Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe concluye con un llamado a la acción climática inclusiva y centrada en la naturaleza

En una semana marcada por la agitación sociopolítica y los impactos del clima, la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe presentó un llamado enfático para una acción climática, inclusiva y adaptativa, que coloque a la naturaleza en el centro.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Abogando por la naturaleza y la sabiduría indígena: la Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe sienta las bases para la COP28

La Semana del Clima de América Latina y el Caribe abre hoy en la Ciudad de Panamá con el objetivo de movilizar a la comunidad de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en torno a una visión común de lo que se necesita para transitar hacia un mundo de emisiones netas cero, positivo para la naturaleza y resiliente.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

LACCW Day 2: “Above all, do everything we can to protect nature. To do so means securing our own existence”

Day two of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2023 saw delegates dive deep into a broad range topics, from the future of our planet’s threatened marine ecosystems to the potential of green shipping, the transformation of our food systems, and the invaluable role of Indigenous communities in climate dialogues.

Latin America & Caribbean Climate Week

Championing nature and Indigenous wisdom: Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week sets the stage for COP28

Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW) opens in Panama City today aiming to galvanize the LAC community around a common vision of what it takes to transition to a net zero emissions, nature-positive and resilient world.

Nature & Land Use

Future proofing food for people and planet at the second UN Food Systems Summit

The scorching heat currently engulfing Rome serves as a stark backdrop to our discussions here at the second UN Food Systems Summit. Held within these ancient city walls, this conference is a timely reminder that our actions today will shape the future of our planet and generations yet to come. The science is clear – we need to transform our food system, urgently, to deliver for people and the planet. 

Race to Zero

H.E Razan Al Mubarak: Nature is not ornamental, but fundamental. LCAW opens with focus on nature and policy engagement

At the opening of London Climate Action Week, and marking the third anniversary of Race to Zero and the launch of the 5th P Handbook, prominent climate leaders came together to share their visions and strategies for accelerating our race to a net zero, nature positive and resilient world.