Call for Partnerships

By Climate Champions | January 22, 2021

COP26 is a key moment for the Paris Agreement and for global leadership in climate change. To deliver on our ambition, the High Level Climate Champions have established a team of global experts across a variety of key sectors and knowledge communities. The Climate Champions team and the UNFCCC secretariat are focusing on delivering six key objectives:

  • Deliver a 10x increase in net-zero commitments from non-state actors and strengthen resilience for people and communities most vulnerable to climate change
  • Deliver breakthrough momentum against defined “tipping points” for industrial systems transformation in key sectors
  • Support diplomatic efforts through non-state actor channels
  • Enhance engagement and agency across non-state actor groups
  • Win the narrative battle on action and progress, and
  • Establish an infrastructure to drive a decade of climate action

During 2020, we have made significant progress in all these areas and we are set, with partners, to make 2021 the most impactful year for climate action. We are currently expanding our team and have a number of vacant positions, which we seek to fill through pro-bono secondments or sponsored roles. The main requirements are set out in the table below, but there are other opportunities to contribute too so please do get in touch to discuss.

Pro Bono Opportunities

Systems Transformation Team

  • Programme support & analysts: Suitable for staff at the start or early on in their career, wishing to contribute to – and seeking to build up experience in – systems transformation in a specific sector or area
  • Associates: Suitable for staff with specialisms in one or more of the following areas: transport, energy, finance, industry and nature based solutions


  • Programme support and associates: Suitable for staff with stakeholder engagement experience with one or more of the following groups: (a) businesses (b) national, regional and city governments (c) communities and individual groups


  • Associates: Suitable for staff with experience and track record of resilience programmes and campaigns
  • Programme support & analysts: Suitable for staff at at the start or early on in their career, wishing to contribute to – and seeking to build up experience in – resilience and campaign activity

Programme development, management & operations

The following positions are suitable for staff with strong organisational skills and operational experience, with a commitment to support the development of the Climate Champions team and the wider infrastructure needed to drive a decade of climate action

  • Administrative support, finance and operations
  • Programme management
  • HR & Legal

The positions are open to all organisations with a deep commitment to climate action and accelerated transformation to reach net-zero.

Please contact if you are interested in discussing any of the pro-bono roles above or wider partnership opportunities.

You are also welcome to contact the Climate Champions Director of Operations directly: or +44 787 989 4045.


COP27: Day 10

Across the two weeks, non-State actors offered a wide range of actions, announcements, and events across thematic areas. This included the launch of the African Cities Water Adaptation Fund, an African-led insurance commitment to provide cover for up to USD 14 billion in climate losses, and the Sharm-El-Sheik Adaptation Agenda in partnership with the COP27 Presidency.