Urban Sustainability Directors Network Resilience Hubs
Initiative overview: Hosted by the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), the Resilience Hubs initiative aims to serve local governments by developing community facilities that educate residents and coordinate resource distribution and services before during or after climate natural hazard events. In particular, the Resilience Hubs ensure effective programmes, structure of buildings, provision of power, ability to communicate and staffing to enable continued operations.
Benefits: Resilience Hubs provides guidance on how to set up and operationalise new Resilience Hubs. Organisations contributing to these have the opportunity to both improve climate resilience, and address racial inequity, providing better preparedness, response and recovery to disasters in areas where employees, suppliers, customers or local communities are situated.
Geographic coverage: Americas: USA and Canada. Plans to expand to New Zealand.
Case studies: Resilience Hubs shares Progress Reports that demonstrate how organisations have delivered greater resilience.
Suitable for: Businesses, civil society and governments.
How to join: Primarily targeting local government and community organisations, businesses can join by providing funds, or resources – for example ‘adopting a hub’ or provide support for multiple hubs via the USDN. They would then sign an MOU which includes a commitment to the holistic vision of resilience and the specified approach to resilience hubs, as well as promising to share knowledge with others in the network via a creative commons. There are no fees to join.
Website: http://resilience-hub.org/what-are-hubs/
Contact Name / Email: Kristin Baja (“Baja”) / kristinbaja@usdn.org