
Race to Zero and GFANZ: Ensuring the rigour and impact of financial sector net zero commitments and action

The financial industry is a critical enabler of efforts to decarbonize the global economy. Supported and underpinned by strong policy action, every company, bank, insurer, and investor will need to adjust their business models, develop credible plans for the transition to a net zero-carbon, climate resilient future, and then implement those plans.


Mark Carney hosts GFANZ CEOs meeting

“I was honoured to chair today’s second meeting of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) CEO Principals Group. The Group discussed the progress being made on GFANZ’s priorities, workstreams and deliverables for COP26 and beyond. We will continue to drive this work forward, to help unlock the systemic change needed to achieve the global transition to net zero.” – Mark Carney


The real economy is not a side event in the global Race to Zero

The heavy industry and long-distance transport sectors hold the key to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. Show that we can decarbonize these, and we can decarbonize the whole global economy, argue Faustine Delasalle, Co-Executive Director, Mission Possible Partnership & Anthony Robert Hobley Co-Executive Director, Mission Possible Partnership.


Governor of California: “Climate change isn’t about countries: it’s about people”

“Climate change isn’t about countries: it’s about people. It’s about the world we want to live in for generations to come and the species we share it with. In other words, it’s far too important to leave just to world leaders – this crisis requires all of us to step up” – Governor of California, Gavin Newsom explains what’s at stake.