Climate Heritage Network
Initiative overview: Set up in 2019 at COP25, and hosted by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the Climate Heritage Network seeks to aid heritage actors to ensure arts, culture and heritage is integrated into city planning and management in support of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. The network supports cities, regions, local governments and indigenous peoples and has mobilised working groups aiming to delivery 8 scaleable action and policy outcomes including the mainstreaming of heritage into planning to support climate action by indigenous people.
Benefits: Members benefit from best practice sharing, collaboration and the development of innovative climate solutions.
Geographic coverage: Africa: Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe. Americas: Argentina, Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, USA. Asia – Pacific: Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand. Europe: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK. Middle East: Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Turkey. SIDS: Cabo Verde, Cayman Islands, Fiji.
Case studies: The Climate Heritage Network is preparing a study looking at culture-based strategies that simultaneously advance climate adaptation and mitigation, as an input to COP26 and to present at the UCLG Culture Summit in Ismir, Turkey.
Suitable for: Businesses, civil society, financial institutions and governments.
How to join: Architectural and design practices or other businesses involved in the arts and culture are invited to join by signing a MOU. There is no fee to join but members are asked to collaborate, bringing their skills and in-kind contributions and donations are welcome.
Contact Name / Email: Andrew Potts /