Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a multi sectoral coalition of Japanese non-state actors with over 720 signatories including companies, investors, municipalities, research institutions and civil society organisations that make efforts to realise the decarbonized society envisioned by the Paris Agreement. The JCI Race To Zero Circle is an inner circle of signatories that join Race To Zero and take the lead in achieving net-zero goals along the 1.5C pathways.
To support the circle members, JCI holds seminars on global/domestic net-zero trends and policies, creates opportunities for them to share their own efforts on the website and in events, and issues joint statements to call for more ambitious climate policies. JCI tracks progress of the members through annual reporting, and is working on updating its entry criteria.
As of November 2022, JCI has 31 members who are part of Race to Zero.