The 2030 Breakthrough

Double the share of energy efficient and fossil-free forms of land transport for people and goods by 2030, by focusing on shifts to public transport, walking, cycling and rail freight, as well as electric vehicles and railways.

Driving change Tracking Progress



How industry and infrastructure can help

  1. Set ambitious targets to shift to electric and zero emissions light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles and electrified rail.
  2. Implement integrated policies and regulations to mandate and incentivise the use of renewable energy, e.g., renewable electricity, renewable fuels and renewable-based fuels.

How the market can influence change

  1. Enable the purchase and production of renewable energy for land transport.

The role of public and private financing

  1. Invest at scale in public and collective transport, railway, safe walking, cycling and micro-mobility networks and infrastructure.
  2. Repurpose funds currently going towards fossil fuels subsidies in transport or other polluting activities towards more sustainable, low emission and resilient transport of people and goods.

How governments and organizations can support achieving

  1. Implement integrated land, transport and energy planning and management approaches.
  2. Set robust standards to increase vehicle energy efficiency and reduce vehicle size and volume.

Mobilizing the "third sector"

  1. Foster knowledge and data sharing, peer learning and capacity building for the uptake of sustainable, low-emission and resilient transport of people and goods.

    Between now and February 2025, when NDC 3.0 submissions are due, there is a crucial window of opportunity for countries to enhance the ambition of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), including in support of the A-S breakthrough. This is particularly critical as global transport emissions are rising at an alarming rate, making it the fastest-growing source of emissions worldwide. Reversing this trend is essential, as highlighted in the First Global Stocktake, calling for parties toaccelerate the reduction of emissions from road transport on a range of pathways, including through the development of infrastructure and rapid deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles”. 

    Transport is a cornerstone of economic prosperity and livelihoods. In 2021, it contributed 7% (USD 6.8 trillion) of the global GDP and provided jobs for 5.6% of the global workforce (193 million people). In the context of a climate emergency, it is more important than ever for countries to adopt ambitious, actionable plans for decarbonizing transport, adapting to climate impacts, and ensuring resilience in transport systems, all while fostering a just transition. In light of this, the sustainable transport community have developed materials that can support Parties in meaningfully enhancing ambition in their NDCs for transport:

    Active Travel NDC Template

    Public Transport NDC Template

    Rail NDC Template

    PopularTransport NDC Template

    Other materials can be found in:

    Guidance for Transport in NDCs – ITF

    SLOCAT NDC Library



Acknowledging the organizations & countries supporting this future