We are at a crossroads
With every tenth of a degree of warming, we choose to inflict more pain on ourselves, our businesses and communities, our children and their children.
With every tenth of a degree of warming, we choose to inflict more pain on ourselves, our businesses and communities, our children and their children.
The scale of emissions-related innovation is welcome but the pace must not be allowed to slow if global shipping is to achieve a 5% zero-emission fuel target by 2030, argue Climate Champion Katharine Palmer and Global Maritime Forum CEO, Johannah Christensen.
Karim Elgendy, Chatham House & Martina Juvara, International Society of City and Regional Planners, explain why the UK’s planning system tool could be central to integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation in cities.
Youth voices are pivotal to elevating climate ambition and driving systemic change. And the Climate Champions are committed to integrating these vital actors into the core of our work.
South Africa is proactively responding to climate change through adaptation-focused regulation and green energy investments.
Communities across the world are coming up with locally-led solutions to help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change.
The share of the world’s population living in cities is expected to rise to 80% by 2050, from 55% now.
The latest IPCC report and Ukraine crisis show the urgency of phasing out fossil fuels, investing in renewables and developing sustainable agriculture, explains Egyptian UN Climate Change High-Level Champion, Mahmoud Mohieldin.
Direct air capture could be a solution for combatting carbon emissions that are hard to avoid – like those from certain industries – and for removing carbon that has been emitted over past decades.
The NHS – which makes up 4% of the UK’s total carbon footprint – is aiming to reach net zero by 2045. If it succeeds, it’s likely to become the world’s first healthcare system to do so.
Indigenous rights activist and lawyer, Cindy Kobei discusses custodianship, the law, deepening equalities caused by the climate crisis, and the need to rekindle our connection with the natural world.
Never in the history of humankind have we been faced with such a stark choice: to act now or risk losing it all forever.
Written feedback process launches for final part of the 2022 Race to Zero Criteria Consultation process
Convened by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, a series of working groups are tackling how to strengthen, update, consolidate and provide additional clarity and transparency for the work of the Race to Zero.
This week’s spring meetings at the IMF and World Bank must be used as an opportunity for public and private finance leaders to come together and forge new approaches to removing barriers to net zero.
An A380 Airbus recently flew for three hours with one engine powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), made from used cooking oil and other fats.
Current research at the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge University tackles how we can reinvigorate the world’s largest potential carbon sinks: oceans.
Seafood firms can reduce their impact on climate and the oceans – and in doing so can ensure they have a long-term thriving business, writes Nigel Topping, UN High Level Champion for Climate Action at COP26.
A new AI-based study compares cities’ trees and lakes to how much concrete they have, to gauge their ability to respond to climate shocks.
For the first time, wind and solar generated more than 10% of electricity globally in 2021, according to latest data.
It will take enormous flexibility, interconnectivity, and storage, but it is possible — explains the latest episode of Inside the Energy Transition.