How cities are detoxing transportation

By TED Countdown | October 21, 2020

People around the world are demanding clean air — and cities are starting to respond, says electrification advocate Monica Araya. She takes us on a world tour of urban areas that are working to fully electrify their transportation systems over the next decade, shifting to emission-free motorcycles, cars, buses, ferries and beyond. See what a future without the internal combustion engine could look like — and what it will take to get there.

This talk was presented at an official TED conference.


C40’s Mark Watts on harnessing cities’ power to supercharge national climate goals

As countries prepare to share their post-2030 climate commitments, so-called ‘Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs)’, we spoke to Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40, the global network of nearly 100 mayors from the world’s leading cities united in  confronting the climate crisis, on the massive potential for regions and cities to boost the ambition and effectiveness of […]


إليكم سبب وجوب دمج الطبيعة في البنية التحتية الحضرية

من ضمن الالتزامات العديدة الرائدة التي تم الاستماع إليها في قمة المناخ COP26 إلى نتائج الجزء الأول من اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي COP15 في أكتوبر الماضي ، هناك اعتراف متزايد بأن معظم التحديات العالمية التي تؤثر علينا، مثل المناخ المتشابك وحالات الطوارئ الطبيعية، يمكن معالجتها من خلال روابطها الحضرية.