Financing urban mobility to improve energy efficiency in Tunisia

By Climate Champions | November 6, 2023

Listen to Fathia Neji, Director of Strategy and Projects for Tunisia’s Ministry of Transport explain why investing in additional metro lines will benefit the health, wealth and livelihoods of the country and its people.

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Electrifying Public Transport: a Route to Africa’s Just Transition

Jit Bhattacharya, co-founder of Kenya-based electric vehicle technology company, BasiGo BasiGo is an electric vehicle technology and financing company dedicated to introducing electric bus services in sub-Saharan Africa. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, the company provides state-of-the-art, electric buses, along with charging and maintenance services for city bus operators. We spoke to BasiGo’s co-founder, Silicon-Valley innovator, […]


Women shaping the future of maritime: Jaeda Sutherland

To celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime 2024, the Climate Champions with Lloyd Register Foundation interviewed women steering maritime onto a cleaner and fairer future. In this interview, Jaeda Simone Sutherland, Project Officer at the Belize Port Authority explains why she’s committed to shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for generations to come.


Women shaping the future of maritime: Aideé Saucedo Dávila

To celebrate International Day for Women in Maritime 2024, the Climate Champions with Lloyd Register Foundation interviewed women steering maritime onto a cleaner and fairer future. In this interview, Aideé Saucedo Dávila, Technical Officer at the UN International Maritime Organization discusses her work in reducing emissions from international shipping and examining their potential impacts on States.