, UK
  32. Centre Multifonctionnel de Bepanda pour les personnes socialement vulnérables (CMB)
  33. Ceres
  34. CGIAR
  35. Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
  36. Chilis on Wheels
  37. China Association for Social and Economic Systematic Analysis
  38. Christian Aid
  39. Citizens’ Climate International
  40. Clarmondial
  41. CLAS Coalition for Americas’ Health
  42. Cleantech21 Foundation
  43. Clim-Eat
  44. Climate Action Network Uganda
  45. Climate Bonds Initiative
  46. Climate-KIC
  47. ClimateWorks Foundation
  48. Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH)
  49. Coalizão Brasil Clima, Florestas e Agricultura
  50. Commonland
  51. Compassion in World Farming
  52. Conservation International
  53. Consumers International
  54. COP28 Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes
  55. CORDIO East Africa
  56. CREA Argentina
  57. Danone
  58. Degas Ghana Limited 
  59. dsm-firmenich
  60. Eastern Africa Farmers Federation (EAFF)
  61. Earth Analytics Group
  62. Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum
  63. EAT
  64. Ecosistema Jaguar
  65. Eja-Ice Limited
  66. Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
  67. Environmental Defense Fund
  68. European Carbon Farmers
  69. European Climate Foundation
  70. Farm Journal Foundation
  71. Farmbiosis
  72. Farmers’ Seed Network (China)
  73. Food and Land Use Coalition
  74. Food Bank Botswana
  75. Food Banks Canada
  76. Food for Humanity Initiative
  77. Food Future Foundation
  78. Food Security Foundation India, India Food Banking Network
  79. Food Systems Pavilion
  80. Food Tank
  81. Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
  82. Fundación Nueva Generación Argentina
  83. Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina
  84. Future Economy Forum
  85. Future Food Movement
  86. Galletas Gullón S.A.
  87. GAWA Capital
  88. Gendercc Southern Africa Women for Climate Justice
  89. Georgian Farmers’ Association
  90. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
  91. Global Alliance of Territorial Communities
  92. Global Alliance for the Future of Food
  93. Global Commons Alliance
  94. Global Methane Hub
  95. Good Food Finance Network
  96. Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment
  97. Greenovation Hub
  98. Greenspoon
  99. Griffith Foods
  100. Growing to Give
  101. GYBN Niger
  102. Health of the Soil International 
  103. Heifer International
  104. Heliopolis University
  105. HowGood
  106. Humane Society International
  107. ICLEI CityFood
  108. ID Capital Pte
  109. IFOAM – Organics International
  110. IKEA Foundation
  111. Indah Budiani
  112. Indigo Ag 
  113. Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
  114. Institute for Climate and Peace
  115. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  116. Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia
  117. Instituto Regenera
  118. Inter IKEA Services B.V.
  119. International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)
  120. International Plant Based Foods Working Group
  121. International Union for Conservation of Nature
  122. Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers
  123. Jeremy Coller Foundation
  124. JVE International
  125. Level4international 
  126. Maa Ayodhya Seva Sansthan
  127. Macdoch Foundation
  128. Madre Brava
  129. McKnight Foundation
  130. Mercy For Animals
  131. Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust
  132. Mighty Earth
  133. Mission East
  134. Mo Ibrahim Foundation
  135. Mosa Meat
  136. Mulloon Institute
  137. Municipality of Funchal
  138. Natural Capitalism Solutions
  139. Nestlé
  140. NeverEndingFood Permaculture
  141. No Hunger Food Bank 
  142. Novolyze
  143. NYC Mayor’s Office of Food Policy
  144. OCP Group
  145. Ode Partners
  146. One Earth
  147. One planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
  148. Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
  149. Paulig Group
  150. Pegasus Capital Advisors
  151. Philanthropic Collaboration for Renegerative and Agroecological Transitions
  152. Planet Tracker
  153. Plant Based Treaty
  154. Plataforma LEDS LAC
  155. Plenty
  156. Pollination
  157. Practical Action
  158. Proforest
  159. ProVeg International
  160. Rainforest Alliance
  161. Rare
  162. Red de Bancos de Alimentos de México
  163. Regen10
  164. RegensHope Initiative
  165. Regional Impact Trade Alliance
  166. Resilience Rising
  167. Rikolto
  168. Robert Bosch Stiftung
  169. Robertson Foundation
  170. RURAL PM
  171. Savoir Consulting: ESG, Sustainability, Food & Agribusiness
  172. SDG2 Advocacy Hub
  173. SDSN
  174. Seawards
  175. SEKEM
  176. Shamba Centre for Food & Climate
  177. Shenzhen GoalBlue Low Carbon Development Promoting Center
  178. Simon Fraser University 
  179. Skills4impact
  182. Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions
  183. Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
  184. Stronger Foundations for Nutrition
  185. Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment
  186. Sustainability Impact Network Africa
  187. Sustainable Food Trust
  188. Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
  189. Syngenta Group
  190. SynTao Co., Ltd.
  191. Systemiq
  192. Tapp Coalition
  193. Tetra Pak
  194. Thai Union Group PCL
  195. The Advanced Plant Growth Centre
  196. the Blended Finance Taskforce
  197. The Club of Rome
  198. The Egyptian Bio-Dynamic Association – EBDA
  199. the Farm of Francesco
  200. The Food Foundation
  201. The Food System Resiliency Table
  202. The Global FoodBanking Network
  203. The Good Food Fund
  204. The Good Food Institute
  205. The Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (TIP)
  206. The Inga Foundation USA
  207. The Just Rural Transition Secretariat
  208. The Nature Conservancy
  209. The Power of Nutrition
  210. The Rockefeller Foundation
  211. The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) 
  212. Transforming Urban Rural Food Systems Consortium 
  213. True Value of Food Initiative
  214. Unilever
  215. UNISC International
  216. VegTech Invest
  217. Veris Strategies
  218. Viña Polkura
  219. Walton Family Foundation
  220. We Mean Business Coalition
  221. Wellbeing Economy Alliance
  222. Wetlands International
  223. World Animal Protection
  224. World Benchmarking Alliance
  225. World Business Council for Sustainable Development
  226. World Farmers Organisation
  227. World Future Council
  228. World Resources Institute
  229. WWF
  230. Young Emerging Farmers Initiative (YEFI)
  231. YOUNGO
  232. Youth in Agroecology and Restoration Network
  233. 上海绿色光年环保服务中心 (Shanghai Green Lightyear Environmental Protection Service Center)
  234. 山水自然保护中心 (Shanshui Nature Conservation Center)
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